do all men cheat???
By misschriss
@misschriss (110)
United States
March 12, 2007 10:43am CST
I've always believed that all men were cheaters. I never thought that I should tolerste a man cheating on me but I've always been suspicious and unsecure. I'm married now to a man who I believe wouldn't ever cheat. However I am terrified to be wrong. He's good to me and I truly don't think he would step out of our marriage. Even though I feel this way, I live daily afraid that I will be wrong.
Is this a fair question to ask you guys to answer? If you think you have the answer respond and let me know your opinion.
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85 responses
@mrsturner (518)
• Canada
12 Mar 07
No, not all men are cheaters. I think that most of them are actually faithful to their spouses. Unfortunately, it is the ones that aren't that we hear about, that movies are made about, and tabloids make their money writing about. Something in your past must have really hurt you to make you this suspicious and afraid. It is rather unfair to your husband to paint him with this brush.
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@misschriss (110)
• United States
12 Mar 07
You know something, I like your response. You are right about my past. I have been hurt. I had 3 serious relationships before I married my husband. My husband was my friend for years before we married. One day he said he was tired of watching me get hurt and then told me he was going to marry me. I know he loves me and I don't believe that he would cheat on me. I just have a fear that he will change.
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@lonewolfnan (4366)
• Canada
12 Mar 07
Do all men cheat? Are all blondes dumb?Are brunettes smarter?Hopefully the answer to these questions is NO.You admit to being unsecure and suspicious.I am hoping your relationship with your husband is stronger than this.The important thing to remember about a relationship is to be open and honest with him.Explain your worries and feelings to him.Communication is the key.

@lonewolfnan (4366)
• Canada
12 Mar 07
The best part about advice is that you can take what you want from it that will be useful to you and throw the rest away.
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@misschriss (110)
• United States
12 Mar 07
you are right about communication. There is no doubt about having good communication with your spouce. My husband and I are very open with each other. As a matter of fact, my husband was my best friend for years before we even considered turning our relationship into an intimate relationship or marriage. He know all of my ex's personally because he was such a big part of my life. Therefore he understands my fears. I just hate the feeling of insecurity. But thank you so much for responding to me. I appreciate your advice.
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@stacyv81 (5903)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Well, they say women cheat because of emotional issues in relationships and men cheat because they think they won't get caught. I can't say all men are cheaters, but I think a lot of them are. I am sure there are men who want a loving caring relationship. So, I'd say no not all men are cheaters, you cant stereotype one gender based on even a majority of them.
I would say, to you as advice...Trust him, until you have a reason not to. And hope for the best but expect the worst. Even if you are suspicious, and insecure, you can always expect something bad to happen, but you hope it won't. Don't ruin your relationship over speculation. Enjoy it while you can. Enjoy it until there is reason not to.
@misschriss (110)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Thank you stacyv81.
I agree when you say trust him until he gives me reason not to. I just have that fear inside of me. It's almost like when a child severely hurts themself, it is hard for them to try the same activity again. But once again thanks for your reply. I will work at doing what you suggested.
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@stormygrl (761)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Be happy with the man. Not all men are cheaters. If you keep acting insecure and jealous you'll just drive him away . Doesn't necassarily mean he'll cheat but it could still drive a wedge between you.
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@misschriss (110)
• United States
12 Mar 07
I agree with you stormygrl. I make it a point to never accuse him of anything. I also have never felt like he was doing anything. I actually think I have the best husband ever. My problem is the feeling I get inside. I often fear that one day he will cheat. But thanks to all of th replies I got from this post I think I am going to feel better. Thanks for replying. I appreciate your advice. Have a great day!
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@tess1960 (2385)
• United States
12 Mar 07
misschriss, i have read your discussion and the responses. It seems to me you are insecure due to a past experince. however it may not be the experience that you think it is. My advice would be to talk to your husband again about this and tell him that you would like to talk to a professional concerning this problem for a few months. Contact a theapist and make an appt. Keep the discussion on why you feel this way and how to stop it. This could not only ruin your marriage but other parts of your life. i has a similar problem. Everyone I ever loved left me and I expected my present husband to leave me too. i had other issues also and jealousy was one. I went to a therapist once a week for awhile then once every two weeks then once a month and it felt great the last time I went and said I won't be back. My theapist assured me they were there if I needed and my husband ans I have been together for 16 years and no cheating, atleast not that I know of. I had friends tempt him at first and they got no response. I realize now if he is meant to be with me he will be faithful and stay. he gave me his word and we have lived through a lot together and I trust him. No honey, not all men are cheaters. Just some, just as not all women are cheaters, just some.
