Six Months Without A Cigarette.
@retardedrugrat (4791)
March 16, 2007 1:30am CST
Friends and fellow Mylotters. Today is a very important day for me.
It's six months to the day since I quit smoking. I quit on the 15th of September last year - my partner didn't notice till we got to the 17th and he realized I hadn't asked him for smokes for a day or two LOL.
I'd known for a little while that I should quit. I thought I wouldn't have the willpower and I had no desire to try the patch. I'd tried Nicotine Gum before but it tasted so foul it induced me to KEEP smoking.
I was sick and tired of being out of breath going up steps that my young children had no problem with, I couldn't chase after them when we kicked a ball around without wheezing, and I felt terribly guilty for that. So I made a decision to quit, and I threw away all the ashtrays and lighters in the home, and got rid of the "butt bucket" outside the door.
The first few days were sheer hell. The second day in particular I was climbing the walls. I refused to use any of the NRT (Nicotine replacement therapies) and decided instead to chew sugar free gum.
I chewed that stuff like it was going out of Fashion and took to taking a walk every evening with my partner and kids before they went to bed. It helped immesely. I got through that first week and I was so proud of myself, then the first month and I was amazed. And onto today.
Six months without a cigarette and I feel I can finally say I've kicked the habit for good. I feel healthier than ever, my kids love that I can chase after them when they kick a ball around, and this summer, I'm attempting the most challenging hike for me to date. To reach the peak of Eagle Mountain at Cypress Provincial park.
Guys, don't let smoking hold you back. If I can kick the habit YOU can too!
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81 responses
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
16 Mar 07
Thank you. I have no desire to ever go back to being a smoker.
the health benefits of not smoking are too great.
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@limitup (324)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Congratulations on quitting!
I especially admire the fact that you never told your partner you were going to quit smoking. You just silently determined to do it. Some people who say they want to quit smoking just say that for the attention and the drama. Deep down they don't want to do what it takes.
Some people have tried everything to stop smoking but it takes more than just a patch or a piece of Nicorette gum. It takes a mental commitment and a drop in some unhealthy beliefs.
You have made a great choice for your children as well. Think of all the great things you can do with them now. Many kudos on kicking the habit!
@sigma77 (5383)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Excellent. I am happy for you. For certain, you have turned the corner. You kids will certainly apprecite it well into the future, as well as your partner and friends. You have it right, think in healthy ways and do whatever you can to become healthier.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
16 Mar 07
Thank you very much.
I agree with every word you've said. (Well, typed, but yeah lol)
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
16 Mar 07
Thank you very much.
I'll never smoke again, thats for sure!
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Good for you Rugrat! (Hope you don't mind being called Rugrat. I prefer to not use the Retarded part)...I quit 15 years ago after several unsuscessful attempts. It was the smartest thing I ever did. (Beginning that filthy, disgusting, expensive, health wrecking habit was the worst thing I ever did.)
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@Giggles88 (542)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Awesome job!! Congrats and keep it up. It takes a lot of will power to quit cold turkey and I can say you must be really strong. I can't get my boyfriend to quit but maybe one day he'll have the will power you have. As for me I'll never even start smoking. I've never even taken a puff thank god. Again GOOD JOB!!
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
16 Mar 07
Thank you very much. It took a lot of strength to do it, and I don't believe I would have done it without the help of my Spirit Guide and Guardian Angels. There are times when I didn't know where the strength to keep going came from.
I hope that one day your boyfriend will realize what he's doing to himself and his body by smoking. I'm sure when that time comes that you will support him to the very best of your ability.
Good Luck!
@shah_bijal (108)
• India
16 Mar 07
congrates. i really appreciate ur decision and hope u will never look back. it is also good for ur health. wish u best luck
@lamiaa (581)
• Egypt
17 Mar 07
congratulation . i am so happy to you for your power to do what you want but can i ask you something ? they said that when you stop smoking , you gain weight , doest that really happen ? please can you tell us which day you feel that you don't 't want to jump the wall ?
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
17 Mar 07
I actually gained a little bit of weight but nothing to be concerned about. it happens because as the craving to smoke disappears, your sense of taste and your appetite come back and you start to eat properly again.
As for the cravings themselves, I started feeling better when I got to day 8. The second, third and fourth days were the worst for me. I would like to say that it's different for everyone. Some people manage easily, and others find it absolutely grueling. I think it depends on how much you really want to quit.
@czaroma (136)
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
Congratulations to you for choosing to stop smoking and really sticking to that decision. I am not a smoker. But, I knew some people who wants to stop smoking but they could not leave that habit since they are so used to it.
