Are you with or against the USA's International politics???

March 16, 2007 1:40pm CST
hello mylot's members.....i am asking an important question we need a truthfull discussion about this very important case so tell us your opinion...... i think that the way USA is dealing with in the midle east and generaly outside USA is a bad and a wrong attitude ... the wars is iraq, afganistan and the recent war here in lebanon where usa was supporting israel...i think this made us the midle east population hate america but not the americans we'd like to have american america should stop the war and killing innocent people for only revenge, usa is killing and destroying the midle east we need a new usa who love and respects what do you say???
1 response
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
16 Mar 07
Let me start by saying that I think the Americans made a mistake by going into Iraq. But now that they are there they witness the daily killing of innocent people by Sunnis and Shias. How can people kill their own when they go on a pilgrimage or visit a mosque? As far as the war in Lebanon is concerned it was Hezbollah that triggered it by kidnapping Israeli soldiers. There can never be peace in the Middle East as long as the neighbours of Israeal do not find it in their hearts to give Israel the right to exist. Israel was created it 1948, rightly or wrongly, I don't know, but now nobody is going to be allowed to drive that state into the sea. As far as Afghanistan is concerned, the Americans are there as part of the UN, anyway this is my understanding. My own country has troops there as well and I cry bitterly when one of our young people is brought home in a coffin. Millions of dollars are poured into Afghanistan to build roads, hospitals, waterworks and schools and yet it seems that all this is being sabotaged. I have come to the conclusion that democracy is not welcome in all countries of the world and we Westerners should just safegurad our own ideals and let the rest of the world deal with their own. If I was an American I would be really upset about all the vicious propaganda and lies that are spread around about America. Let's face it, wherever there is a disaster such as tsunamis, earthquakes etc. America usually helps a lot regardless of the politics of that country and yet Americans are always vilified.
• Lebanon
16 Mar 07
thanks very much for your response i apreciate your comment...first the last war here in lebanon was prepared before..the israelian and the americans planed for it to destroy hizbullah iran's ally in lebanon, also hizbullah kidnapped the israeli soldiers because israel don't wan to give our lebanese prisoners in israel which were kidnaped more than 26 years before!!!! so israel want peace .... mmmm i don't think so.....if really it want peace so im must give us Chiba'a territory back, must free our innocent prisoners, must stops the attacking airplane from flying in the lebanese air!!!, must stop the terrorist works in palastine, must stops killing innocent children everyday in palastine...what is happening in palastine is a resistance from the palastinian people and what usa is calling terror???? i want to ask you a simple queston if your neighbore occupied your house what do you do in this case do you defend your house from occupation or staying without no action?????? that is what is happening in palastine the palastines are defenfing their house and they are been terrorists in the eye of usa......!!!!! dou you know if israel wants the real peace i will be the first human to shke the hands of israelians...but they dont want it, look the main problem that is the americans(not american population who i apretiate and i'd like to have a great relationships with) are supporting the israelien........... in the end i thank you very very very very much for your response! and the right way to fix the problem is by cchanging the american's political view towards the main and important issues....