Do you see the doctor when you are ill?
@lordwarwizard (35747)
March 14, 2007 8:47am CST
I know I want to be immortal. I also know that some of you strangely do not want to live forever. Even though I cannot understand why, I think it is fair to assume that all of us would much prefer to be free from illnesses and diseases.
That is our wish, but our wish does not always get fulfilled, unfortunately. Sometimes, we catch the occasional cold or fever, or have a break of the rashes. For this discussion, let's keep to the "small things" - we don't want to speculate on "big things" such as cancers or AIDS, etc for now.
So, the question is: Do you see the doctor when you are ill?
I know of people who rush to the doctor as soon as they have a sniff. Well, some do it for the MC so that they can skip a day or 2 at work. *tsk* *tsk*
For me, I much rather self-medicate. I would brew some herbal drinks that are suitable or pop a belated dose of Vitamin C. If the illness gets worse, I will resort to e.g. Panadol or any medicine I can find in my cupboard. I only visit the doctor when I am really sick (in fact sometimes I don't visit them even when I get so sick that I think I would die :p).
So what about you? Do you prefer to self-medicate like me? Or is the doctor your best friend? Or do you just sleep it off and hope it will get better? Or... ? Do share your thoughts. ;-)
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128 responses
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
14 Mar 07
Hey, you've got a like soul here! ;-)
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
14 Mar 07
Believe it or not, wizard...I rarely got sick. I don't know why. If I have a slight cold, I will drink water the whole day. The following day, it's gone. Even when my two little ones have fever, I will feed them analgesic only. But if the fever didn't subside yet, that's the time I will bring them to their pediatrician. I know my body. If I think that I need to holler my doctor then I will. The daily supplements that I'm taking may be one factor that helped me stay on the ground. I might be blessed with a strong immune system too. "smile"
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
14 Mar 07
Yes I believe you bunny. And we are quite the same in that we believe we know our own bodies (and seldom fall sick too :p). ;-)
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I self medicate.. I avoid doctor visits as long as possible.. I really begin to suspect I have a paranoia that as soon as I seriously go to a doctor, it's all over, some life threatening disease is sure to be diagnosed by the vast health care money machinery conspiracy.. but if I chalk all aches and pains up to merely getting a little bit older.. I can live forever..
Nah, I'm kidding.. but I do self medicate, after all viruses are medically challenged anyway, so ya just waste yer money... but ear infections, strep throat, bronchitis, etc, they all need antibiotic.. so a little self diagnosis can come in handy too.
@spiritwolf52 (2300)
14 Mar 07
Since moving to the UK, I am stuck with the NHS. They only seem to be good with the elderly and pregnant women along with babies. Anywhere in-between, they are rubbish. I treat myself with Reiki whenever I need it. If for some reason I can't treat myself, then and only then, will I go to a doctor. Better make a double appointment if you need more than 10 minutes with them.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
14 Mar 07
I am glad reiki is working for you...
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@sjjonesy (1)
14 Mar 07
i rarley go to the doctor due to illness and i think most illnesses are more mental then physical and can be overcome with rest water and fresh air (im talking colds, cougths and headaches) i dont like to go to the doctor for minor things as i feel it wastes there time and us taxpayers money! anyone feel the same?
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@ethanmama (1745)
• Philippines
14 Mar 07
Ouch! It hurts when people say they hate us doctors :(.
Me? Since I'm a doctor myself, I usually know what to do anyway. Now, if you call that self medication or seeing a doctor....well, I think technically it's both :). But I do see doctors too if the condition is beyond my (or my husband's) expertise. I'm an ophthalmologist so the occasional colds and flu is something I can handle. Anything beyond that AND doesn't concern the eyes, I go see one of my friends :D.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
14 Mar 07
You are a doctor? Great! Now we have a target for some serious bashing. :P
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@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
14 Mar 07
If it's just a cold or flu, then I try to fix it myself. I have a few medicines in my medicine cupboard which I take to make it go away. Only if and when they don't work, and I get worse, i.e. after three weeks, then I may see my family doctor.
