What would you do if......

United States
March 12, 2007 9:46am CST
Let's say that you are currently with somebody that you love very much, but you aren't married. Theres a person from your past that you once had a relationship with, it ended, up you have remained friends. This person from your past tells you that they want to try again, and want to make it work, and that they have still had feelings for you all these years. And you also have had those feelings. Over the years you have built another relationship, and are very much in love with that person. What would you do if a person from your past wanted to start things up again? Would you give up your current relationship?
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46 responses
• India
12 Mar 07
I would like to remind you one thing.Love happens only once and on only one person.If at all I break my past relation that means I dont love him truely.If I love him truely I would never think of break up.Inspite of loving him so much and i need to think of break up I may do it according to situation and I wont think of another relation like this.I conclude my opinion with one point ,it is I allways deciede to be with my true love.It can be either past or future.True love can be on only one person.
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• United States
12 Mar 07
Thank you for responding.
• United States
12 Mar 07
I don't think I would give up my current relationship as long as I was happy in it. If I tried with a person in the past and it didn't work I wouldn't want to risk losing what I have to try again.
• United States
12 Mar 07
Thank you for responding. You have a very good point.
@Rexy_leigh (1189)
• Philippines
14 Mar 07
I do believe in second chances, but in this case, I should say I would stick with my current boyfriend coz I love him so much, and I love him enough to leave the memories of the past behind. Well, why would I risk my heart on a relationship that didn't work out before where in fact I am enjoying the present relationship that I have? And more importantly, I can't afford to come to my boyfriend, and say "Ey honey, let's call it quits, my ex and I are getting back again." Isn't that heartbreaking?
@bluewings (3857)
12 Mar 07
If she approaches me not knowing that I am already in love with someone,then I would simply tell her that I respect her feelings for me and our past will stay as sweet memories in my life ,but I am truly in love with someone and I don't want to hurt her in any way because she too loves me back and more importantly ,trusts me.I am sure if she(my past love) is a true friend then she would understand realising how she would have felt if I had left her for someone else.
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• Malaysia
13 Mar 07
no way, unless my current gf doesnt want me anymore or she is not loyal to me...i will make sure i m 100% committed when i m in a relationhip
@sincere (178)
• India
12 Mar 07
First of all,i want to pray god to not to creat this type pf situation in my life.Few years ago i had a relationship with a girl,somehow it didnt work.Now i have a girlfriend and i love her a lot.if My previous GF comes across to me again,i wouldnt accept her becouse she is my past.I know i will never able to forget her,but i also cant accept her,reason is my current GF.I will ask my previous GF where were she for a long time,she has come suddenly in my life.There is no way to accept her when you have new GF and she is seriously committed to you.
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• United States
12 Mar 07
Thank you for responding. I think that it is great that you are committed to your girlfriend that much. She is a very lucky woman to have a man like you.
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@vialdana (69)
12 Mar 07
Personally don't think I'd ever be in that position as only really had 3 relationships to count before my husband, and all ended pretty finally. However I can see that it's a tough choice to make. I guess you'd kind of have to look at why the first relationship ended in the first place, and if it's likely to happen again. And also look at which option is going to make you happier in the long run. 5 mins of fun with someone isn't worth giving up a long term relationship for when you love the person you're in that relationship with, if however you feel that you'll get more from the old flame then I suppose that would be the choice you'd make. I hope this isn't a choice your faced with at the moment tator tot, sounds like a real pig of a choice to have to make hon!
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• United States
12 Mar 07
Thank you for responding. No, it's not me! I have a friend that is facing that problem. I just trying to see what people think, becasue I honestly don't know what to tell her because she does share a child with that other person from the past.
• Latvia
13 Mar 07
No, I would not give up my relationship I have now. Person from the past, uh? Well it is kind of like braking the cup of coffee - you glue it, but it will never be the same.