Have faith in the vows you took and be happy!
@misschriss (110)
• United States
13 Mar 07
I have done the therepy thing before he and I were married. I even took anxiety pills. I won't say if the pills worked or not because I don't want anyone to to stop or start taking meds because of what I said. My husband and I aren't at the point where I think we need therepy. I believe we are fine. I do however need to seek help for other issues I have. But when it comes to my marriage I think we are fine. My issues are indeed insecurity issues. My husband does work very hard at making me feel complete but I still fear being adequete enough for him. Thank you for your advice. Perhaps it will help other readers.
@misschriss (110)
• United States
13 Mar 07
I have done the therepy thing before he and I were married. I even took anxiety pills. I won't say if the pills worked or not because I don't want anyone to to stop or start taking meds because of what I said. My husband and I aren't at the point where I think we need therepy. I believe we are fine. I do however need to seek help for other issues I have. But when it comes to my marriage I think we are fine. My issues are indeed insecurity issues. My husband does work very hard at making me feel complete but I still fear being adequete enough for him. Thank you for your advice. Perhaps it will help other readers.
@junebug99 (37)
• United States
12 Mar 07
If Bill Clinton cheated on his wife and he was the PRESIDENT OF THE US, any man will cheat. I believe that any man under certain circumstances will cheat. Any man. Their are TV pastors who have cheated on their wives. Men cheat because of a "dogish" nature. I have personally seen married men with cute wives and children flirt with 20 year olds.

@misschriss (110)
• United States
13 Mar 07
I agree with taskr36. What does Bill Clinton have to do with anything? What does an occupation anybody has have to do with anyone's behavior? I will agree to disagree with your reasons for assuming men definately cheat.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Why do you believe that Clinton's actions are somehow representative of EVERY man? Are you some delusional liberal who thinks that he is a pillar of virtue? The guy would sleep with a monkey if he thought it was giving him the eye. The fact that you've seen married men flirt is meaningless. Flirting isn't cheating. I've never cheated on a girl and I never would. A respectable man won't even put himself into situations where he will be tempted.

@magikrose (5429)
• United States
12 Mar 07
I truly dont think all men are cheaters. Out of all the boyfriends I have had I have not been cheated on, not even in high school where you would expect it the most. I have been married now for over 6yrs and I have full faith in my husband that he loves me so much that he wouldent cheat on me. He wont even go to strip bars because he feels why go look at other women when he has one at home that he dosnt have to pay for.
@misschriss (110)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Your guy sounds wonderful. I like the part as far as not going to the strip clubs. My husband won't go either because he knows how much it pains me. He went once without me and once with me. I absolutely hated it and he knows how I felt. He says since he knows how I feel he won't go. Sometimes I feel guilty for him not going with his friends, but I know I don't want a husband that hangs out in those places. I may sound like a prude but that is how I feel. As I read these posts I love my husband even more.
@Angelinka (1410)
• Italy
13 Mar 07
i am a girl and i am absolutelly with your idea..i think all men cheat..if you fisically,mentally...
@KetanGulati (579)
• India
13 Mar 07
well let me tell you one thing for sure...."NOT ALL MEN ARE CHEATERS"...;okay.... now dun say that I am a man and I am saying that!!! but it is a fact -- i am a one girl man --- and I am so much devoted to this policy that I am still searching for that one girl -- so many gals came and went, but I stood upright because I did not find them as per my requirements,,,, moreover....I believe in those cases where man cheat -they are never ever the lone faulters..... whenever a man cheat, the woman is defintiely at fault somewhere is the case if u change the postitions of man and woman..... thus a perfect relationship has to have perfect balance form both the sides....
@jojopuff (520)
• United States
12 Mar 07
I really do not believe all men are cheaters. There are a lot of good guys out there, and a few not so good ones. You just have to find the right one who will treat you the way you should be treated. If you have no reason to suspect that your husband is cheating on you, then he most likely isn't. I think you should talk to your husband about your concerns (but be careful, don't make him feel like you are accusing him of cheating). However, only YOU can choose to change and choose to not be so insecure. Just talk things over with your husband and tell him how you feel. Communication is key!
Hope that helped!
@misschriss (110)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Thanks JoJOpuff.
You are certainly right. Communication is the key. My husband and I really do have a good understanding and feel free to discuss anything with each other. He knows that I have this fear and is workng with me to get through my fears. Thanks for responding to me.
