My House Inspection

March 14, 2007 8:47am CST
So I had my first house inspection on Monday. My boyfriend and I have been there for 6 months now and we spent all day Sunday cleaning it. Seriously, we didn't stop all day! I thought the house was clean but you don't really know how much junk you have til you REALLY clean it! Anyway the lady came through and looked at everything and wrote 'very tidy-thank you' on our report. But my boyfriend noticed that when she saw our hermit crab tank she wrote it down on her report. This house is a no pets house, but we thought that hermit crabs wouldn't be a problem. They dont smell, they don't carry any diseases, and they're out in the sunroom which is practically the back deck. Consnidering our bedroom smells like cat pee on hot days, from the previous renters, I think us getting into trouble for having 5 hermit crabs in a tank is stupid! Well, I don't know if we're getting in trouble for it-I guess she'll just tell the owners about it and leave it with them.. but anyway-what do you think?
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17 responses
@babyhar (1335)
• Canada
14 Mar 07
It would be kind of silly if they marked you down because you have a hermit crab tank. But I guess some people would consider that to be a pet. Which I find to be kind of strange but I guess some people have different beliefs on what they consider to be a pet. I would have asked her is there a reason as to why she wrote that down on that piece of paper? Knowing me I would end up saying something because I would want to know why this was happening. Maybe you could ask them as well what they consider to be pets when it comes to what is allowed in your apartment.. To me a pet would be something that is either moving or crawling around. But it's not like those crabs will be crawling around everywhere unless someone lets them out. Maybe that is what they are concerned about is that you will bring them out & allow them to move freely around the place. Some people think up the silliest things & that could be as to why she marked that down on that piece of paper. Or it could probably be because she considers that to be a pet & it's against the rules. But you'd think if it was against the rules she would come out & tell you right away right then & there as she's inspecting the place. Or at least give you a warning. But she didn't so maybe she wrote it down just to run it by someone higher up. It's hard to say. The only thing I could say is wait until someone calls you up & just push it to the side until something is said to you directly. Or call them up & just ask them what they consider to be a pet.. Or if having that hermit crab tank is going against the rules or policies. I think those are your only two best offers currently quite honestly. I just hope they don't hold it against you later on. So if you tell them a problem you may be having with the place. Or someone complains about the noise level, among other things. They may try to hold that against you without even telling you until something happens so that they can bring it up. I think in this day & age a lot of places do this.. Which is quite sad as I believe they should be so much more vocal instead of doing something such as this to there renters or house owners, etc.. In conclusion.. I wouldn't worry all to much about it.. If you find that you are becoming stressed or overly worried about it.. Maybe the best thing to calm your nerves would be to call them & just to ask them.. Or just blow it off until it's brought up.. I don't think you should be concerned to much about it until it comes up.. But I wouldn't let it slide to much in the back of your mind.. If they say something on how you have to get rid of it as you can't have any pets.. You can only look for a new place or try to compromise with them.. But I doubt they will allow this to happen since they probably would think you had taken the place & would follow the rules or policies. I just think it would be different if you had them crawling around everywhere. But you don't.. I wish you all the best of luck though & I hope everything works out for the best for you & your boyfriend! . . Thanks for allowing me to share! xx
• Australia
17 Mar 07
it's actually a house, not an apartment!
@cassidy22 (2974)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I've never had an inspection from renting a home before... just a move-in and move-out inspection. But if the lease says no pets, hermit crabs are still pets. They may take exception to that, as they own the home and not you and they do get to make the rules. So I'm sorry for that. Read up on the laws regarding tenants-landlords in your town and make sure you know what your rights are.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
14 Mar 07
It depends on what they mean by no pets. Some places allow for pets that are contained like that. Fish, for example are one that many don't care about. Others though do not allow any type what so ever. Just depends on what they consider pets. To help with the unrine odor though you might check for Urine out. It's a spray that you put on the area and then let it soak in and dry. It does help. We had a spot that was really bad with it and it did take twice to remove all the stain but the odor was gone from the first time. It was on tile and the stain was bad. We got it though at the dollar store and I was really amazed at how great it did work. Something for you to check into anyways. Good luck with the landlord :)
@soccermom (3198)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I'm a little confused on what you needed the inspection for, are you moving and want your deposit back or is it a condition of your lease that you get an occasional inspection? I wouldn't worry about the hermit crabs. Just an idea, but some companies won't insure homeowners or people that have rental properties if there are certain pets (attack breed dogs, large snakes, etc..)on the premises. Maybe that's why she made a note of your pets. I'm sure it is nothing for you to be concerned about or the landlord probably would've called right away.
• United States
15 Mar 07
Maybe there are jurisdictional requirements in Australia? It does seem weird to require a home inspection.
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@5000ml (1923)
• Belgium
15 Mar 07
Here in France the landlord has the right to come by and check the rented apartment or house once every 6 months. Most don't bother though, especially not if they live far away.
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• Australia
17 Mar 07
Yeah we're renting and every 6 months all houses from the same real estate get inspected so they can make sure the properties are being cared for by the tenants.
