What am I Missing? What about Illegals?
@whiteheather39 (24403)
United States
March 14, 2007 6:26am CST
Am I missing something here? To me is seems as if Bush is pandering to the illegals-
Bush seeks better ties in Latin America By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press Writer
President Bush sent a long-distance message to Congress from the southeast tip of Mexico: The future of U.S. relations south of the border hinges on immigration reform.
"I'm going to keep repeating it while I'm here in Mexico — that I know our country must have comprehensive immigration reform," said Bush, who returns to Washington on Wednesday after a second day of meetings with Mexican President Felipe Calderon.
The president could not promise Mexico that Congress will pass his guest worker program. He could only promise to work hard to make it law.
"President Calderon holds deep convictions on the matter of migration, and so do I," Bush said Tuesday night in a toast to Calderon on the breezy verandah of a manicured hacienda where the two dined on fresh shrimp ceviche and duck.
"Our nations share a 2,000-mile border, and that should be a source of unity, not division," Bush said. "So we're working together to keep both sides of the border open to tourism and trade, and closed to criminals and drug dealers and smugglers and terrorists and gun runners." WHAT ABOOUT THE ILLEGALS???
With those words, Bush closed a warm, sunny day of meetings, hacienda hopping and sightseeing at Mayan ruins with Calderon, who heralded the meeting as a "new stage in bilateral relations."
Mexicans view the fence as an insult that has aggravated already strained relations with their powerful northern neighbor. Bush worked to allay their concerns, saying the barrier and stepped up enforcement along the border were only the first steps in a comprehensive immigration law overhaul that he hoped would include a guest worker program
Bush's proposed guest worker program, which Congress has not embraced, would allow Mexicans to seek temporary work visas to work in the United States.
He says his proposal would not grant automatic citizenship, but would provide a path toward that end. Some members of Bush's own party say providing a path to citizenship amounts to giving amnesty to those who have immigrated illegally.
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14 responses
@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
15 Mar 07
It's just another way that Bush is undoing all of BillClinton's work at building America's economy. About the illegals ... I don't know if this was just someone joking around, but:
might have some effectiveness on illegals. Not just a way to get them off US soil, but also as a deterrent.
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@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
17 Mar 07
You don't often come across something that could very well be an effective solution & a joke at the same time.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
15 Mar 07
It may be considered a joke but it is a pretty damn good idea.
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@redheadstranger (13)
• United States
16 Mar 07
This is awesome. Not entirely unheard of either. My husband reminded me about a man at the beginning of the war who was here illegally. He asked to be allowed to join the Army. He was allowed and given legal status because of this show of patriotism for his adopted country. Now why he was here illegally to begin with, I don't know, but if you are willing to serve in the military you can have legal status...no problem. I think it would be a huge deterrent too.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I know you read this link but maybe it needs to get to the White house.
Dont know what Bush is thinking he is nuts not to say something about all the illigals that are already here and the ones here on green cards,
Do you think that congress will pass something like this I think we should write our congress people and let them know how we feel about all this .... stuff
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
14 Mar 07
Yes, Lakota, I read it and responded you know I thought it was a great posting! (+)
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
14 Mar 07
Thank you for the link! That information is unbelievable! I email back and forth with Sen. Durbin and I'm gonna fire one off to him tonight when I get home from the office about this. I just got a mass mailed request from him to email the White House about not pardoning Scooter Libby and I did, then got a generic response back from the White House asking could I send the emails to a different address, which they provided, because they can't read them all. LOL That sure made me feel like the president cares! LOL
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
15 Mar 07
This is a wonderful post my friend. I am rating it a + once again. All I have to say on this issue is that Bush is a liar, stupid, and if it were possible, he would be a dictator.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Hmmm Could be named George Adolph Bush!
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I don't have a problem with immigrants coming here to work. I have a problem with employers who cut corners and attempt to get cheap labor and exclude American workers. I think that the only jobs that should be open to immigrant guest workers are jobs that pay at least minimum wage and carry health care benefits. If it's true that for some reason Americans won't work decent jobs or that there just are not enough citizens in the area to work the jobs, the immigrant guest workers should be welcomed with open arms. HOWEVER, what I expect is happening is that immigrants are working jobs that are paying considerably less than the norm and carry no benefits. The people offering those jobs know full well why Americans don't want to work for them and they also know full well that they are getting illegal labor cheaper than their competitors who try to take care of their employees. These guys need to shape up or ship out along with their illegals.
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
15 Mar 07
We had a big problem with illegals in Australia for awhile. They were mostly on boats which sailed from Indonesia. Occasionally some of these illegals were genuine refugees, but most were just seeking a better way of life, or worse, ex-terrorists from certain countries. The worst part were the Indonesians who were charging these people huge sums of money to sail them to Australia, in a dangerous leaky boat, then dump them somewhere on a remote beach.
Our Prime Minister is a bit stronger than Bush. He banned these boats. If they are seen by the coast guard, and they usually are, they are towed back to International Waters. As close to Indonesia as possible.There were no exceptions.
Genuine refugeess were encouraged to find other wayus of applying for refugee status.
The problem stopped. We have not seen an illegal, via boats, for years.
@redheadstranger (13)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I am an American that wants to move to Australia BADLY. I had the opportunity to meet John Howard several years ago. He is such a great leader. He really has a lot of strength and does what he feels is best for the people of Australia without really caring what others think. Australia, I know, has it's issues...especially with the large immigration from Asia, but the way of life and gov't direction are more of what America was at it's best.
