girl scout or browines???????

girl scouts,friendships - understanding and sharing
@sarah22 (3979)
United States
March 13, 2007 8:03am CST
Would you let your daughter get involved with this? Teaches them friendship and other skills when they get older.
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4 responses
• United States
13 Mar 07
I let two of my daughters join when they were smaller. One of them could have gotten all the way through except our small community couldn't find anyone to lead the girls after their junior year. They both started as brownies and made it all the way through junior level. They had a blast. I was even the leader of the brownie troop when my girls were little. I had fun. The only problem is getting the parents involved to. It does teach them friendship but also skills they can use when they get older.
@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
13 Mar 07
yes it does, to respect there elders and to live with all people. my daughter loves it and cannot wait to go every week.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Mar 07
Beauty, I am surprised that when a leader could not be found to lead your daughter's troop that you were not told about the Juliette program. This program allows girls to be in scouts without being attached to any troop or group.
@Mbirck (73)
• United States
13 Mar 07
My daughter was a daisy, a brownie and now a girl scouts. I love what the Girl Scouts of American stand for and I can only hope my daughter will remain with them for a while. She does love it. Although after this last cookie sell I wanted to run for the hills. Girl Scouts teaches girls to be caring, strong, independent little ladies. They hopefully form lasting friendships also through girl scouts.
@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
13 Mar 07
yes, its a great way for them to learn self estem and be friends with all people from different walks of life.
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I have been a leader for 10 years and I was a scout during childhood. I have two daughters who will get their 10-year pins this year. Of these two, one serves on the Mackinac Island Honor Guard also. I have one older daughter who has served as a leader of Daisys. I also have 2 granddaughters in Girl Scouts. They are first and third year Brownies. We have three generations in scouting. It teaches them friendship, leadership, how to craft and sew, camping skills, business skills, how to run a business, recycle, make something out of something old, put on plays and presentations. They learn how to interview people. They have fun while learning about their own families and their communities. And then there are the community service projects that they do. They learn to do and give of themselves (without expectation of reward or payment) for the betterment of others. The Girl Scout core program consists of 5 levels: Daisys, Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes and Seniors. There are the Juliettes who work on their own and their moms serve as their leaders. And there is the Studio2B program for all girls between the ages of 11 through 17. There is a lot more but I would like to leave some room for others to post.
@sarah22 (3979)
• United States
24 Mar 07
thats just awesome and they must love i to have you involved in it with them.
@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Also, training for leaders is free.