$1000 Pizza Pie! Is It Me Or Are The Rich Flaunting Their Wealth These Days?
@lloydanthony111 (4698)
United States
March 15, 2007 3:53pm CST
A New York restaurateur has cooked up the world's most extravagant pizza - $1,000 pie topped with six kinds of caviar, fresh lobster various gourmet and specialty cheeses, creme fraiche and chives.
Nino Selimaj, who runs six pizza restaurants in New York, unveiled the Luxury Pizza, a 12-inch thin crust pizza pie. Cut into eight pieces, the pie works out at $125 a slice.
He expects the pie to be a good selling item and has already taken orders for the Luxury Pizza.
Is it me or has anyone else noticed an increase in the rich flaunting their wealth?
Just recently, Donald Trump was showing everyone his new $125 million dollar mansion in Florida.
Also, MTV has a show on called Cribs, where pop stars and atheletes show off their fancy homes. Some of these people have up to 12 different cars in their driveways.
A few weeks ago Prince Charles and Camila visited Philadelphia. She wore a 25 million dollar necklace to dinner.
Given the increasing gap between the rich and the poor in the world, do you think it is a good idea for the rich to flaunt their wealth so much?
What do you think?
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47 responses
@disvachic (10117)
• United States
15 Mar 07
yes that is ridiulous.i have seen on a show a while back where they were selling a hamburger for $300, what in da world? I can make that same hamburger/pizza and will probably taste better.They can donate some of dat money to me.lol i will be happy to accept!
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Imagine that. A $300 hamburger. There can't be a $280 difference between this $300 hamburger and a $2 Burger King Whopper.
Yesterday I bought a Whopper Junior hamburger and it tasted pretty good to me. I like mine with extra pickles.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I agree with you. The double cheeseburger on the McDonald's dollar doesn't even come close the the Whopper Junior. It's well worth a dollar.
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@trinidadvelasco (11401)
• Philippines
15 Mar 07
I am not having a bite of that pizza. I can never afford it. It is much too expensive for people who belong to the social standing where I am.
The rich are flaunting their riches because, they are more insecure than the less fortunate ones. They go about bragging how much have they accumulated through the years and as to how young have they started getting those millions and then billions. They never have enough of their fill because, they know that there is always someone much richer or someone who will still be much richer than they are.
Let's be happy that we are having enough of our fill to address all our needs.

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
20 Mar 07
It's true! In the 'end', they are clowns, no? In the 'end' I don't want to be a clown, nor have used more than my share, or have been very self-centered (I'm a star nevertheless! - I don't believe in stars, just people).. I feel sorry for all those in their position.. Tho some do many acts of charity and give lots of money to charity.. I don't know if giving away wealth is the answer, but maybe schools.. and creating employment for people.. sending seed.. foods of course where vital.. The world is a huge problem. I think the huge division in wealth will end up being one of the reasons for the downfall of the world.. But who do you get to take care of all the problems? If you create a government big enough to do it, then all is lost..
@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
15 Mar 07
You may have a point. May they do feel insecure even though they have achieved great wealth.
I didn't think about that.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
15 Mar 07
There has always been a tendancy for the rich to love flaunting their wealth, and it will no doubt continue. Caviar and champagne are 2 perfect examples of this, because in both cases they are an acquired taste that most people would not enjoy. I can imagine the pizza selling fairly well purely because of it's cost. However, it sounds like the most revolting pizza that I have heard of.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
15 Mar 07
Lol. I never even considered what this pizza might taste like. It does sound revolting.
You also make a good point when you say that is will sell purely because of it's cost.
It might just become some kind of status symbol for the rich and famous.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I agree. Even if I could afford a 1000 dollar pizza, I wouldn't buy it. I'd rather by a $20 pizza and donate $980 to a needy charity.
I wonder what people really think when they tell their friends and family that they had a $1000 pizza?
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
20 Mar 07
It's crazy! I think this world is the world of hilarity! Free-will, and hilarity! Judgement day is gonna be soooo long! So much to review and learn from.. In the meantime, a sense of humor is a life saver.. We can only do what we can, and keep praying.. and talking to people..