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@redheadstranger (13)
• United States
15 Mar 07
That is just it also, I don't think people should be able to come here illegally, have babies and become citizens. If they are here illegally, so are their children. Granting amnesty to a bunch of people who broke the law to come here is wrong! It makes those who went through the proper channels wonder why they bothered. The illegals come here, don't bother to learn the language and send all the money back to Mexico. It never goes back into our economy. Their government wants our money and actually perpetuates the problem by giving them directions on how to come here illegally. Their government doesn't want them to burden the Mexican government. Come here, milk our programs (illegally mind you) and then send all the money back to the government that doesn't give a damn about them. Give me a break. Come here LEGALLY and jump through the hoops that every other honest person has to and you will have my respect and backing. Any other way is ILLEGAL and WRONG! It milks our economy and is killing our country.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Thank you I am one who jumped through the loops that is why I am so furious at the illegals.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
14 Mar 07
You know what, I do not even care anymore. The people who come here are looking for a way out. The people in Latin America live in such horrible conditions and they have such a terrible government. They are only coming here because they have nowhere else to go, now if we were to go over there and educate them and help them out, things might be a little different, but it is a cutural thing, these people have to be taught how to take care of themselves.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 Mar 07
I just can't believe this what is he trying to do. If he carries on he will kill America. And now of course no doubt about it Blair will follow. I think we should all just give up hope of it going to normal, it never will. They will keep letting more and more in and then there is no jobs for their own People as they are being giving to all of these that are being let in.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
14 Mar 07
Just because he is working on guest visas does not mean that will make it easier for those already here illegally to become legal. We have such guest visas for people who are Canadian. Many Canadian's along the border work in the states. He wants to give those from Mexico something similar. He wants to allow the legitamate people who are willing to work within the law to come over a chance. That's different then granting amnesty to those who are illegal.
Should we close our borders to anyone who is hispanic in nature? Saying they cannot come here at all? Not for work or for tourism, that they are banned from our country even if they go through proper channels to come here legally? Our country was built on immigration. On allowing new people to come here and become citizens. If they do so legally then it shouldn't be a problem. Those who sneak in or break our laws to come in are a different matter and yes those should not be tolerated but we should welcome those who come here legally.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
14 Mar 07
Thank you. (+) As I am one who came here legally I agree and that it why I am so against illegals. This country is a melting pot of all nationalities and I think that is what makes it so wonderful. The illegals are only making is harder for those who are welcome to come in through the front door.
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
14 Mar 07
Bush should worry about the illegal aliens that we have in our country now. Not invent ways to make it easier for them to get here. I can't stand to listen to any of his bologna. I don't know how we are going to make it throught the year...lol He's a money driven fool..he never should have been president ..he bought his way in. He wasn't elected by the majority of the us. Check out this link... How George Bush became President..
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Fot some reason I cant pull up your link I will try again later. Thanks mari
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@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
I don't like how Bush is running America and how he acts. he have some actions which are not supposed to be done and it is ruining some relationship with different countries.
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I've read between the lines of some of Bush's remarks during his trip. I started a discussion on this and got a pretty hot tempered response by one of our Canadian friends but I am still going to hold my ground. I have no problem with immigrants from any nation coming here LEGALLY. Guest worker program? No problem. My problem lies with the idea od Amnesty for Oil. Mexico's economy is struggling, one of their main sources of revenue is oil. However they are lacking the resources to tap into this resource and aren't making any money unless it sells for $70 a barrel. Bush thinks they should allow more private (American) oil companies to go down there and drill, which is good for us because Mexico is one of our top 3 suppliers of oil. In return we could give the illegals here amnesty, this also helps the Mexican economy because illegals are the second biggest source of income (assuming oil is $70 a barrel) bringing approximately 23 Billion into their country every year. I think the whole thing is just nuts. My grandparents immigrated here legally, and it wasn't easy for them, but they did it the right way and learned English before they arrived. They worked menial jobs to get by until they had gotten more education. And that is another thing that really chaps my hiney. I'm tired of hearing about illegals do jobs the rest of us won't. To a certain extent this is true, however if they were here by the proper channels, and learned English this wouldn't be such an issue. I was told by my boss months ago that I had to learn Spanish in order to perfrom my job better, because "someone in this office needs to speak it." If I knew that was going to happen I wouldn't have wasted two years taking French in high school! Maybe Spanish should be mandatory. But that's a whole other rant. Thanks for the discussion Whiteheather.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I checked out your discussion before commenting and it is definately a (+) I see that you and I are on the same wavelength. Thank you for bringing your discussion to my attention another (+)
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@Tsferrets (421)
• United States
17 Mar 07
I'm afraid it amnesty for the future no matter what we want, say, or what may be right and fair to all.. There no way to deport 11-20 million illegals to all nations of the globe.. We'd go broke for sure trying to round them up and fly/transport/ship/bus them home..This I fear is that facts for the future..I hate it.. I don't agree with it but I don't really see another answer..So everybody better just get used to it.. Its going to happen..But they government can and should put a stop to any future illegals.. Such as anybody that can't show proof off work as of June 1, 2007 will be deported at their country's expense.. Anybody think that would work?? Discussed with the Bush admin.. Will it ever end?? Tammy
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@thespamama (12)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Well I didn't vote of the man anyway. I have good reason why I didn't. Illegals been living in the USA since well forever. I don't know why Bush is talking about closing the border now, making a lot of people angry, making Immigrants rush to be a US citizen. I think Bush is just confused and don't have anything better to do, than teeing people off.Well in fact, when an illegals have kids which makes them an automatic US citizen. So whats the big deal spiting up families just to prove what?Its a bad idea anyway, Bush needs to throw that idea out of his head ASAP.
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