How do you feel when you're betrayed by a friend?

Friendship 2 drainage - damn
Saudi Arabia
March 14, 2007 4:21am CST
Sometimes, we misjudge people, we put our trust in someone we think he/she's a friend but we get disappointed in the end so my question is: Has anyone experienced where someone real close used a weakness in you 2 hurt u? In other words, U ever put ur trust in someone and he mishandled that trust?? and what did you do about it? Share ur experience with us if you don't mind. And as myLot says be descriptive :D
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3 responses
14 Mar 07
FUNNY that you mention this. the memories haunt me everyday. Have you been reading my mind? I have NEVER been vengful like this in my life, but betrayl changes one's soul FOREVER. There's always a first time for everything. I think there isn't anyone who hasn't been hurt or betrayed by someone. But it REALLY hurts the most when that person is real close. I have been betrayed by many close firneds and by someone real close to me. ALL because of a WOMAN. Many of my so called oline/real life friends had a big crush on her. Too big a cursh, that they all wanted to steal her from me. It came to the extent that someone I trusted, brought into my home and trusted him with all my secrets, stole her number from my cell phone and started calling her!! I was so shocked. I severd all relations with him and spread the word to the rest of my friends about him. Another incident, another very close friend of mine started chatting with her and started back stabbing me called me racist names. When we got engaged, TAHT FRIEND started to show how really jealous he was of me and even asked her to dump me!! I severed relations with him TOO without warning and that PISSED HIM off!! Then I found out that this very woman was the one who did HURT me the most. She teamed up with my enemies, turned all against me, lied to me & them, dated other men while she was with me and pretend that she was honest and loayal before she finally dumped me. So I sought revenge oh her. And my revenge was oh so sweet! I could have hurted her MORE and still can, but I think leaving her for good for the garbage that she is her BIGGEST punishment of all. And she knows it. My anger is still at it's hights with her.
• Saudi Arabia
17 Mar 07
Hi there good 2 see u again.... I read ur mind huh ! this is what im good at, right ? :D well honestly your problem i may call it double-action problem. Not only did you suffer from your so called friends but the one you love did stabbed bad in the back i do fully understand the way you feel. But my friend, these guys were never your friends in the first place. Revenge ?? you did the right thing never do that. Just move on. About the girl, we covered that in a previous discussion, she is a flirt and she only wanted 2 have fun. There are men who like this type (not only the fun part but also serious relationship u may say but she's never gonna be faithful, and i'll say that's another issue) but surely that gurl ain't your type. Regarding your Anger. Just manage it coz i said so, Period :D My best wishes always 4 you
• Saudi Arabia
17 Mar 07
CORRECTION: but the one you love did stab you bad in the back. THAT IS.
17 Mar 07
Hi there buddy, How have you been? You are right. I am just angry with myself most of all because I trusted the wrong people, fell for threir tircks and sugar coated words. Not repeating the same mistake twice. Not trusting anyone. I will be ok on my own for sometime. Revenge . . well I took a vowe that SHE and those people will never see a happy day in their life again. But to my second thoughts, I asked myself for what? Soon they will fall into eachothers traps. They will get no such pleasure from me. And I do feel that you read my mind sometimes, ha ha :-D
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
14 Mar 07
I think to be let down by a friend is so bad it can affect a person for the rest of their lives as did me, you should be able to trust best friends but when they are the ones to let you down you never really trust again...
• Saudi Arabia
14 Mar 07
Thanx for your response
14 Mar 07
i tottally agree with you, lilaclady. I trust NO ONE. and I don't think I will ever trust, nor love anyone again.
@Anniedup (3651)
• Richards Bay, South Africa
14 Mar 07
Yes it happened to me but I am not going to be descriptive. It is too personal for me to share openly. But what I can say is, that it is a devastating feeling, that I don't even wish upon that particular person that caused the pain, shock, and disbelieve. This is a heavy one my friend:)
• Saudi Arabia
17 Mar 07
I hear ya, it is hard 2 deal with. it is 2 hard sometimes to share openly but anyway, i've been there before, and it really hurts so much. Such damage could never be healed even time can't make u recover. Thank you for your response and best wishes always.
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