@SpitFire179 (2536)
• Canada
15 Mar 07
I personally think that i never want to be rich. It's pathetic, i think that if they have all that money, why don't they find a way to use it that doesn't just go to show people "i have more than you"
It just bugs the heck right out of me...
I don't mind them having a big fancy house, even a nice car/truck or 2, but there comes a point where it's just showing off, most people don't even like caviar, but look, their eating it to show off, the expensive necklace, i'm sure you can find something just as beautiful, if not more, for under 2 grand, and any house that costs that much, isn't worth it to me.
If they want to go ahead and flaunt what they got, then they just better know that there's going to be a lot of pissed off people, and a lot of trash to deal with.
Not from me, no, but there's a lot of people who would go pretty far to get back at them.

@monkeykingaround (896)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Caviar is fish egg?! Eww... I would never eat it too.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I'm not mad at them, but it does seem like they are flaunting their wealth.
Regarding caviar, I would never put that in my mouth. It looks gross to me. I'm sure there's many people who view it as a status symble, so that's why they eat it. What can be so rewarding about eating fish eggs?
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@Carrie26 (1587)
• United States
15 Mar 07
I think they should give money to the poor as well.That is sad that so many people are going hungary and would be happy with some beans or macaroni and cheese to eat.I think is is ridiculous to spend tht much on dresses or whatever when they could probably find a dress or something similar and it would be less money and still look good.If I had that much money I would probably get me a nice house but not a huge mansion that is so big you could barley get to one end in a day.LOL.I guess I woud be happy with just a normal house and conserve money and I would give it away to people that needed it.I think that is what God intends for people to do when they have lots and lots of money.I think that person that specifically caters to only rich people that can afford to pay for that high price food will be making boocoos of money.I also think some rich and famous people are to snotty and prissy to eat around us regular people and that is wrong to.Everyone is created equal.So no one should feel oneself superior to the other just becuase they have money.I for one would not have alot of cars.I would only have about 2 or 3.Six is too much unless it is your childrens cars counted.Some Celebrities and Wealthy people spend to much money on stuff.When they die they cant take it with them.The family would probably get it.I think that if they want to buy something buy something almost the same but a little cheaper.I wonder sometimes even if some do give to charity (some probably more so for tax reasons)If they feel guilt or have a conciense when they know they could give alittle more money.

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
20 Mar 07
Just imagine if all the wealthy built homeless shelters.. and soup kitchens.. orphanges.. schools... But if they did, knowing human nature, soon enough said charities would be making a profit, hiring relatives for phony paychecks.. and abusing the people that come to them.... maybe making them sell their bodies.. AW! I'm just kidding..!
But I do wish I had massive amounts of money, and trustworthy people to hire to build and run homneless shelters, soup kitchens, etc.. all over the world.. In some countries, just some help digging a well, will cause a village to be able to survive..
@monkeykingaround (896)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I would rather they do stuff for charity then use it to buy expensive stuff. They probably do it for tax reason or some celebrity just want to be on the news for 10 minutes. So many celebrities adopt a kid from Africa. Well, atleast a life is save and spoil. ^__^
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
15 Mar 07
In some countries a thousand dollars could feed a family for a year.
And even in America we have so many homeless shelters and food banks that could use some help.
It's all about having your priorities in order. It's about what you think is important in your life.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
20 Mar 07
Do you have 1000 dollars to try it out? If you get one, please let us know how it taste.
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@rebelann (113498)
• El Paso, Texas
27 Oct 19
Yeah, I'd love to know what that tastes like and if you think it's worth $1000.
@SplitZip (1488)
• Portugal
16 Mar 07
The thing is, by "flaunting" their wealth, they're probably making even more money. Just don't watch those shows and don't pay attention! :p
Donald Trump's apartment was on The Apprentice, the man may have lots of money, but he clearly has no taste! Like someone once put it, "take a look at my ridiculously ostentatious apartment!".
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I try not to watch these shows, but it's put in front of you everywhere you turn. The pizza story was on every news channel today.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I was raised to believe that it was only the nouveau riche (newly rich) who flaunted their money. People with class and breeding never did that. Camilla never had any class so I would not expect to her to behave as if she did.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I forgot to say that when I saw the segment on the Today Show that I thought was funny when the owner or chief was asked if the could buy it by the slice!!
