Why are people rude to people with alot of kids? How many is too many?
By sivadirehs
@sivadirehs (27)
United States
March 14, 2007 3:40pm CST
I was recently fortunate enough to meet an amazing family with 8 children. I noticed that there were alot of rude things said to the mother and father. Why do people care? I personally think they are amazing to be able to handle 8 children. I know I couldn't do it. Also I have a 3 year old and 1 year old twins and the boy twin is bigger than the girl twin. People think that they are all different ages just close together. People say things like " Are they all yours" and "My god How far apart are they" It doesnt bother me really I'm just curious as to why they care? Why do they do this? Also, Do you think a family can have too many kids? How many kids do you think is to many and why? I think every family should have how ever many they want granted they can provide for them. That may be 1 for some families and 8 for another.
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41 responses
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
14 Mar 07
In this day and age, if you have over three children in one household that is one child too many. I say this because it is economically challenging to take care of more than three children now a days. Another thing is attention. Children crave attention. If you give more attention to one child and not the other, those children are going to hate you. Rebellion runs wild in families with more than three children, even families with less than three can have problem children, so imagine a family with one problem child and then you have more than two along with that child. That can be a problem. I have seen families with a lot children really struggle to make ends meet and deal with all of the problems and complications on top of that.
@sivadirehs (27)
• United States
14 Mar 07
Yes I think if you cant afford the time or money to support them you shouldnt have them. But assuming you could whats wrong with having more? If you just had all the money and time in the world? In the families I have personally met with many kids, they were always extremely well behaved and happy.
@I_love_cowboys (12)
• New Zealand
15 Mar 07
I believe that if you are relying on government money to raise your family, then you should not continue having children. Also, if you have no parenting skills and abuse your children, you should not be allowed to breed. From what I have seen, the majority of families where child abuse is prevalent, the families are at the bottom of the socio-economic scale. Poverty doesn't seem to be good for raising large families. However, if you are capable of raising lots of children, are caring and loving, can provide for them all, and raise them to be good citizens of society, then you have every right to have as many children as you want. It is only when the parents have limited resources, either financial, emotional or physical (eg small house) that children should be limited.
@kaiyascloset (372)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I have small children as well and I get tired of all the questions and remarks! Everyone wants to know how many will we have! I don't understand why people think they even have the right to ask us personal questions, when they are strangers to us. Every family gets to make their own choices when it comes to how large they want their family to be, I think they should be able to afford all the children they have!
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@sivadirehs (27)
• United States
14 Mar 07
Thats another I had forgotten about: "how many are you going to have?" and " Your done right?"
@devan23 (242)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I don't think a family can ever have too many kids, unless they keep having them and cannot provide the attention and love for each child to flourish as they should. I think when you get the "Are they all yours?" that is the most rude question anyone could ask.. I would be so mad. Even if they didn't all come out of your body they are all still yours in heart. And even if its say the neighbor's kid you took to the store with yours it is none of their business!! People can be so nosy.
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@SageMother (2277)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I think that most people with alot of kids are looked down on because it seems rather selfish. People feel the parents are showing disdain for the rest of us who show self control.
In this day when so many are hungry, it seem in appropriate to have more children than needed to replace each parent. Having smaller families stabilizes the population, avoids added oonsumption of resources to a certain extent, and leads to fewer elderly people who will need care later on.
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@sivadirehs (27)
• United States
14 Mar 07
Thank you for a different opinion. Though I dont agree, and much of what you wrote realistically makes little sense. Also I dont believe it is ever ok to be rude to a perfect stranger about the most precious thing in there life. Maybe ignorance and/or bitterness makes these people behave in such a manner.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I think how many kids you have is your business.If you can afford to take care and you have the time and energy for them then it is your business.To each his own.I wasn't put on this earth to judge others behavior and I usually stay off of others affairs unless I see someone hurting someone else ...then I will jump...
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
14 Mar 07
People dont think before they speak somtimes and they enjoy judging people because it makes them feel superior....i dont think that a family can have too many kids as long as they have even money for all of them to feed,cloth, and keep them happy.....i also hate it when people say to parents "havent you ever heard of birth control?".....no birth control except abstinence is 100% and life is full of surprises and people should be more understanding of that and should try to appreciate good parents no matter how many children they have
@sivadirehs (27)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I have gotten that one and I only have three. Really why do people care. They dont have to dress and feeed and care for them.
@majorsree (575)
• India
15 Mar 07
u are absolutely right abt it......good question dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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@babyblu1998 (325)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I dont have an answer to this question but I do agree. I also have 3 children and Im pretty young. People say that to me all the time. Dont you have to many kids. I say umm no, are you supporting them?? lol. I hate when people say stuff like that. If I had 20 kids it shouldnt matter.
