Amway Network 21
By NiKe_bOi
@NiKe_bOi (165)
March 16, 2007 9:08am CST
Hi.. Will like to ask are there any people out there who are currently involved in the Amway Network 21 Project?? Can it be trusted and also is it another Multi Level Scam??
12 responses
• India
6 Jul 09
my name is pk nath from india.i am part of n21 and experienced that the training program is the best in the planet earth not only for seeking financial freedom, but also having significant life.
please go thru robert kiyosaki finance theory to understand the financial intelligence.
you can write a mail to me, i will be able to send more technical & relevent details to clarify your thought procress.
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@sunksharm (1)
• India
5 Dec 09
You know what ! to everything there are 2 sides / opinions. 95% of the world population are people who give up at the first sign of failure/rejection. It is precisely this set of people who will represent the negative side. Moreover what do you expect to read on the net. frustrations of people who have given up at the first sign of discomfort ( moving out of comfort zone ).
I am involved with the network 21 system in India & have found it be an amazing wealth of information. every bit of interaction has resulted only in postive influences in my professional & personal life.
Network 21 is not a multilevel concept. It happens to be associated with people who are involved in the business of Amway. My wife & i have been in the Amway business for the last 8 months & have found it be an experience that no one else can give you provided you do it the right way & with sincerity.
If you do wish to change the course of your life it is an excellent option.
Final choice is yours. Do reserach & do check with people who have been doing it successfully. A failure will always give the obvious advice " Bad ! does not work ! " because he/she did not make it work for him/her.
From India

@sanorita2105 (66)
• Thailand
31 Jul 10
So tell me if any other country or your country develop such concepts as Amway?
@sachin1210 (1)
• India
8 Dec 09
I completely agree with you! The point is Facts can change opinions but free opinions are all around and they cannot change the FACTS!! The tendency of most of the people is to doubt thanks to mushrooming of so many farce companies that come and go. Amway/Quixtar or Network21 is not just another organization(s), they are Giant Infrastructure and Training System respectively. Amway is 50 years old now and moving on successfully even in the turbulent times of economy and despite these ever doubting fearful souls. These people have truly given up in life. I could assure you they could make a man out of a person. Even if they ask you to shift to Amway's products, it is worth shifting. I could always say they'll save you money for years besides providing you best of health, beauty and hygiene. You would definitely improve your standard of living through Amway products. As far as Network21 is concerned, it has trained millions of people to live their dreams, have better lives and make difference in the lives of other people. At the end of the day, when you join Amway, you become a Business Owner and to train you to be a successful businessperson, you subscribe to a system that makes your success 100% predictable through well researched methods and simple steps that anybody could follow. It has provided many people identity. Thousands of housewives in India proudly thank N21 for changing their lives for better always. Nobody's failure or lack of trust can move Organizations like Amway or N21, ever.
@smithay (1)
• Australia
23 Dec 09
If it was 50 years old (Korean War age) then why hasn't it taken over the world? Even if 95% of all people were failures in being able to recruit others, then if only 5% were capable of recruiting others then everyone in the entire world would be signed up into this business. The fact that it hasn't happened should make one question why?
Amway might make $3b per year but there are other more successful companies that are younger, such as Microsoft and HP. Why?
Should everyone in the country just be a salesman for product from overseas? What would this do for local jobs? What would this do to the local economy?
America gave us the Glocal Financial Crisis. Many people who were employed by American companies were fired around the world. Do we want to follow the way of America into financial failure? Do we want our people fired every time something goes wrong in the American economy?
Why has market saturation not occurred? It's had 50 years to do this. Based on the laws of compounding, even if 0.01% of people could successfully recruit then the entire adult population of the world, 4,500,000,000 would be in the system by now if it worked.

@sanorita2105 (66)
• Thailand
31 Jul 10
You should go for it not because i am telling you but because you are sure of it just research if you do not believe.Also do not believe others but yourself.
My cousin is doing and at the same time learning about it.Now it has been more than 4 years to be in that network and he got many downline.Also you only have to recruit the people and educate them to use the products.And let them see how effective are their products compared to others.Take for example the health products-how well they help you in improving your health.So before doing so you will have to use them first.
Best of luck for your bright future.
@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
16 Aug 10
I feel amway is total deception and misrepresentation of facts. most of the products are grossly over priced. the difference between the amway whole sale price and the open market retail price is atleast 4-5 times. a product available from amway, say nutrilite protein - 200 grams cost around Rs.819/- (US$ 17.12 approx), while the another brand of same quality is available in most retail medical shops at Rs.198/- (US$ 4.26). even if we take into account the discount available to amway distributor, generaly about 20%, it is still grossly over priced at Rs.668/-(US$ 14.37).