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
16 Mar 07
You make a good point. You hardly ever see members of the Kennedy family or Walton family flaunting their wealth.
Donald Trump is an exception to the rule. He likes rubbing it people's face.
I thought Camila came from a wealthy family. Am I wrong about that?
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Wow. I didn't know that it was also on the the Today Show. That 1000 dollar pizza was everywhere. Boy did that pizza store get a lot of free publicity.
I guess everything else in America is just find, since this is one of the top news stories. lol
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I'm sorry but if I were a millionaire, I wouldn't spend a thousand dollars on something that(pardon my language) I'm going to crap out in a few hours. Nothing tastes that good. The sad thing is that most of these people(Donald Trump and the royal Family excepting) have a good chance of going broke. MC Hammar is a perfect example of a man who was on top of the world, financially and lost it all. Rich people in entertainment need to use a few smarts and put away a bit for a rainy day.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
17 Mar 07
Actually, I've always felt very sorry for Mc Hammar and people like him. So many talented musicians and actors get rich but they aren't given any education on what to do with their wealth. So they quander it or worse, intrust it to people who turn out to be untrustworthy. It's quite sad.
@cwilson26 (2735)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Well first of all what I think about the pizza, I saw it on Fox 5 news, is that even though I have never tried caviar, I don't intend to try it and you couldn't pay me $1000 to eat it. Actually I take that back, I think I would have to force myself to eat it for $1000. lol! But I think it is stupid to charge $1000 for a pizza let alone $125 a slice.
And about the rich flaunting their wealth: Yes I do think they are flaunting their wealth too much and what makes me mad is that you say some of them have 12 different cars. What are they doing with 12 different cars in the first place? Do they drive a different car everyday? I think that is stupid and wasteful of their money when they could be spending it on helping the poor and homeless. I am sick of the rich people showing off their expensive stuff.
I think it is also stupid to even spend $25 million dollars on one necklace. It is a waste of money if you ask me. Money can be better spent on so many things besides expensive necklaces and 12 different cars.
If I was a millionaire I would first pay off all of my bills and buy a nice house for me and my husband. Then I would give my mom, dad, sister and mother n law a whole bunch of money and keep giving them money all the time. Then I would build more apartment buildings for the homeless and buy them whatever they needed to get back on their feet and get a job so they wouldn't have to live that life anymore. I have thought of this so many times. What really bothers me is it seems like the only people that actually want to help out the poor are the ones that are poor themselves and the rich have the means to do everything they can to help out the homeless but they don't. Sure they give money to charity but I think they only do that to make themselves look good. I wouldn't directly give the money to charity but I would go around to as many states as I could and just hand out money to those who really needed it. I get so mad hearing about them buying this and that. It makes me sick.
Sorry for the long response but this stuff just makes me so angry.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
19 Mar 07
That is a great post. I hope everyone reads the whole post like I just did.
There's something just wrong about the direction this society is going.
I live near a food bank and it does seem like the ones helping the most are the poor themselves.
Thanks for you reply.
@clod0327 (817)
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
I don’t think I will ever have a bite of that pizza. I already can buy a lot of things with $125. Times are though nowadays and I just don’t want to spend my hard earned money on such impractical stuff. Know pizza is a food and food is a need and not a want but we can have a delicious pizza without having to pay $125.
But I don’t see anything wrong with the rich flaunting their wealth. It’s their life, so they can always decide what they want to do with it.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Most people here believe that a 1000 dollar pizza is a little excessive and wouldn't purchase one.
You are right that it's their life, but it's thrown in our faces also.
@rebelann (113498)
• El Paso, Texas
27 Oct 19
Like they say, if ya got it flaunt it @lloydanthony111 These times aren't really all that different from by gone days. Just look at the huge gap there was between nobility and their serfs in ancient times, nothing really changes except the titles.
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
16 Mar 07
What a shame, they can't spend 15 bucks on a pie and give the balance of the thousand to some poor starving people, people who go to bed hungry because they don't have anything at all to eat. The worst part of the whole thing is that they have to throw it in everyones face.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
16 Mar 07
You are so right. They were showing it all over the television as if it is something to be proud of. I viewed it as being selfish and elitest.