@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
14 Mar 07
It is up to God to descide how many children that we have. Children are a wonderful blessing. If we have a lot of children then we have a lot of love and people that will call us on the phone and talk to us. Aren't those good things?
@alienation68 (103)
• United States
14 Mar 07
I dont think there can be too many, unless they cant afford to spend the time or money on the children. if the kids are crazy i understand them being looked down apon but well behaved children should be looked at as a blessing
@janee_astig (42)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
there shud be birth control to stop lust. We're not Abrahan anyways.
@eygt2503 (18)
• Singapore
15 Mar 07
Yes, I agree with you that a family will be able to cope with the number of children that the parents have chosen to have, whatever the number. Strangely enough, somehow, they'll scrape through. Not all will fare the same, but the law of division will work in all cases -- those who have more but lesser children simply will have a more comfy situation, and vice versa. And yes, outsiders should not interfere in the affairs of others' families.
@c2adams2 (351)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Well, I am on two sides on this. I do not agree that it is ever okay to judge another family based on five minutes of seeing them, even if the kids are bad. I have two children who are relatively well-behaved, but we have had our acting out in the store. That doesn't depend on how many kids you have, only how terrified they are of you.
On how many is too many, well, I guess it depends on your ability to take care of them. I know two large families that are at the very opposite ends of the scale. One large family has several children, one with ODD and RAD. They have in home occupational therapists, and a developmental pediatrician, and a nuerologist, etc., and do everything they can to add to this boy's quality of life, while still engaging and sharing with the other children. They are able to pay attention to the children because the children help by paying attention to each other. It is hard, but I do not see a reason to complain about their attempts to have a sixth baby.
At the same time I know another family with an older boy who has an emotional disorder, and he is locked in his room for a majority of his life. Also, this disorder is so extreme that he has willfully and maliciously attempted to murder two of his siblings. When there is a dangerous child living in the house the family should not have just brought home their fifth child.
Either way it is not my place to judge. That is what CPS is for.
@nikisazombie (22)
• United States
17 Mar 07
People are often rude when they don't understand something. And that includes large families.
I often look at them with awe. Because I COULD NOT raise 8 children, but I think it's great when others do it WELL.
People are also going to ask questions. They'll always go up to a pregnant woman and tell her she looks like she's going to pop, and they're always going to go to the larger families and ask them stupid questions.
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
15 Mar 07
If thats what that family wants then thats their business.I have 3 kids ages 12,11 and 9 and people would look and question were they twins,are they all yours to.Im like yeessss.Three is not to many so yea why are they worried,do they want to help take care of them?not!
@soulist (2985)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I don't know why some people are rude to large families. I think if a couple can handle a large family financially emotionally, and physically then why shouldn't they if they want it? It's nice coming from a large family (my mom is the baby of 9)
@Bee1955 (3882)
• United States
15 Mar 07
People are amazing. They seem to think they have the right to say or do anything irregardless of the feelings of others. I grew up next door to a family with 7 kids. Even back then,a large family was rare. One day someone made a comment to my neighbor hat she had "too many" children, that 2 or 3 were enough.. My neighbor quipped: "and which 4 should we throw away?".
@ydnac22 (802)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
I dont care if a family have too many kids.As long as they have enough money to support the childrens need then why not? after all children are blessing.as what the bible says.."go on and multiply".(lol)but again parents should make it sure that they can take care and supervise all their kids until they grow up. :)_
@beaniegdi (1964)
15 Mar 07
I don't know why either but sometimes people say things but don't always realise how it can sound rude to others. Like when people comment on yours being close in age they won't realise tht it hurts you when they say it. I once had an odd comment made to me by a woman who was a neighbour, my children then where about maybe 7 and 9, I 've forgotten exactly but she said to me, 'you had your children young didn't you' and she was smiling real funny like but the thing is I was 25 when I had my first and 27 when I had my 2nd but I look younger then I am and I think she was implying tht I was very young when I had them. I know years later when I was at work and was telling someone about my eldest getting himself some coloured contact lenses, tht are only to change the colour of your eyes not like the ones for your eye sight, and one guy at work said ' coloured lenses, how old is your son' and when I said 18 he said good heavens did you have him when you where still at school? He was only in his 20's but I was about 43 then.
I don't know if there is a best number for family size, I am one of 5 children and love my sisters and younger brother and I would not be here if my mum had stopped at only 2 children as I am the 4th girl in the family. Alos I know my parents wanted a son and he was the 5th. I would have liked a bigger family but my ex husband wanted to stop at 2 so we did.
@caitlinlouden (44)
• United States
15 Mar 07
If the parents continue to have children when they don't have the money to care for all of them, I think that is enough children. Otherwise, have at it! lol I saw a show on TLC where the family had, I think, 16 kids. Now that's amazing, geez.