Do you SCREAM when you are SCARED?

What do you do when you are scared? - Picture of a scared man running.
March 13, 2007 12:36pm CST
I think I am not over-generalizing when I say that people get scared at least a few times in their lives. Some of the braver ones may look courageous at all times - but deep down, they may be scared sh**less. :P There is nothing wrong with being scared. It is just a natural reaction to things or events we fear. Some people scream when they are scared - my Mum lets out a shriek each time she sees a lizard. In fact it's funny how she always turns around and asks me "You know what?". I will just respond immediately that yes, I know you saw a lizard. Lol :P Others may react similarly like me - I just keep dead quiet and stop talking when I am scared. I will literally hear my heart beats thumping in my ears during such times. In extreme cases, others may even break down in tears - such as when a student was told that she has failed her graduation exam. Once again, there's nothing right or wrong here. It's a natural reaction after all. So how do you react when you feel scared? It may be during a roller coaster ride at Disneyland.. it may be while you are gasping for breath when you are almost drowning.. it may be a detestable cockroach.. it may be the moment before you get your results.. it may be when you pick up a phone call at 4 in the morning.. it may be when the nurse rolls up your sleeves to give you an injection.. it may be someone suddenly appearing in your line of sight.. it may be.. it may be.. well, use your imagination! So how do you usually react when you feel scared? Do share your thoughts. ;-)
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110 responses
@sj_chaudhry (1537)
• Canada
13 Mar 07
i can scream very easily no matter what... few examples you already given and other then that i even can scream when the door bell ring or phone bell ring..i jumped out of my seat...hehehe aint it funny..??
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
13 Mar 07
you're so funny! i hope i can see you scream when your door bell rings or your phone rings. that seems to be so funny! i haven't met such a person like you before. kinda unique!
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• Singapore
13 Mar 07
Oh yes, you are making me laugh already. :P
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
14 Mar 07
How I react depends on what made me scared. I jumped when I see cockroach. I screamed when I see someone about to touch a cockroach unknowingly. I freeze and my heart pumped especially fast when I don't know what is going to happen next. In the dark, I grab someone tightly. I am timid by nature. Get scared by many things. I scream mainly to frighten people :P
• Singapore
14 Mar 07
Oh yea? Timid by nature? :P
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@greengal (4286)
• United States
13 Mar 07
Hahaha, lizard, well I scream when I see dirty cockroaches...they simply annoy me. I let out a yell and am running around trying to find something to whack it with..hehe Otherwise I'm yelling out to my hubby to get rid of it. Though I don't like injections I don't scream. But on roller coasters I do, it actually helps cut the fear because you are distracted by your screaming. Well I guess I'm not that scared after all, I can't seem to think of anything else that would make me yell.
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• Singapore
13 Mar 07
Hmm.. different reactions for different degrees of fright I guess. :P
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@yanjiaren (9031)
13 Mar 07
I turn to jelly usually and freeze..I am usually very chatty but if I get the fright or flight thing I just become fromfireball toice cube within seconds..I can't even aqueak like a mouse lol..foreget about screaming..
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• Singapore
13 Mar 07
Haha, we are "jelly buddies" then! :P
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@shalwani (760)
• Pakistan
13 Mar 07
Actually my case is a bit different. When I am scared, my voice chokes in my throat and i cant utter a single word. All that comes out from my throat is a hissing sound or panting sounds.... EVen when i dream of something scary...I end up waking up panting and no sound comes out!!
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@chaddik (113)
• Philippines
14 Mar 07
yours is a scary case! hahaha. i mean, how worse could a situation get when you needed help but can't get any because people will never know you needed one.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
13 Mar 07
I scream when I see spiders, especially big ones. I can't hold it in, I scream, I run and jump on the bed, then yell out to the hubby to do something about it LOL. I can't stand spiders. I don't scream when I get injections, someone jumps out in front of me, and or watching a scarey movie however I do scream on roller coaster rides just for the hell of it.