Maybe they need to be more grateful and a little more humble.
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@tanniebabe78 (2934)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Well with those kind of toppings, they can have those pizzas. I'll stick with my pepperoni and mushroom or if I want exotic, hawaiian style!
As for the homes, they can keep those too. I'm not one much for that size a house! I watch Hogans and the Osbournes were frankly disgusting! I'll stick with a 3 bedroom suburban house.
Not to mention all the "friends" you have when you are rich. No thanks!
I would just like to not have to worry anymore about bills being paid!
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Speaking of eating pizza. I wish I had a slice right now with some pepperoni on it.
I can't imagine having caviar on my pizza.
I seen the Osburnes, but never seen the Hogans.
What is the Hogans about?
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@tanniebabe78 (2934)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Yeah, me too. I've been craving some Papa Johns lately.
As for Hogans, its Hogan Knows Best and it has Hulk Hogan and his family in it. And it just documents about an hours worth of television of their life. I like their lifestyle way better than Osbournes, but thats just me. lol. Although, I must say that is alot of blond(e) in one house!
@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
18 Mar 07
I don't know if they should be ashamed, but they should keep it to themselves.
We don't need it rubbed in our faces.
@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
16 Mar 07
I could care less what they have. They are wasteful people. Would be nice if they were required to do good works when they get that wealthy. Then they might remember how good it is to have things most people never do. Would be nice to have a Robin Hood in this age and day.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
18 Mar 07
In some countries, people don't even make 1000 dollars in a year. That kind of money would improve the lives of many people.
@janegosford (196)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Sadly this is not a new trend. The rich has always loved flaunting their money. Not all of them of course but there are some. It's just so obnoxious. It's also a collosal waste of money. You look at all the suffering & starving in this world (not to mention in our own country) & then you have morons like this spending $1,000 on a pizza. Way to go.
@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
18 Mar 07
They really think that they are impressing everyone, but a lot of people view them as morons.
@mobyfriend (1017)
• Netherlands
16 Mar 07
I like food but I really would feel guilty to spend so much money. If this pizza had been baked for a charity dinner than I could understand the prize but paying exorbitant prizes for basic necessities like food and clothes is ridiculous. I've known rich people who were frugal because they understood there is more to life than flaunting your money.
But those people never get press coverage.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Baking a 1000 dollar pizza for a charity dinner sound like a good idea.
There are many wealthy people like the Kennedy's who don't flaunt their wealth.
@arnboy (357)
• India
16 Mar 07
Well i do not find it all that shocking. Nino Selimaj has cleverly promoted his product without spending much. On the contrary he has got millions of dollar's worth publicity for his products. I really doubt his $1000 pizza will ever be a part of his restaurant's regular menu. This style of marketing reminds me of Donald Trump who recruits excellent talent using his show "The Apprentice". Instead of losing money in the pursuit of good talent he actually makes money.
I think the $1000 pizza is good idea, in fact we can have $500 pies, $250 cookies also for promotion of products and of course plenty of publicity. I do not find anything wrong with the rich spending money, just imagine if they chose to be miserly and do not spend anything. There are plenty of rich people who just keep banking their money and keep watching their investments grow. So, i see nothing wrong on their part in spending huge amounts... in
fact eye popping amounts.
Also, the world would be boring if we only had budget range products and nothing else to aspire for. It would be
much like the socialist model of lifestyle, where there is
no difference between the bread which the rich man has or the poor man has.
I think we should be positive and think well that $1000 has made Nino Selimaj rich and famous. His prosperity would mean more restaurants, more jobs. I think its good that the rich spend money that's what keeps the economy in good spirits.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Thank you for a well thought out opposing opinion. You brought up a lot of good points.
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@Y3110w (113)
• United States
16 Mar 07
First of all I would NOT buy a pizza that expensive it's just going to go in one hole and out the other. Second it's not like those who are rich don't donate money to those in need. I'm sure they don't purposely try to make those who are poor feel bad, if they were flaunting their wealth and not trying to help those who are poor that's one thing. But to pamper yourself because you can doesn't make them bad people.
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
18 Mar 07
It does seem like buying a 1000 dollar pizza is like thowing money down the toilet.