how can I tell?

@metallo (265)
March 16, 2007 9:13am CST
I am a woman who likes another can i find out if she likes me or not.....i'm in college and she works there. ...we cant really show our eelings because she works at my college and i don't want to jepordize her job ......How would i know she likes me when we are in this current situation........what are some signs that she likes me even though we are in a position where we cant say any thing would you guys show that you like someone even though you cant say it directly because of a stuff situation......someone please tell me what you would do? what would be the signs of interest?
1 response
@chengjen (65)
• Philippines
16 Mar 07
its really hard to know if someone you like also loves or like you the same way, we may see signs but sometimes signs aren't guarantee of their feelings. In your case, since you said that she works in the college that you go to. the best way is that you can approach her as a friend right? from that, you can work your way through, in getting to know her much better. who knows, maybe things may work out from that. I wish you all the luck!