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@prashanthalva (2272)
• India
13 Mar 07
It really depends on the man U finally get for a husband. Men for one dont like to be left alone for 5 days every month. If You can Keep him entertained throughout the month According to me Hes yours in totality.
Otherwise it Actually depends on the type of men You get. Well Did i say something wrong
@ram_cv (16513)
• India
13 Mar 07
Being a man of course I disagree :). But, then there is no end to suspicions. Don't paint a cat red and hang it. If your man cheats you then you turn on him. Just because you heard somewhere that men cheat does not mean so. There are also a lot of females who cheat in relationship, does it make all the females as cheats.
@pranesh245 (309)
• India
13 Mar 07
its a bit unfair to the world of men saying that more or less they are cheaters.There are certain exaples which may force you to beleive that they are,but you can't make a decision based upon that.If you say that your spouse is loyal to you,no need to be afraid then.As long as you are good I suppose he will prove to be loyal to you.
@smartgirl826 (106)
• India
13 Mar 07
definately all men are not chaeters. you are afraid because you have that negtive thinking in you .let that thinking go. otherwise you may suffer .feel good that your husband loves you and live a happy married life. my best wishes are with both of you.
@wahdiva (5)
• United States
13 Mar 07
I think to some degree, men get bored and need constant adventure in their lives. I know this may open a bag of worms, but I don't believe cheating has anything to do with love. I truly believe a man can go out, become intimate with another woman and still come home and love his wife.
But that being said, getting to your suspicions - something has to be making you feel that way. Does he have a lot of female friends? Is he closer to some of them than he should be? Does he seem to be hiding phone calls, text messages and emails? Is his time away from home accounted for? I really have to say that from my experiences, your intuitions are usually pretty on point.
Now I am not saying he is cheating on you at all - but something is happening to make you feel insecure? And also ask yourself, are you naturally an insecure person? Sometimes we turn our own issues into our partner's issues. A good friend of mine once told me, that if you look for anything long enough, you will surely find it. Meaning, if you look and look and look, you will surely find something to make a big deal out of when it could be nothing at all. I mean truly, and I'v even had to ask myself this before - if you have to dig and dig to find something, you don't really trust your partner. And if you don't trust your partner then why even continue a relationship when that is what a relationship is based on.
As far as tolerating a man cheating on you - I have found that we really don't know what we would do in any give situation until we are presented with it.
Not that I think that cheating is okay - but if you look at it like anything else -it's just a bad decision someone makes, much like lying. But for women and even some men, the act of sexually detraying someone charges so many emotional feelings that we mistake it as being a betrayal of love when in my opinion it is not.
You also mentioned you live daily afraid of this. With most certainty - according to the law of attraction - you may very well get what you focus on and fear the most. Instead of being afraid of him cheating - speak positive things into your marriage. Make positive actions, occupy his time, adore him, love him, be grateful for having a loving and faithful partner in your life. When you start putting fear behind you and start focusing on what you want your relationship and partner to be like - it will come to pass. So instead of fear, you will have confidence.
I hope this helps some. I know what that feeling can feel like, but I also know you have control over this situation. Just remember you will attract what you think about and focus on the most.
@tishabest (602)
• Belgium
13 Mar 07
Well NO all men do not cheat! And all women do not cheat!! In some cases of betrayal you know it "takes two to tango" and while it is not excusable because they should have tried to communicate their discontent it is clearer why they went that path. I try not to worry about it too much as my hubby travels a great deal and if every time he is gone I lose my wits then I am in trouble and he obviously has to trust me as well.
@subspeed (160)
• Maldives
13 Mar 07
NO NO NO NO NO ......
only a very few are bad .. umm maybe a few are good .. lol
It depends .... But as far as i know all men arent cheaters
I know it cause im not a cheater and im a men
PEACE .....
@livin_like_bird (31)
• India
13 Mar 07
No, not that if its true.. Not all men are cheaters, there are always the good and the bad people But would like to say that, this is not the case each time.
If you have been married and so far the sailing has been good, it sounds that it will stay the same. Do not live a life on doubts but just enjoy the times and just be free for as much you can be just go with the flow.
Life life.. as it comes.. not everyone on this planet is the same as all others. If you are lucky that your man is true just live it happily.
@glennWafu (7)
• Philippines
13 Mar 07
hi, regarding ur question, my answer is no. Not all men cheat. One good example is my father, becuse he and my mom have been married for 20 yrs now, they might hav some problems, mostly financial matters, but never did they argue because of illigitimate affairs.. that is y they are still happy until now. I hope my family's simple story wud inspire urs toward a fruitful married life.. godbless