Text Messaging
By AskAlly
@AskAlly (3625)
16 responses
@Darkwing (21583)
13 Mar 07
LMAO = Laughing my a** off.
ROFL = Rolling on the floor laughing.
gn = goodnight.
gm = good morning.
gb = God Bless.
sds = sweet dreams.
hagd = have a good day.
hage = have a good evening.
hagn = have a good night.
tc = take care.
cul = see you later.
cuam = see you in the morning.
bbs = be back soon.
bbl = be back later.
brb = be right back.
btw = by the way.
afk = away from keyboard.
bk = back.
bak = back at keyboard.
koc = kiss on cheek.
kol = kiss on lips.
np = no problem.
tmi = too much information.
imo = in my opinion.
iow = in other words.
gg = good game.
wtg = way to go.
tyvm = thank you very much.
ty = thank you.
yvw = you're very welcome.
yqw = you're quite welcome.
yw = you're welcome.
That's a few to be going on with. I'll let somebody else have the chance to enter some more.
Brightest Blessings.
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
13 Mar 07
Yes, cheers Darkwing, very informative, I didn't know half of these! Will make a note of them. I also use OMG as well for Oh My God!
Can you still use SWALK? (sealed with a loving kiss) I know you use it on letters, but can you use on texts too?
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@crazynurse (7482)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I have been forced to learn some of these as my children use them heavily. Forgive me if these have been posted as I am answering from an email. The ones I know are:
BRB-be right back
ROFL-rolling on floor laughing
LMAO-laughing my a$$ off
JK-just kidding
AWK-away from keyboard
IMHO-in my humble opinion
BFF-best friends forever
AML-all my love
BBL-be back later
BOL-best of luck
BTW-by the way
BFG-big f'ing grin
CYA-see ya
DH-dear husband
DD-dear daughter
SUP-whats up
TTFN-tata for now
GTG-got to go
H & K -hugs and kisses
HF-have fun
IDK-I don't know
VM-voice mail
ILY-I love you
IMHO-in my humble opinion
JK-just kidding
WTF-What the F***
LOL-laughing out loud
TIA-thanks in advance
CRBT-crying really big tears
SETE-smiling ear to ear
Some newer ones that have cropped up due to parents watching their children's online activities closer:
P911 = Parent Emergency
POS = Parent Over Shoulder
9 = Parent Watching
PIR = Parent In Room
PBB = Parent Behind My Back
99 = Parent has left, all clear
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@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
13 Mar 07
Thank you so much for starting this discussion AskAlly and certainly Darkwings gave us all a whole lot to think about now. Generally I only know and use a couple because I do prefer the proper words, but that might be my age. I do know that when our son first went overseas he sent me a text message which took me ages to understand. Okay, not a problem I though because of the cost till I found out there was no difference in cost, no matter how long the message was.
Then we got an email from him which used this same sort of language and I had to act. Told him that we had paid a fortune for his education and we expected him to spell words properly. Future emails all had the words spelt correctly, but I do have to add that emails were few and far between after that. Instead he would phone us. :)
Even today though I know some of the terms, I still write or type the words completely, except that sometimes I will put LOL (laughing out loud) when putting something here in myLot. The decision to type words spelt fully and correctly might be put down to my age, but I am not sure about that one. :)
@wenfri (1185)
• Canada
13 Mar 07
LMAO= laugh my a-- off
ROLF= I think it is suppose to be ROFL= Roll on floor laughing
TTYL= Talk to yu later
Better yet fo here and save to favorites
Has a whole tone of them there OK
Happy learning
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@patootie (3592)
17 Mar 07
I don't have anyone to text with so it's all a bit like a new language to me .. the very first time I sent a text (now don't laugh .. stop it I can hear you giggling) .. my first ever text was about 12 words long ... and it took me 23 minutes to type it in ... (now look I said don't laugh, you are hurting my feelings now) ... for the life of me I couldn't make the capitals and spaces work properly .. and several times just as I was about half way the whole damn thing simply disappeared !!
I should have gone out and found a 7 year old and asked them to do it for me in 30 seconds flat hahahahah !!!
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@awonderfullife (2893)
• United States
17 Mar 07
JK= just kidding
POS= parent over shoudler (kids use this one when they are talking about stuff they don't wnat their parents to know about)
IMO= in my opinion
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
13 Mar 07
Well you certainly learn a new thing every day! Thanks to Darkwing I've learnt a lot more! And will definitely use some of those, but only for texting on the moby, however, for this site I use OMG, (oh my god) or LOL (laugh out loudly) but only the odd one here or there.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Mar 07
Well Ally you are not the only one there and I have to say that I prefer the proper Language lol. I don't know why People write that way here as it should be wrote properly as for text messages well People know better with me lol and they text properly to me.
@wmg2006 (5381)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Well it looks like everyone has given you more than you could ever use. I mainly use LOL, LMAO, TTYL, WB, ROFLMAO. There are so many I am afraid I might get confused if someone used nothing but this type language. I am glad I do not text message or I would start writing eveything with these acronyms.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
14 Mar 07
The best I can do since I abhor those abbreviations in most cases is offer a book title then you will know what these things are. It is.... Text Me..Everything you need to know about text messaging. By Bantam books
Mine is from January 2002 isbn 0-553-37596-2 it should be five dollars or less.
Hope that this helps you. There are pages in the back for more as you learn them. I keep this one by the computer since I do not have a cell phone. Good luck!
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I am with you on that. I know LMAO (laugh my a** off) and LOL but that is about it... I'll be checking your post to see what everyone says :)
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
13 Mar 07
I'm not into text messaging myself so I can't be too much help. You've already got the answers..lol I use some of the basics, roflmao, brb, gg(good game), ty(thank you),ttyl(talk to you later) bbfn (bye bye for now)yvw (you're very welcome). That's about the extent of my use...lol (my most used)
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@Denmarkguy (1845)
• United States
13 Mar 07
A few days (weeks?) ago I started a discussion here, about how language seems to be dteriorating into "txt spk." I, too, feel completely out of the loop. The discussion was inspired by the following (tongue-in-cheek) guideline on a website where I was doing some writing work:
"Dnt use abbrvs b/c thr 2 diff 4 ppl 2 read"
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@hellsangelus (670)
• Oman
18 Mar 07
Heres another one which I really like
roflmfao: roll on the floor laughing my fat a** off
I love to use it because I find everything funny hence rolling on the floor and I have a fat a**