Stay Positive By Trying To Take The Long View of Everything
By dpernas
@dpernas (57)
October 16, 2006 9:02pm CST
I was just reading some of my performance statistics as they relate to my more than 850 articles at a particular Ezine site.
And I saw something I’ve detected before but I never really made sense of it as I did today.
Many of my articles are “slow starters” but “great finishers.” By this, I mean they garner only a few readers in their first few months of publication, then, a little later, they seem to catch on and catch up with others that were faster out of the blocks.
I don’t have a good explanation for this phenomenon.
Possibly, the “hares” are more topical when they’re first published and their temporal appeal fades. The “tortoises” have less glamour but they steadily succeed, in dull dribs and drabs.
I’m coming to realize that in the long run, most articles will find their audiences, in the same sense that when we speak of people finding mates, good matches, there is a lid for every pot.
I think we can say the same about success and failure in many areas of endeavor.
You may have bought a stock for your portfolio that lost value, instantaneously. This is more common than you think.
In fact, investment guru Peter Lynch said a buyer should be willing to lose up to 20% and more, nearly overnight, because everyone can’t buy in at the perfect moment.
Lynch’s buy-and-hold philosophy was famous, and it helped Fidelity Magellan’s fund, which he ran for many years, to soar with the eagles. What seems like an utter dog, in the short run, could be poised to take a glorious flight into the stratosphere, if we give it enough time.
I ran into Lynch in the Honolulu airport just before stocks started taking off recently, and I asked him, “Do you like equities, right now?”
He replied with a grin, “I ALWAYS like equities!”
That’s the long view, the big picture, and it has served him well.
It can serve you, too.
If you’re dissatisfied with an area of your performance, ask yourself if your timeline for seeing results is too short.
You may discover to your delight that being patient will help you to see that success is on the way. Like that tortoise, it just won’t allow itself to be rushed!
Best-selling author of 12 books and more than 850 articles, Dr. Gary S. Goodman is considered "The Gold Standard"--the foremost expert in sales development, customer service, and telephone effectiveness. Top-rated as a speaker, seminar leader, and consultant, his clients extend across the globe and the organizational spectrum, from the Fortune 1000 to small businesses.
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