When it comes to my son, I have to be extra careful when he gets a sore throat, cough and or runny nose - he is Rheumatic and if the medicine I give him doesn't clear it in a couple of days, then I take him to see our family doctor. I really don't muck around when it comes to my son's health.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I have had really good results with eating fresh pineapple for sore throats especially. I read about it in an alternative health publication. They also say that it is good for the pain of arthritis. I like to at least try it when I first get ill, because first of all it does not harm. It is good you are so conscientious about him, though.
@melody1011 (1663)
• India
15 Mar 07
Not really, if im not that sick, i never go to a doctor, at least i cannot go on my own and my mom always treats me with homeopathy medicines. they've worked int he past as i am hale and hearty so no complains there. However if i am very sick my mom does take me to the doctor. My bf on the other hand goes to the doctor when he's not well but never takes any of the antibotics prescribed for him. He believes in fighting his sickness on his own :D
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@brckoba (795)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I hate going to the doctor! When I get sick I rather take a herbal tea or a hot soup. I'm more of a let the illness take its course kind of person. I only remember one time now that I went to the doctor and that is when I had a fever of 105 degrees Fahrenheit or 40.5 Celsius. I was rushed to the emergency room, even then I did not want to the doctor, but my wife dragged me out. LOL. I'm thankful for that...

@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
15 Mar 07
And if you add enough sugar, herbal teas definitely beat medicine hands-down! ;-)

@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
14 Mar 07
I self-medicate - IF I am not well, or atleast better within a week I will go see a doctor.
Usually I do not have to go though, coz most illness I will recover from within a week!
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I do not hate them, just highly distrust them. They almost killed my hubby over something like they should have known. They had killed off all the good bacteria in his body and then couldn't figure that out. I did and as soon as he had yogurt he was up and about the next day. Have had 3 kids and the doctors did not know when I was due and never had a doctor actually deliver one of my kids.
We are into herbals and natural medicines. We eat correctly so that foods are the contributors to problems.
We need to find complementary physicians and let them attend to our real needs, not the sniffs etc.
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I'm more of you, I will doctor myself first of all, if that doesn't work, I then call the advice nurse to let her know what's going on with me, and she either let me know I need to come in, or see a nurse who will prescribe me medicine..
I hate going to the doctor with a passion and try to stay away as much as I can..
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@ShadyGrove (996)
• United States
16 Mar 07
What's wrong with being immortal? Well, it's fine by me so long as the people I love and care about would like to live on with me and our health and looks will be good! lol I too would not have a problem with it -- maybe we could just return and sort of start over, but not have to deal with all the growing up stuff :o)
As far as the doctor goes, I avoid them. I do go to the dentist every 6-8 months because I want to keep my teeth good and "sparkling" :o) But, for small illness, and even medium illness I just do not go. I take vitamins, eat fruit and veggies daily, and just deal with any short-lived illness. It's a rare thing for me to catch a cold ~ I just do not have time for this, and I go to work even if I do really feel bad -- I'm a die-hard I guess~ haha
For my kids though I do take them right away if they are ill. As for my mom, I do have to bug her to take herself to the doctor too- so I must have gotten the idea of healing oneself from her.
I do go to the doctor if I think something is serious or I have a long-standing worry - I'm not completely stupid! lol
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
17 Mar 07
Definitely.. being immortal but lonely wouldn't be that tempting. :P
@anonymili (3138)
15 Mar 07
I tend to be quite foolish when it comes to health matters and people keep telling me not to be. If I have a cold or flu, I will wrap up warm and take cold/cough/flu remedies and get on with it. I prefer to sweat it out and get better rather than bothering the doctor.
I actually hate visiting my doctors anyway for several reasons, 1) they are pretty useless and have made several incorrect diagnoses with me in the past few years, e.g. I was prescribed medication for an illness the doctor I assumed I had which made me violently ill for 3 days, b) it's so much hassle to get an appointment that by the time I get an appointment I will have recovered anyway.