Be proud of yourself more!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
16 Mar 07
GRATS from a fellow recent non-smoker. It's been close to 2 months for me. I'm doing it cold turkey this time. It is pure hell. But Im making it. Thanks and GRATS again.
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@rx4life (1930)
• United States
16 Mar 07
Congratulations !!!!! I remember how much better I felt a few months after I quit....(amazing that I can remember anything that was that long ago..over 30 years ago!!) I'm so happy for you and your family. And now...looking to challenge yourself with a mtn peak!!! I'm so proud of you!!!!
As I sit here with viral pneumonia I am challenged to breath normally...but I can't imagine whst it would be like if I was still a smoker...the doctor said things like this could kill you if you smoke... So now you are living a healthier example for your kids and that has to make you proud!!! Best of luck and take on that mtn with the same spirit!!!! Be well..
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
16 Mar 07
Thank you so so much.
It amazing the difference a few short months can make to your health once you've quit smoking. My partner said the same after he quit 2 yrs ago too.
I'm sorry to hear you're suffering with viral pneumonia - that sucks!
Here's hoping you get well soon!
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@princess1011 (340)
16 Mar 07
How did you manage when you go out for a drink? I always think that is the hardest part? For me not smoking in the day time was easy but I struggle when out with friends in a pub
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
16 Mar 07
Honestly, it's really not been an issue because here in Canada there is no smoking in the pubs and bars anyway. So before I quit, I used to wait until the end of the night anyway and then smoke one on the walk home.
To take my mind off it if we went out for a drink, we'd go order a pizza on the way home lol.
@princess1011 (340)
18 Mar 07
As from July our pubs and clubs will be no smoking too so it should be ok then. I know I will be ok at the end of the night. It is just the beginning of the night thats the problem. I am getting better thought and this new law should make it a whole lot easier.
Thanks and keep up the good work
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@anoop_king (102)
• India
16 Mar 07
Well done my friend
try to keep it away for rest of your life
Can you halp me With something
How did you get the star above your name
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
16 Mar 07
The star above my name is what you get when you've made 100 posts or responses. If you see at the side of your name you have the number 37? When that reaches 100 you'll get your star. The numbers go from 1 up to 10. This is your star rating that is decided by how well your discussions and responses are rated by other members of Mylot.
Thats why it always helps to think out your discussion or response to make sure it tallies in with the discussion.
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@rainbow (6761)
16 Mar 07
Thats fantastic! I'm so proud of you and the fact that you can see a differnce in your health and how you interact with your kids must be a constant incentive to you to carry on!
Well done for all that hard work, I'm sure your kids appreciate it too!
Thank-you for this message of encouragement for all those mylotians who are trying to quit this habit.
Luckily for me (I cannot smoke due to asthma) I've never had to face this but I know most people seem to struggle.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
16 Mar 07
It really is a struggle and when I first quit, that struggle was almost constant. Some days were so bad that I laid in bed and just tried to sleep so I wouldn't have to cope with the cravings. Unfortunately, one of my habits was to smoke when I woke up, so upon waking, it started all over again LOL.
Thats when my partner came up with the idea of us all taking a walk in the evening before the kids went to bed. It was a great way to interact with them, and they knew that mommy was trying to stop smoking.
My daughter especially is aware of the dangers of smoking, not so much the boys because they're still a little young, but all three of them know that if I find out they smoked, I'll beat their a$$es! LOL.
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@rainbow (6761)
24 Mar 07
I think you have done so well! You should be proud of the way you have taken exercies in an evening too, helping with the weight gain most ex-smokers fear and keeping all your family healthier too! Keep up the good work!
Thank-you so much for giving my your best response!
@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
19 Mar 07
Thank you very much :)
It's not an easy habit but hang in there! It does get easier.
@chaitrakrishnan (181)
• India
17 Mar 07
its great to hear that. i heard quiting smoking is a very difficult task. but you managed well for six month.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
17 Mar 07
Quitting smoking was incredibly hard.
I managed it with the help and support of my wonderful partner and my family who all encouraged me and supported me along the way. I cannot thank them enough.
@abaskamal (149)
• Malaysia
17 Mar 07
Super feat by you!
I can do it too in the future.
Thanks for the inspiration.
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@retardedrugrat (4791)
• Canada
17 Mar 07
Thank you very much!
I know you can do this. If I can, you certainly can. Don't let anything put you off and hang in there.
Should you decide to quit, I'll be behind you all the way.
@recycledgoth (9894)
24 Mar 07
That is inspirational hun, and very helpful too. I have managed three days now and feeling pretty good, your achievement is outstanding. WOW I hope I can post like this in another 6 months