By xXmeganxX
@xXmeganxX (4420)
March 16, 2007 6:05pm CST
how many nice words would you you use to describe your partner?! okay i'll say mine and this is true!
he is, selfish, a tramp, a lowlife, a no mark, doesn't have respect for anyone but himself, takes anything he can off anyone, doesn't work because not allowed to here, DOESNT know what a hard day's work is, lazy, slob, and there's probably more to come! LOL! =)
anyone else wnat to share? =P
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38 responses
@Stringbean (1273)
• United States
17 Mar 07
My goodness! If he is that bad, why is he your partner?
My husband of 57 years is just the opposite--thank goodness, or I would have been gone long ago. He is unselfish, hard working, a good Christian, well-liked, and respectful of me and of others. Sorry if that sounds like I'm bragging--if it does, I am bragging about him, not for myself. I consider myself lucky beyond words to have found him and to have been married to him for all these years. I could add lots of other stuff, too, but I need to leave room for others to respond.
@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
hehe string well brag if you like, im willing to listen because it makes me happy to think that your partner is not like mine and yes you ae lucky xompared to me! he is my partner because he wasn't like that when i first met, him gradually changed slowly! =( thanks goodness he won't be in my life much longer, he has ruined it!
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
OMG sunita, your partner can't be as bad as mine that's for sure!!! come and tell me why you say this please!
@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
OMG sunita, your partner can't be as bad as mine that's for sure!!! come and tell me why you say this please!
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
17 Mar 07
Are you a martyr? Why would you stay one minute with such a person? If you respect yourself as a human being you will run, run,run baby to get away from him. Do it soon.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
LOL linda hehe your comment at the end was funny! the reason i stayed with him because he wasn't like this when i first met him, it happened over the months and years of being with him!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
17 Mar 07
Well Meg Love
Mine is a case of Loving, Caring, lovely personality, great sense of Humor and always there for me
We do not live together but it took me 22 years to find this Man and he is the best thing that has happened to me and he came into my Life at the right time. I had been diagnosed with my Illness and my Marriage had broke up. We where very good Friends for 3 Years and then it just happened and I have known him now for 6 years but we have only been together as a Couple for 3 years now. He has helped me a lot and I think he took a lot of Stress of my Kids to as he was and still is always there for me.

@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
hey gabs hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! hehe i think ive gone nuts because i haven't took my tablet today, im leaving it till after ive eat as i haven't eat, lol! im too excited! im full of beans now hehehe! well what can i say gabs hey you are very lucky to have him and i congratulate you finding him because you need someone who will look after you awwww! =)
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
that's okay gabs, i will do girly you too cya around hehe xx ahhh no i won't be back on till half hour baby's hungry ahhh LOL! =)
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@spider2007 (250)
• United States
17 Mar 07
I have to ask if you describe your partner in this way then why on earth are you with him? I can describe my husband in these words: thoughtful, kind, loving, romantic, caring, wonderful husband, loving father, and i could add more but I don't want to be on this discussion all day but you really should find someone that make you feel the way my husband makes me feel
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
hi spider, it's great you say that about your husband because my partner is the opposite, ive said to other users why im with him, if you would like to read my " relationship problems" discussion that will answer all your questions hehe! thanks!
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@princess1011 (340)
17 Mar 07
The words you use are not words you should be using to describe your partner. Why are you waiting until Monday? get out now - you deserve much better than that. I know you have said he wasnt like this in the beginning but he is now so get out now and find someone who truly deserves to be with you because after reading what you have said he doesnt deserve you.
Fortuantely I have married a man who is nice looking, kind, caring and very loving. We do argue - everyone does but he would never hit me and I know he loves and respects me. You will have this too when you find the right man - this one isnt
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
im glad your partner seems like a real nice person the way you described him! i can't get out until monday because it has to all be done by police protection and there not available to come until monday morning because ive ran away before and left him and he found me and literally battered me so it's not worth it, i just have to wait and do it the proper way because otherwise he might kidnap our daughter and he doesn't have any parental responsibility over her whereas i have full! thanks alot for your great comment tho! =)
@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
thanks princess, i will update next week maybe monday night, maybe tuesday i really don't know because my computer won't be with me as im going into a shelter for my own safety! but i will go to my sister's and use her computer when i can so be sure to look out for my new discussion! =)
@princess1011 (340)
17 Mar 07
I am so sorry you have this in your life. I hope everything goes well for you and your daughter on Monday and that you will find the happiness you deserve.
I will be thinking of you
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@weemam (13372)
17 Mar 07
I am not trying to be funny here if you have read some of my discussions you would See \i have been happily married for 46 years , please don't stay in a relationship if you are not respected or you do not respect them , you are worth more than this , go and find yourself someone who will love you , take care and God Bless xx
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
thanks alot weemam, ive read through some of your discussions but forgot to reply most times! =( i know your happily in love and that is brilliant! i sure will do! thanks for your response! =)
@CollectingMyThoughts (304)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Sorry to hear about your unhappiness. What is it about this person that makes you stay with them? Perhaps those are the reasons you are still with him? If you can't come up with them to list then perhaps he sould be your ex?
