What is ethics?

March 14, 2007 12:24am CST
well i have some thing here about the basic ethics that every human being should have: so what is ethics? 1.its is about right and wrong,good and bad. 2.it is more than set of rules of conduct. 3.it is about strength of character to do the right thing. professional ethics: codes of ethics: Estabhlished by, 1.professional engineering organisations. 2.professional societies. and given wide publicity serve as guidelines help to resolve ethical issues. provide a framework for ethical judgements Now iam going to give some moral questions,post your opinions: 1.if u get 'balance amount'more than what is due from a supermarket/shop,what will you do? 2.if u find a purse lying on the road,will u hand it over to the police? 3.for gettin a job,will u over specify your experiance or knowledge on a subject? 4.will u accept a gift from aparty who expects business from u? 5.do u pass a queue if u can manage?
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