I had a problem with my eye last year and it was quite severe and when I called up the surgery to get an appointment they said I could have one in 8 days time. My surgery has 5 GPs working full time! My boss told me to stay off work and get my eye seen to, in the end I went to the surgery and insisted on seeing a doctor - I was wearing sunglasses, when I removed them, the nurse jumped back in surprise and I got to see the doctor within 2 minutes...!
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@Giggles88 (542)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Well I get sick too much to go to the doctor's every time but I usually go if the same illness persists for longer than a week. Otherwise I just deal with it the old fashioned way. Lots of pain medicine, chocolate lol, vitamins, and sleep.
It costs way too much to go every week, which if I went every time I got sick it might even be twice a week. I think the doctor's would be millionaire's if I did go every time. They would cheer every time they saw me. WOOHOO ANOTHER COUPLE HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!
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@jhartana (1084)
• Australia
15 Mar 07
Doctors are so expensive these days. I only go to doctor if I have serious health issues or if I feel so sick that I need medicine for cure that sickness. My wife recently spent $1600 for root canal treatment on her teeth, that was so expensive. It's best for all of us to stay health, do regular exercises and eat healthy foods (not junk foods), so we can avoid going to doctor frequently for sickness. When I feel not well, I normally stay at home and have a rest as well as taking available medicine. The next day I usually get well and go back to work.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
15 Mar 07
I wrote this big long thing and then I lost it. So here goes,
I don't go to the doctor at the drop of a hat, but I do go because I think it is important to catch things in the beginning stages, even cancers can be cured in the beginning stages.
But if I am old, no money no hearing and eyesight or very bad hearing and eyesight, can't walk or do anything for myself anymore because I am too old, why should I want to live forever. My quality of life has diminished way too much to enjoy it.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
15 Mar 07
You really need to check out this text area extension that works with greasemonkey. You will not ever lose anything again with this...
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Mar 07
It's hard to get to see a doctor in Australia. I have a GP but his surgery is over 300klms away. The local GP I find difficult to accept.
I rarely get satisfaction from Drs anyway. I had an inguinal hernia that went undiagnosed for over 7 years. I was diagnosed as
~ lactose intolerant and put on a strict diet
~ depressed and prescribed anti depressants
~ menopausal and put on a diet and anti depressants
I had several blood tests, several ultra sounds, x-rays and an overnight stay in hospital. Finally I told the quack that I thought I had a hernia and he eventually agreed.
Do I have a lot of faith in doctors??? NO!!
Why on earth would they want to cure us? They are much better off saying "Take this and come back in 10 days". If we were well, they'd be out of a job
So, I self medicate. I take paracetomol regularly, also glucosamine sulphate, pottassium, St John's wort, and a calcium supplement with vitamins D3 and K1.
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
15 Mar 07
Goodness, what distance! I can reach one with a few min walk... looks like tiny Singapore isn't all that bad. :P
@clod0327 (817)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
I prefer to self-medicate like you. If I have a simple cough and cold, I don’t drink medicines. I just drink lots of water or eat fruits that are rich in Vitamin C. I really hate drinking medicine that’s why I really try to stay away from the doctors. If I become really sick, then that’s the time that I will start drinking medicines. But even though I’m really sick, I would still prefer to stay at home and drink medicines rather go and visit the doctor.
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@seamonkey (1976)
• Ireland
15 Mar 07
I hate going to the doctor. I mostly hate handing over the 50 quid. Especially if I don't feel like I got my money's worth. I certainly don't go for sniffles. I usually wait until I am so bad I'm probably turning the corner anyhow, and then the doctor gets the credit for 'fixing me' when it was just my own bosdy finally fighting off whatever was wrong with me, anyhow.
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
15 Mar 07
Money. It's all about the money.. doctors are too well paid. :P
@Phoniex (74)
• India
15 Mar 07
well becoming imortal is not my wish but still i would like to live a illness free life. for small dieseases such as cold ,headaches etc i never rush to a doctor because that would waste mine and doctors time , in which i could do lot of things and he could see a lot other really ill patients. but if i am seriously ill i deinately like to go to doctor becouse i dont want to die before my time and leavbe my beloved ones alone.
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@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
15 Mar 07
Yea, you are one of those I don't understand. :P
I wanna to rule the world!!! :-)