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@anonymili (3138)
13 Mar 07
I would ask your friend to seriously weigh up the pros and cons of going back to her old love, even if they do have a child together. How did she feel when she split from that person? Would she be able to cope with going through that again if they split again in the future? Does she not love the person she is currently with to want to break his heart? I think as with a lot of things in life, going back to old relationships is not something to do lightly. I only say she and he and mention the child as I read your comments to previous responses so I knew you were talking about a female friend. I was with my ex for 15 years and thought I could not live without him, it took me a long time to get over him. When my 2nd husband first came into my life he was always asking me at the beginning if I would leave him if my ex asked me to take him back. I always categorically said NO way and I love my husband now so much that I could not even bear the thought of hurting him by going back to someone who caused me so much pain previously. Why would I even consider it? I hope you can give your friend the right support she needs but at the end of the day it really must be her decision about what she ultimately needs to do :) Good luck. x
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
13 Mar 07
no. i won't if you love the person you are with now and in a relationship with him do not go back to the past this is a mistake alote of people do they start being nostaligic about the past and do not see what they have in the present please look at what you have now..and decide if you want to finish the relationship with him if not please tell the person from the past that that belongs to the past and he will have to overcome it
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13 Mar 07
No, I will stick to my current relationship, as long as this is true love. I forget my past and live in present and would like to make my future colorful. There has to be something which made us to be frineds with my past relationship and what guarantee , if I give a second chance, it will not repeat in my future. Vetter to go with the present and live in present and not in past.
@faraza (159)
• Malaysia
13 Mar 07
i did that few years ago and it was not worth it. he was my first love, i knew him in and out. we broke up last time because of the distance. i had to further my study hundreds kilometers away. but the relationship only lasted for 6 months. this time he went away and disappeared.
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• United States
13 Mar 07
If you two remained friends after all this time and you are now in love with someone else then you should keep your current relationship and just continue to be friends with your ex. If you got back with them you'd be ruining your current relationship and if you two broke up again you would also be ruining a friendship. I've done it trust me! Stick with your current relationship and tell the person from the past you don't want to risk losing them as a friend because it's not worth it!
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@selvi4184 (101)
• India
13 Mar 07
The person who has relationship more than one is not a genuiene one according to me. But it up to them to have number of relationship. There is nothing to hesitate to have another relationship if already they have more than one.
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• Romania
13 Mar 07
i think that wut was done is done, and there's no way you can go back with the person you've once loved and make things work. it's not like that, i mean, in a relationship, eventualy you say, hei, let's move over or,... although, if you really care about the person you're with, now, then it means that you have an idea, and you guys stay stick to it, you know... i would stay with the person i love now, in the present, and build something beautiful togeder. david.
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• United States
13 Mar 07
Well.. speaking from my personal life.. I sometimes still think about my ex. I am married though. I sometimes wonder what I would do if that came up, and I would stay with my husband. Not only is my husband a far better man than my ex ever was, he's my husband. I meant those vows when I said them. I cant help but think about my ex sometimes, and I don't know if I'll ever stop.. but I love my husband far too much to ruin our marriage.
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@fianne (1057)
• United States
13 Mar 07
wow... sounded like you are pointing out on me. heheheh... but really, i have that situation now. i had my first boyfriend. i left him because he is leaving to work as a seaman and it is hard for me to continue with o ur relationship for long distance affair. i had my present boyfriend now. i love him, too. but my ex came telling me he still loves me and he wants me to try things out again with him. yes i still have feelings for him but i love my boyfriend now.
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@joy1982 (226)
• Philippines
13 Mar 07
i will not end up my current relationship, because im already happy with my current relationship and i already invest many things.. why give up when youre already happy..
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@eshuniki (132)
• India
13 Mar 07
Since i hav read ur response to others in this situation,i know that its abt ur frnd who also has a child with the man frm the past. I think that since she has a child of that person she might think abt giving up the current relationship,but if then too its her life if she hav had problems with the man then she might hav it again, and if this man she is with now knows abt her past and still loves her then she might make a wrong decision in giving up the current relationship.
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• Australia
12 Mar 07
I haven't read any other responses but my thoughts are.... The person was your ex for a reason- it doesn't matter that you are now friends. I am in a similar situation in that I have been with my husband for 7 years, married for 3 - yet I still have strong feelings for my ex. The ex was a huge part of my life, and even after we had split up we would still spend a heap of time together. It could have been quite easy for us to get back together, but there was a reason why we had split up. In the end I moved 500km away so that I would be able to make a clean break, that doesn't mean that he still isn't in my heart. BUt it does mean that I am able to commit fully to my husband
@babynanan (133)
• Philippines
13 Mar 07
For me, i wouldn't give up my current relationship. As they say, past is past ryt? Being in a relationship ryt now should be a sign of closure that you are thru with your past and that everything in the past is just part of the memories that you had. But in the 1st place, y r u in a relationship now when you still have feelings for your past ryt? don't u think ur being unfair both 2 ur current partner and 2 urself? its just my opinion!! hehee :)all i can say, is follow ur hart and watever makes u hapi. we only live in dis world once. dont live lyf full of regrets, asking urself wat if and how come. live life 2 d fullest!! stay hapi
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