Most of those in Diamonds or Crown position make their money not from sales, but from the seminars, books, videos etc by fleecing the downlines. most of these seminars and books are big time BS and have nothing of educational value. while the newcomers are made to work for building their downlines and making purchases to remain loyal to amway. by the time they realise they are not making any real money, it will be too late. meantime they become zombies and lose the ability to think critically.
@samgnzls (1)
• Philippines
24 Sep 08
i was invited to view their business before, and after thorough discussion, i realised the following:
1-amway people are not making real money inspite of being there and saying that they are leaders. ask them to show you their check
2-their plan is too difficult to earn money
3- they make more money on tapes and 'motivation' , especially network 21, they sell motivation ,business is a sideline to them.
if you are looking for business, there are alot of better options out there. if you are looking for a religion , maybe amway can qualify.
many people in network 21 are not making money, even their diamonds are only making over 100k/month inspite of being there for 15 years. very sad.
mas mabuti pa ang nuskin, at least people are making real money, and they dont make money out of the training materials they give you.
@skiddy (1)
• New Zealand
5 May 09
Mmmm interesting that you have to stoop as low to bag some other mlm business in order to bring credibility to yours. It tells us a lot about you and the education system that is promoted into your business. Network21 is a real business that provides excellent education and an excellent system that is easy to understand and very profitable right from the beginning. I have looked at many mlm businesses over the last 8 years and Amway is a clear standout. I suggest you stop listening to the chinese whispers and make a more informed decision. As for the person who is in the business and hasn't even tried any products within your own business.... mmm sounds pretty stupid eh?
@globoblitz (1)
• India
6 Jul 09
my name is pk nath from india.i am part of n21 and experienced that the training program is the best in the planet earth not only for seeking financial freedom, but also having significant life.
please go thru robert kiyosaki finance theory to understand the financial intelligence.
you can write a mail to me, i will be able to send more technical & relevent details to clarify your thought procress.
• India
27 Sep 09
i am dhirendra singh,from a small town Raebareli U.P. i m a small drop of the ocean of wisdom & humbleness- Network 21. i m still not making great money from this Amway N21 buz but literally get educated how to present yrself effectively. now i m residing in the most happening place of India - Mumbai doing my buz of Interiors for 5-Star Hotels & high end buildings to earn Active Income.i m continiously meeting Buz Tycoons of India & abroad for the same and this has become possible just becoz i m still a student of N-21 such a great institution in the world.I can only say be a part this great system once & YOU WILL BE A GREAT LEADER IN ALL RACES.
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@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
27 Feb 08
Amway Network 21? What is that? Are you part of Amway in any way? Any experiences? I was talking to a quixtar person about 'The Team' (another break off of Amway?) and he told me that they were a rouge group who couldn't follow quixtar procedures so simply broke off to form their own group. Last I heard they are no longer selling products but have moved to selling information. Do you have any MLM experiece?
@nothingbetter2do (235)
• Australia
4 Dec 07
My husband recently joined this and we're still testing it out. To tell you the truth, we're still not really sure how it works. We have never used any Amway products and no idea whether they're good or not. The whole thing sounds good but not sure if it's for us. We've been told that we can get our money back if we change our minds within 90 days. We've got 2 more months to decide whether to go for it.
Thanks for starting this discussion. I'm interested to hear what other people think of this Network 21.
@p_vadla (1685)
• India
16 May 10
There are two aspects in Amway business.One os software and the other is hardware. Hardware relates to retailing of products while software is meant for training and motivating the team members for enhanced performance.This software activities are done by two international organisations Network 21 and Britt World Wide.They produce books,tapes,CDs and other training materials and also conduct meetings at various levels for the members who do business.
Please go through the following discussion at myLot for some more clarifications.
@david68 (1)
• Sweden
7 Sep 08
I am an IBO with Amway and Network 21. While it is multi-level marketing, it is not a scam. Amway products are great, but you do have to learn about them and try them. The Nutrilite and Artistry products are some of the best selling in the world, and have won numerous awards. Contrary to some of the other comments, N21 does encouraging you to learn about them. N21 is a separate company setup by some successful Amway business owners to support other Amway business owners. It offers training and materials and such. They're entirely optional but I find them great value.
@gmonu26 (1)
• India
4 Nov 08
i am surprised rather than taken aback reading such comments.. personal failure doesnot mean that the system has failed.. had it been so the company would not have stood the test of time of 50 years, nor had won the UN leadership award, nor would have spread to more than 86 countries, nor would have more than a billion dollar turnover.. as far as network 21 is concerned, probably you have not plugged into the system correctly, coz not a single tool that i have used till date be it CDs, Books or seminars has been useless, it is a personality development programme & not a marketting skills training programme.. i wonder why haven't the people researched on the net when every piece of information is provided here.. I still consider that this system is worth a try.. Just DON'T QUIT