The Bible says that earth is flat.
By irkhan
@irkhan (80)
March 15, 2007 1:54am CST
The Bible says that earth is flat. I have the proof below which shows it is not a God's Word.?
It is mentioned in the Bible, in the Gospel of Mathew, Chapter No.4, Verse No.8, it says - the same reference which Dr. William Campbell used about tempting… ‘The devil took him… that is Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, to an exceedingly high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the earth and its glory. Gospel of Luke Chapter No.4, Verse No.5…‘The devil took him to a high mountain and showed him the glory of all the kingdoms of the world.’ Now, even if you go to the tallest mountain, the highest mountain in the world… that is Mount Everest, and supposingly, you have a very good vision, and can see for thousands of miles together - Yet, you will not be able to see all the kingdoms of the world - Because today we know, the earth is spherical. You will not be able to see the kingdom, of the opposite side of the world. The only way you will be able to see, if the earth was flat. That is the description what the Bible gives…‘The earth is flat.’ Further more, this same description is repeated in the book of Daniel, Chapter No.4, Verse No.10 and 11. It says… ‘In a dream, that the tree grew up into the heaven, and there when the tree grew up into the heaven, it grew up so much, that every one from all the ends of the earth, they could see the tree. This is only possible, if the shape of the earth was flat. If a tree is very long and the shape of the earth was flat it is possible. Today it is a universal fact that the world is spherical - You will never be able to see the tree, however much long it is, from the opposite side of the spherical shape of the earth
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17 responses
@Jemina (5770)
15 Mar 07
Excuse me, the Bible didn't say that the earth is flat and you can never find the phrase "the earth is flat" verbatim. It's just your interpretation. So many great people believe in the Bible and they uphold it as infallible. Though no one can give you a concrete evidence of the existense of God because it's takes faith to believe. It's just like proving that there is air. You can't see it but why do you say there is air?
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@cloudwatcher (6861)
• Australia
16 Mar 07
In fact, the Bible states the opposite.
Isaiah 40:22 records that God sits above the circle (curve) of the earth.
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
15 Mar 07
everyone until 1492 thought the world was flat, big deal, All religious textsdo is try to explain to ignorant people the answers to some questions the author as asked.Look at some of the garbage they put in the quran, its worse and it was written 3000 years later than most of the biblical texts. And by the way, the kingdoms of the world at that time, as far as there were kingdoms were actually in the Mediterranean/Nile valleys. So, yes, it could have happened. The whole Mediterranean area could have been seen from the top of a high mountain in Persia. Kind of a shame you never took world history before you printed your drivel
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@raphael_volts (1131)
• India
16 Mar 07
Not like I will say that whateve you said was wrong. I am a christian my self judy and I also feel as wrong about everything the guy said as you do but I would like to ask you to forgive him and please do not be this harsh to any particular people or religion. Be happy with your beliefs and knowledge and spread them. Sorry if I hurt your sentiments but still.
Take Care
May GOD Bless YOU
@2timothy (794)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
Five hundred years ago, everyone thought that the earth is flat until Copernicus in 1475 proved that the earth is round. But the Bible 2,500 years earlier says that the earth is round. Isaiah 40:22 says that God sits above the circle (round ball or spherical object) of the earth and Job 38:14 says that the earth turned (revolves around an axle) like clay under a seal. The Lord in His words also implies that the earth is round when He describes His return where two are on one bed and two are working (Luke 17:34-36) indicating that when He returns some are sleeping in the evening on one side of the earth and some are working in the morning on the other side of the earth.
@monkeywriter (2004)
• United States
16 Mar 07
You are really OVER THINKING these concepts. First off the whole thing about the devil showing Jesus the whole kingdom, it was probably not like what you think. Or Devil made an illusion. Anyways. There is proof the earth is round the bible never said literally the earth is flat!
@Mollyjo (266)
• United States
16 Mar 07
It says that he was showed all the kingdoms it doesn't say the earth is flat, The devil was casted out of heaven and God gave him dominion over the earth. It never said that God took his power that angels are given therefore the devil does have powers but not as great as God's. The result is that he did show Jesus the kingdoms but, he showed him with his power's that God had given to him. Meaning he was tempted by the devil but did not give in, we are tempted by the devil every day several times a day. That is why there is so many bad things in the world that happens and why we do make such choices. If the devil did not have power then how does he tempt us? If he did not have any power he could not tempt us and we would not make such bad decisions in life. The bible is very hard to interpert and to understand on such subjects but I will tell you that the ones that written the bible did so one visions and some may have been changed do to the writer, not by God.
@raphael_volts (1131)
• India
16 Mar 07
When in Blble we come across verses saying that" the devil tok Him to a hight mountain and showed him the kingdoms of earth" It only means that he showed him all the kingdoms he ca see from that mountain and also that till 1492 no one knew that earth was sphere and by no one I mean NO ONE knew. So I would like to suggest you that when you read religious books may it be BIBLE or anything else then please try to put some common sense and you will understand their meaning in a better sense.