• Singapore
13 Mar 07
Are you serious? You literally jump on the bed? I thought that only happens in movies! :P
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 Mar 07
I do scream when I am scared as I noticed when this Boxer Dog tried to get my Dog, on the Roller coaster I used to scream and I think most People do. I will not go on anything Scary anymore lol as I rather just be safe on the Ground.
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
14 Mar 07
well i do and a lot..not really jsut scared on something..but sometimes when i like to getr my attention to be caught by my son..who always put and headset in his ears while listening to the music
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
14 Mar 07
Yes I don't think that there is nothing with feeling scared either it can be very scary at times, when I am really scared then the majority of times I would scream but I think that it would all depend on what was happening at that particular time, I do scream for excitement when I go to amusement park but then nearly everyone else is doing this as well.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 Mar 07
If it's something small like an object falling or a cockroach or a near miss when I'm driving or the dog trips me on the steps I usually come out with and expletive. If I'm engrossed in something and something happens to startle me like I'm vacuuming and the noise is loud so I can't hear anything and someone has come up behind me. Or, the phone or doorbell rings while I'm deep in thought...then I scream. If it's a person, they usually end up more frightened than me....LOL. If it's late at night and I hear a noise I get really scared because I live by myself. If my dog doesn't take any notice I soon realise it's nothing. If she barks I'm ok because I know if someone is lurking Lucy's loud bark will scare them off. Trouble is, Lucy prefers to sleep across the road underneath my friends house these days.
@stateroad (730)
• United States
13 Mar 07
It is different when I get scared. If I see a bug or I see someone that comes out of a room and I did not expect it I make this gasping sound like I hold my breathe for a second or two. If I am on a roller coaster or something really scarey then I scream. I guess I do different things when I am scared beside just scream. I hope that means I am not strange. ??
@Modestah (11179)
• United States
13 Mar 07
I am "scared stiff" when I am frightened. But, when I am startled I tend to either; gasp, shriek, or scream while I jolt or jump. So, if I see a mouse, I let out a screeeetch, and jump back :)
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@kakangmas (121)
• Indonesia
14 Mar 07
first of all I'll try to change my position from "the object". I do not scream in this case, it's none of my habit. spontaneously I usually close my eyes and cover it with my hands or looking to the opposite direction. if possible, I'm running away, as fast as I can. usually, I have extra energy for running in such SOS case.
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• India
13 Mar 07
Firstly let me tell you I liked your topic .. in my case I am very good at screamin :) actually famous for it :) Anything that is crawling onthe ground .. cockroach, insects, flies .. absolutely anything that looks even an inch of causing harm and there I go ""SSSCCCRRREEEAAAMMMM"" .. and everyone come running to see what happened and are awestruck when they see a small tiny winy cockroach struggling to run away (i guess the cockroach must have also got scared listening to my screams and finding a quick hideout .. lol)
• Singapore
14 Mar 07
Hehe :P
• United States
14 Mar 07
Sometimes I scream. If it is something that will jump out at me, and I was not expecting it. I have screamed on a roller coaster. Now, If something esle frightens me, I will not scream. My heart will race and I will shake and not beable to breath.
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@wmg2006 (5381)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I am just like you I am totally silent and I think I stop breathing too. I can hear my own heart beat in my ears and I am sure my blood pressure shoots sky high. I have only been this scared a few times and I hate that I am so silent.
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@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
14 Mar 07
When it is a matter of a real fear, I get quiet. That is also how I am in an emergency, quiet and calm. On the other hand, my family has found great amusement in the times I am startled (usually by them) and shriek loud enough to raise the roof. Afterwards I usually laugh until I cry. It is a wonderful release for pent up stress. I have not had a good scare lately.
@chardyme (1631)
• Philippines
14 Mar 07
yes i scream when im scared of something.
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@Gwapako_28 (2140)
• Philippines
14 Mar 07
Exactlly.I will surely scream when i am afraid.When we are watching television and there are scary things,i scream a loud and my dad get so mad because he was thought something happen to me.And he will get up and ask me what happen and he will scold me!Lol!
@Rabito (16)
• Indonesia
14 Mar 07
Yes, I always scream when I'm scared of anything, especially with ghost.