Family Times

@bjsmel (97)
United States
March 14, 2007 5:59pm CST
How many out there still have time to sit down with your family for dinner a couple of nights a week. We live in such a busy, busy world every day that sometimes we let the most important things fall through the cracks. My most precious memories of growing up were at the family dinner table and sitting at my dad's feet listening to him tell me stories of his childhood. I hope we all have precious memories. I do not see my son every day but I do talk to him and I check on my mom several times a day. Keep those familes together. We are the core of tomorrow
2 responses
• United States
15 Mar 07
My husband and I live alone, except for my son's visits on the weekends. He is nine and full of energy. We always have family fun day on Sunday. We go to the park, have a picnic, watch a movie..whatever he wants to do. I think it works terrific that way. My son usually gets to learn something new, and he learns to develop a relationship with his step dad, also. I try to stay very involved in his life. We keep the lines of communication open. I call him every single day. We are close. I hope that it will remain that way as he gets older.
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@bjsmel (97)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I feel sure it will remain that way. He is at the his development years and he will remember all those calls and fun times he had /has with you. You sound like a great mother. I am so glad to see that you get him every weekend.
• Ireland
14 Mar 07
All my children have grown up and either married or moved into their own houses. My husband works very unsociable hours so it is impossible to sit down to a meal together. We sometimes have breakfast together if her doesn't have to leave for work too early in the mornings. At weekends, I usually have the whole family together, including grandchilren, for dinner and tea. It is rather nice to have a family gathering as often as possible and not just wait for special occasions.
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