14 Mar 07
Well here's hoping that she won't report you fro it and to be honest I think she has every right considering it is against the rules. Chances are they will keep it on file and only use it if they feel the need to chuck you out for some reason, like ifyou have excessive noise or something which is difficult to prove then they can pull the no pets rule out the bag and you'll be out on your ear. I am sure you will be fine though, you sound like reasonable tennants so I wouldn't expect any trouble. Mabe for next time youo might want to think about covering it or soemthing. I remember once i had a hamster in a flat that I wasn't suppose to and the landlord popped round unexpectantly. He saw the hamster cage and started saying I would have to get rid of it and that I could get thrown out whne I just started bluffing it. I said that there wasn't a hamster in there and it was a present for my little sister as she wanted another buddy for her hamster and I had kindly had bought her a new bigger cage and set it up for her as she was so young and excited. Anway, Goodluck and I hipe everything goes fine for you.
• Australia
17 Mar 07
haha that's funny. yeah i know we shouldn't have them at all, because they're still pets but know..hermit crab.,.
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• Canada
15 Mar 07
Most times they don't bother with it. It's just a tank and as you say, Hermit crabs aren't liable to cause any problems. I think when they talk about pets, they mean things like Cats and Dogs because they can cause a LOT of damage to the place, and I guess if the previous tenants had a cat that peed everywhere before you guys moved in, thats why it's now listed as a no pets place. I reckon they'll just keep it on file. I can't see you getting into any trouble with it. I mean, what harm can hermit crabs cause anyway?
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• Australia
20 Mar 07
woah, 2 inspections in 15 years of renting?! how did you get away with that?
15 Mar 07
Landlords have always told me that fish and the like living in tanks are fine. I hate inspections though. Luckily I only had endure two in 15 years of renting. At least it's one thing you don't have to worry about when you have your own place. It's stress replacement though... mortgage worries replace inspection worries! ;)
@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Totally bizarre! I would be demanding that they do something about about the smell from the cat pee. I really don't think that the hermit crabs should count since they don't climb drapes, shed hair, pee on the floor or make noise. Good luck!
• Australia
18 Mar 07
haha no they're extremely quiet pets, I don't think we'll be having any noise complaints about them any time soon! I did write down about the smell on the form that we filled in when we first oved in about any problems with the house, but I don't know if they'd be willing to do anything as we're paying cheap rent for the house.. it's worth a try though.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
15 Mar 07
If it is "no pets" it is NO pets. Perhaps if asked first, the hermit crabs would have been okayed. There is a possibility that if the crabs were not out, but were drawn up inside their shells, she will just think it is an ornamental thing, pretty rocks and shells to look at. You never know.
@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Great work on the house cleaning part. I really need to get this in order. I am sorry about the odor problem, that really sucks. I hope she does not report you. What will happen if she does though?
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• Australia
20 Mar 07
I'm not too worried, according to our neighbours, the previous tenants before us were rather undesirable. Eg cats peeing in the house, apparently there was trouble here and someone came around and stole the guy's motorbike and they were rude to the neighbours. We're always getting letters here from solicitors and things like that so I'm guessing the owners of this house are just happy they have decent tenants and are not going to worry too much about 6 damn hermit crabs!
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
They should have those kind of inspection here in our country..Maybe she'll just report your crabs..and there wont be a problem with it since they don't crawl around the house.
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• United States
19 Mar 07
LOL, I read this discussion it it made me laugh. I remember my husband's daughter wanted a hermit crab. She let him out of the tank one day and the little bugger scared the crap out of me. I don't see why having hermit crabs would be against the pet rules but you never know, some people just don't like any pets period. I hope all goes well and no problems arise from the owners.
@Alphasee (389)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Your landlady isn't the owner?
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• Australia
18 Mar 07
The woman from the real estate representing the owners came to do the inspection. That's how it works here. I think the owner lives in another state anyway.
@audreych (13)
• Australia
15 Mar 07
If it was a problem she would have said something instead of just writing it down. The standard conditions also say no fish, indoor plants or waterbeds which is in case they leak and ruin the floor. Another tip as far as urine smell goes try odour absorbing cat litter.
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• Australia
18 Mar 07
oh thanks for that- it seems like nothing is working to get rid of the smell!
@jbillin1 (12)
• United States
15 Mar 07
In my opinion a hermit crab is not a pet, so I think your inspection lady was being a little too damn tedious in writing that down; especially considering the fact that you practically keep it outside. When I moved into my first apartment, my landlord didn't allow pets either. I asked her if it was ok for me to have a hamster, and she said it was fine as long as I kept it in the cage. (but who the heck let's a hamster run wild around the house anyway!?) Anyways, even if she notifies the owners, I doubt they will care much. Hope everything goes well!!
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@loujac3 (1188)
• United States
26 Mar 07
Thank you for granting me "best response." I am flattered. I hope that all ended well for you.
@Island_Geko (3759)
• Canada
15 Mar 07
As long as it is in a cage it should be fine, our place is a non pet place but we have 2 bird and the land lord is OK with it.
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• United States
15 Mar 07
I honestly don't think you will have any problems. Hermit crabs don't make a mess or tear up any property. Even if you did let them out, they don't make messes. Like many other's have commented, it depends on what the owner considers pets. Most consider caged animals not same as pets.. Best of Luck and keep us posted.
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