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
19 Mar 07
hmm because ive tried to leave him before and he is a very very violent man! im ending my relationship with him today tho AND he doesn't even know about it, lol! so yes he will be my ex
@ladymoonstone143 (1507)
• United States
17 Mar 07
My husband is loving, caring, thoughtful, hard working and very respectful. I am so lucky with him. He got his little faults but his good characteristics makes up for
I hope someday, you can find a partner in life that is the exact opposite of what you have right now. Goodluck and God bless.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
thanks alot for your kind words ladymoonstone! you are lucky i tell you that, hehe! =)
@anjoks (2080)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
Ohhhhh... is that really true? How come u-r saying stuffs like that to your partner? What made you say that? .... LOL LOL LOL ........ I'm just kidding you around, my dear meg. haha!
.. so how's it going? i've been waiting for your update. Guess everything's still hanging. Keep on track my friend. Ingat. (",)
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
hiya anjoks!!!!!!!!!!!!! woo nice to see you around my iccle friend hehe! =) oooh i went on a mad one and thought i would express my feelings towards him but at least i was honest isn't it hehehehe! oooh yes it's been updated! 11am monday morning police are coming to remove him and take me to the shelter¬ i wil be there for about 3 weeks until it's safe then im getting my own flat with my iccle daughter! yipee! i can't wait! 2 days left wooohooo! i sure am keping on track, don't worry about that one! thanks alot for your response, i got happy when i seen your name hehehe! =)
@kyran_12 (643)
• India
17 Mar 07
i have lot many partners and there are so many words to discribe them , as all of them are best friend to me, as of now no girlfriend yet but beliving in the last relation i had where i broke up about 5 yrs ago and she will come back soon , so there is less as much as i can write about her here i mylot, but then i will have to stop for today as i am not in my sense just want you to pray for her to god to be happy always...............cheers and god bless her
@bettyrose20 (997)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
Wow that was what may i write here? the good ones or the bad ones? maybe ill write both..
good ones:kind, industrious, loving,romantic,protector,
bad ones: possessive, hot-tempered
thats all I can say about my partner
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
19 Mar 07
LOL it sure was nice wasn't it, well at least i was honest tho! =) thanks alot for sharing your's with me too! =)
@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
aww thanks for sharing with me mouse! also thank you for the friend request! =)
@Garry_NEC (155)
• Canada
17 Mar 07
My girl is loyal, trustworthy, honest, gorgeous!!!, hard working, dedicated...and my best friend.
@saket_123sharma (1063)
• India
17 Mar 07
i will say my janu i lve u a lot your partner can do anything but u cant ur partner anytime if u love her. wht u say
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@Alexandria37 (5717)
• Ireland
17 Mar 07
There are no words in the dictionary that would describe mine. He is just undescribable. He is wonderful and very supportive even in everything that I do. I think in your case megan, it is not a case of the frog turning into a dashing young prince but rather the opposite. I will be happy for you whe you are safely away from him. Two days to go, and hopefully it will all be over and you can get on with your life. xxx
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
aww thanks for saying this alexandria!! your partner seems very nice and im glad your hapy, hopefully one day in a few years to come i will be happy like you and most people, lol! thanks for your response! =)
@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
17 Mar 07
you sound like you need a new man. well let me tell you about mine he is warm,kind, a real gentelmen, loving, and he is there anytime I need him. He even opens doors for me and if we are going into some place he always lets me go in first he takes care of me when I am sick and he is just the best all around great guy my man is and I love him very much. he treats me like a lady.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
that's great to hear about your partner, i don't need a new man just yet this partner has put me off men at the moment! i will look for one tho maybe in a few years time when ive had time to enjoy a bit of my life hehe. thanks for sharing with me! =)
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
17 Mar 07
you just described an average male !unless you can find even one redeeming quality id kick him to the curb !
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
i won't kick him to the curb but i will say that im kicking him OUT of my little life, lol! thanks to my response! =)
@pheonix6209 (155)
• United States
17 Mar 07
I know I am in the wrong place, but at this point I have no partner...I would like one that is sexy, tall, honest and quite feminine (yes Female)...oh, and one that doesn't drink!
@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
gthat's okay pheonix, i hope you find your ideal partner one day and wish you happiness! thanks alot for sharing with me! =)
@juiceofine (144)
• United States
17 Mar 07
My partner is hard working very loving i have been with himfor 11 yrs.goin on 12 this year.i am so happy we have 2 awesome boys its my dear will find your prince charming your doing a very good thing for yourself and your daughter!!!!!keep your head up.I have read some of your discussions you are a smart woman!!!!!
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
17 Mar 07
awww juiceofine, thanks very much for saying that hehe! =) im happy to hear you have a lovley life with your partner and children, one day i will be living in my special life too hehe, i just want to have some freedom first for a few years with my daughter! thanks for your response! =)