Get the tissues out !! ...Children are so innocent!!
By weemam
@weemam (13372)
March 12, 2007 3:34pm CST
(wasn't written by me, just sharing) this was sent to me today by a dear friend ,I just had to share it xx
Some of you may know that our 14 year old dog, Abbey, died last month. The day after she died, my 4 year old daughter Meredith was crying and talking about how much she missed Abbey. She asked if we could write a letter to God so that when Abbey got to heaven, God would recognize her.
She dictated and I wrote:
Dear God,
Will you please take special care of our dog, Abbey? She died yesterday and is in heaven. We miss her very much. We are happy that you let us have her as our dog even though she got sick. I hope that you will play with her. She liked to play with balls and swim before she got sick. I am sending some pictures of her so that when you see her in heaven you will know she is our special dog. But I really do miss her.
Meredith Claire
P S: Mommy wrote the words after Meredith told them to her.
We put that in an envelope with two pictures of Abbey, and addressed it to God in Heaven. We put our return address on it. Then Meredith stuck some stamps on the front (because, as she said, it may take lots of stamps to get a letter all the way to heaven) and that afternoon I let her drop it into the letter box at the post office. For a few days, she would ask if God had gotten the letter yet. I told her that I thought He had.
Yesterday there was a package wrapped in gold paper on our front porch. Curious, I went to look at it. It had a gold star card on the front and said "To Meredith" in an unfamiliar hand.
Meredith took it in and opened it. Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers, "When a Pet Dies". Taped to the inside front cover was the letter we had written to God, in its opened envelope (which was marked Return to Sender: Insufficient address). On the opposite page, one of the pictures of Abbey was taped under the words "For Meredith". We turned to the back cover, and there was the other picture of Abbey, and this handwritten note on pink paper:
"Dear Meredith,
You will be happy to know that Abbey arrived safely and soundly in Heaven! Having the pictures you sent to me was such a big help. I recognized Abbey right away.
You know, Meredith, she isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me--just like she stays in your heart--young and running and playing. Abbey loved being your dog, you know.
Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets!-- so I can't keep your beautiful letter. I am sending it to you with the pictures so that you will have this book to keep and remember Abbey.
One of my angels is taking care of this for me. I hope the little book helps. Thank you for the beautiful letter. Thank your mother for sending it. What a wonderful mother you have! I picked her especially for you.
I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much.
By the way, I am in heaven but wherever there is love, I am there also.
God and the special angel who wrote this after God told her the words."
As a parent and a pet lover, this is one of the kindest things that I've ever experienced. I have no way to know who sent it, but there is some very kind soul working in the dead letter office. Just wanted to share
this act of compassion.
Blessings of love, peace, health & happiness!
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32 responses
@greengal (4286)
• United States
12 Mar 07
oh my god, that was so touching! I can't believe that some considerate person was actually kind enough to do something like this. Wee, I am actually getting goose bumps, this story shook me up. It is so nice to know lovely people still exist in this world. I can only imagine what the little girl would have felt and also the mother. Very nice, thanks for sharing this:)
3 people like this
@jchampany (1130)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Wow, that truely is a wonderful story. You seem to have some friends that have children with wonderful minds. I can only hope that my children can turn out to be as caring and smart as teh children in this story and the other one you posted a few days ago. Thank you for sharing. The person who sent the package must have a very kind heart.
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@taramoon (740)
• Spain
12 Mar 07
Ahhh that is absolutely beautiful, i actually have heard of a similar story when one of my friends lost their child the little sister of this lost soul posted a photo and a letter to heaven 3 weeks later they received in the post an enlarged picture of the photo in a gold frame and a picture of an angel on the back...I wondered if that there are volunatry people who work in the post office who do these little wonders ?? like when the kids write to santa in the north pole they receive a reply xxx thanks for sharing
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
12 Mar 07
Hello Weemam,
Sniffffff f.f
A couple of days ago some started a discussion about angels
And if we didn't have them to believe in then what?
First of all there must have been an angel sittin by
while Meredith's Ma wrote the letter for her and that angel
followed the letter to the po and directed it to the special
human angel that in turn sent the book and wonderful message to
this little angel Meredith and the big angel Mommy.
This is why I believe in angels,I have to I often feel the flutter of a wing ang
the touch as they give me a hug when I'm at my lowest.
Bless yr heart Weeman for sharing this wonderful story with us.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
13 Mar 07
That is so neat. There are special people out there that will go out of their way to do special things. I guess in a way it was an angel.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Mar 07
How very nice and what a sweet thing for a stranger to do. I can only imagine that Meredith felt much better after receiving the package. You see I believe that God did have a hand in touching someone to do his bidding.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
13 Mar 07
What a tear jerker this story is. Someone some where is an angel to do what they did.
What a wonderful story.
Thank you for sharing it.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
13 Mar 07
I just saw this link on snopes
This is a true story about a family in San antonio texas, I think it said.
@honeyangel (1991)
12 Mar 07
that was so sweet of them,to do that for a 4 year old to send a lovley book for her.thiis person did a very good deed and will be rewarded later in live for it.
this lovely story had me in tears
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@teamfreddy (150)
• Mexico
13 Mar 07
Thank you for putting this online. In this hasty and cyber orientated world we hardly have time anymore for the deep emotional things that are around is. As a technical man, not used to these kind of stories, you found a way to my core. Men also are able to cry. Thanks again !!!!!
@kakemafarm (492)
• United States
12 Mar 07
That was so wonderful, I was crying my eyes out!
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@rossdcurran (151)
13 Mar 07
Wow this is a real heart warming story and shows there is still some lovley people on this planet. Thanks for sharing xxx
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@raisushkr (1398)
• India
13 Mar 07
children r innocent and cute .they must b brought up well wid care and affection
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@money_maker01 (1097)
• Malaysia
13 Mar 07
I am truly sad of your story! I know how your Meredith feels. She must be miss the Abbey so much. It is fine to do that letter but if you wish to teach her on belief it is rather for you to say like this to her " We do not have to write the letter because God is mighty and loves all of us so much. So, God always listens to us. He loves to hear we pray to him. So, just pray to God ask him to take care of Abbey" :)
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@devinitly (93)
• United States
13 Mar 07
that is a tear jerker. i loed it and will share it with friends and family. god bless that unknown stranger
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@coalasice (87)
• United States
13 Mar 07
This was such a beautiful story! I wonder if it is true? I hope it is because it would prove that there are some truly wonderful people out there.
@monica1981 (466)
• United States
13 Mar 07
That is a beautiful story. Whoever did that was a wonderful person. It's very hard, especially when you're a child to lose a pet. I bet your friends daughter feels better now.
@tthimonier (3)
• United States
13 Mar 07
That was so sweet. It is nice to know that in this world there are still people out there who care about others. The fact that this person took the time to do what she did....WOW it just touches your heart.
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