If Your Best Friend Asked You To Marry You?????

March 12, 2007 7:53pm CST
Okay background:I've been friends with this girl lets call her Galena, since I was a baby, We have the same interests and hobbies..We've never gone out but she asked me today right out if I'd marry her. I thought she was joking but she pulled out a ring and got down on one knee and asked me!! I've always secretly loved her but should I get engaged with her???
1 response
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
13 Mar 07
I think that is your decision to make. No one can tell you either way. Think about this. Do you love her?? Enough to spend an entire lifetime with her?? Do you want to have children with her? Are you ready for all the responsibilities that comes with marriage? I would do some homework. Find out why people get married? Why they get divorced? What happens after the kids come along? If you even want kids. Go on line and do some research. After you have found out everything then you can decide.