Take Care
May GOD Bless YOU
@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
Hmmm that is a very good scientific biblical discovery..but it said "IF" the earth was flat. It just stated IF not saying IT was flat..and in Daniel it was just a dream not saying it is true.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
15 Mar 07
The devil could have easily transported Christ to whatever Mountain it was, and then made the kingdoms of the earth appear. We also do not know whether the devil did the television or movie thing by having lets say, Babylon come before, and then the Roman Empire shoots forward, the Mayan Empire comes from the
West, the Chinese empire appears from the East, etc. All those kingdoms shooting forward. It would be more dramatic than having the mountain being removed up into the sky (where it would be noticed) and seeing earth from above and then shooting down on Babylon, Mexico, China, etc. That too would be noticed, not to mention the people being crushed by a Mountain suddenly appearing in their midst. The devil is an angel and angels have powers above us humans, therefore there are somethings that they can do.
@maildumpster (3815)
• United States
15 Mar 07
The bible does not say that the earth is flat. It refers to things the people of the time understood. When they got to the shoreline and looked out they saw water. To them the world was flat and to say otherwise would have shocked people.
I am so sick of people trying to prove that the bible is false. Nobody is forcing you to believe that it is true. If you don't then fine. There is no reason to start discussions like this to get people fighting (this kind of discussions always pits people against one another).
@rarrimalion (674)
• United States
16 Mar 07
i can't add much more that anyone else in this thread hasn't already said, but who cares what the Bible said? It's NOT fact or's just a religious text, and i know a lot of people have blind faith in it, but just cuz you have blind faith in something still doesnt mean it's correct...
@SENATOR42007 (6)
• Nigeria
15 Mar 07
To me the earth is not flat with scientific reason.Assuming if the earth is flat the whole world suppose to receive day ligth at the same time.circumnavigation is also a prove, the sailor travel through the see thinking the will fall at the edge of the flat earth but it not so. Another is arial photograph let us know that every picture take from the space is always curve
@terilee79720 (3621)
• United States
16 Mar 07
It will certainly depend on what translation you read of the Holy Scriptures. It would also be relevent to be able to read and understand the original writings which were in Hebrew or Aramaic.
To understand exactly what was meant throughout scripture, you would have had to be able to 'see' what the author was trying to relate.
The legendary translation of many of the scriptures has been lost through a literal interpretation of one or two versus.
One must read the entire book with dictionary, concordance and any other book that helps understand the verses.
To read a verse such as this one without understanding everything else before and after, and making such a 'wordly comment' as you did is utterly ignorant.
Ignorant means, without full knowledge.
With that said, it did start a good discussion.
@Erilyn (3020)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Who isn't to say that the "mountian" itself wasn't a figurtive decription so that the people at the time could better understand? The human mind has a very hard time grasping the actuallity of forever, or infinity. So who's to say that the mountian that is referred to is an actual mountian and not a description for man to better understand the idea of looking at the world in that way? It is easier to understand things that are hard to understand by putting them in a better perspective. Look at the parables Jesus taught with for example. It was easier for him to teach people certian values and ideas by putting them in a perspective that people could understand. It is hard to take everything literally when you think of what the people's perspective at the time was.
@jayperiod (870)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Job 26:7 & 10 describe a circular, hanging earth. "He stretches out the north over empty space; He hangs the earth on nothing...He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters."
Isaiah 40:22 describes the earth as a circle or sphere. "It is He who sits above the circle of the earth."
Many people from that time did not understand these concepts and taught on them wrong. Many viewed these, along with watching ships sink below the horizon and understood the idea of a sphere.
Much of what you are reading is spiritual teaching, not necessarily physical. Daniel saw the kingdoms of the earth as one statue. Do you really believe he saw a literal, physical statue? No. He saw a spiritual vision to explain future events.
@DJ9020 (1596)
• United States
15 Mar 07
you have to remember that at the time of the writing, the 'whole world' to them was pretty much the middle east. And I'm not sure it was a literal mountain or a more figurative mountain. Remember, God, Jesus, and Satan can work on a different plane of existence than we do. I'm not one to believe in a literal interpretation like that. There is so much that we cannot comprehend that it has be put in terms that we, and the people of the time, could understand. And not to be picky, but to the person who mentioned the quran - since the Bible itself was written 'less' than 2000 years ago, the quran could not possibly have been written 3000 years later! Maybe it was a misprint (lol).
@eastern_horizon (46)
• India
15 Mar 07
You've got nothing else. It is more important to know how is your heart?. Take good care of it. It is the vehicle on which you're going to ride to heaven!