Beware friends!!!!!!
By parisha
@parisha (30)
March 14, 2007 7:51pm CST
Pls read,specially share wid ur wife, daughters, sisters, mother,friends
plz share this information wid ur family friends and all.
(hav u seen recent advertisement of M/S saint GLOBAINGLASSES
shown in television)
Then u must have known about 2 way mirrors and is also shown in hindi movie Hamraz)how to determine if a mirror is a two way or not ( Not a joke), not to scare u, but to make sure that u aware.
May of the hotels ant textiles showrooms cheat thier customers in this way & watch privately.
How to detect a two way mirror- when we visit toilets, bathrooms,hotel rooms, changing rooms etc, how many of u know for sure that the seemingly ordianry mirror hanging on the wall is real mirror ,or actually a Two-mirror i-e (thay can see u but u cant see them). there have been many cases of people installing two way mirror in females changing rooms or bathrooms or is very difficult to positively identify the surface just by looking at it.
So how do we determine wid ay amount of certainty ,wed that type of mirror we are looking at?
Conduct the simple test
Place the tip of the fingernail against the reflective surface, and if there is a gap between the fingernail and the image of the nail,then it is a Genuine mirror.However, if ur finger-nail Directly Touches the image of ur nail,then BEWARE it is a TWO-WAY MIRROR.
(THERE IS SOMEONE SEEING U FROM OTHER SIDE) so remember everytime u see a mirror, do the Finger-nail Test)
It does'nt cost u anything.
It is very simple to do,This is a really gud thing to do.
The reason there is a gap on real mirror ,is because the silver is on the back of the mirror Under the glass,whereas witha two way mirror,the silver is on the surface.Keep it in mind!
Make sure and check everytime u enter in hotel rooms.Mayb somone is making a film on u
Ladies: Share this wid ur friends
Men: share this wid ur sisters, wife,friends, and dayghters.
It has been settled policy of my life to do my best and leave the rest to God.
posted wid gud intentions.
Hav u ever troubled wid this type of situation???????
plz share
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