Reasons you can say you are good . WHAT IS GOODNESS ?

@samrat16 (2442)
March 17, 2007 4:37am CST
Don't read this discussion ,first write on a paper why you think you are good, "What makes you good ?" I know 70% responses will be : . I don't cheat so I'm good . I don't lie so that makes me good . I don't steal ,so I'm good. sorry well if you don't cheat it just makes a sense that you are not a cheat . If u don't lie and steal ,only means you are not liar or thieves . Don't start cursing me guys It's qualities like such as fairness,compassion,courage ,integrity,empathy,humility,loyalty and courtesy . If you think you have some of them,you are a good person . SO ARE YOU A GOOD PERSON NOW REPLY ME AND I WANT TRUTH .
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21 responses
@deepti15 (1190)
• India
20 Mar 07
I dont think I am the right person to judge myself. I cannot claim that I am good, i think it is people near and dear to me who can judge me. I can only say that I the few people in my life whom, I love, I will love them till the end of my life with the bottom of my heart. No matter what those people do to me, good or bad, right or wrong. I am consistent.
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@rb200406 (1824)
• India
17 Mar 07
I think i am a good person because i don;t want to hurt others & think bad for others.I am loyal to everybody who cares for me.I am an honest person with lots of love within me.I don't have jealousy for others.Above all i am God fearing spiritual perosn who is at peace with herself.Also very much compassionate & courageous.Well, what i have written is true.Honestly,this is what my Husband says.But a ahuman being i have some shortcomings as i gets in angry mode rather quickly & a bit emotional more than the comfort level.
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• United States
10 Jun 08
@adidas7878 (1891)
• United States
25 Mar 07
i guess you can say i am a good person why, because i care about the person even though alot of time i do not know he/she, i guess i am too soft hearted person i would try to help as many as i can within my power, sometime it is hard because i cant help the other person out and i feel really bad
@karvin87 (1033)
• India
25 Mar 07
goodness cannot be measured my friend...its an act that makes the person on the other end happy...its something that is done to make the other person smile...could be the smallest thing on this earth like helping some1 with his projects or just asking for water to the guest at our place!!! and again it could it the toughest things on this earth which is pratically not possible to do like accepting other pains and sorrows and letting him enjoy his life!! hehe... but honestly goodness cannot be measured, its just a simple act of doin things, practiacally possible things POSSIBLE!!! hope u get tht! I m too good i feel(not exaggerating...) bt honestly i would not want myself to be good in this corupt world!!!
• Philippines
18 Jun 08
Most of my family and other people say that I'm a good person. I don't know their reasons but to me its because I haven't hurted anybody or make anybody suffer.
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
I guess I don't have to tell you how good a person I am, samrat. I always make sure to check on your threads and will try to bang my frazzled mind just to be able to give a sensible response. :0
• Pakistan
22 Mar 07
I can't seem to think that I should pick up a paper and then reply. I just have to say is that I can't totally define that i'm good and neither i'm bad.
• United States
20 Mar 07
Everyone, at one time or another in his or her life will cheat,lie,steal,get angry,be disloyal,be rude and unkind,and fear something or someone. I think what makes you a good person is the ability to recognize when you are in the wrong, admit it, and apologize for it-and to forgive others when they are in the wrong; no matter how hard it may be.
• Malaysia
22 Mar 07
I'm a good listener when someone need me..And also your secret is safe with me..I think that I do love to help people and I can be friendly to anyone only if they started it first cause I am a shy girl..
• United States
20 Mar 07
im not going to say I dont lie or cheat sometimes, but its never anything major. I def. dont steal though I know that much lol. But I think that I am good becasue I'm not perfect, and I can see my own faults. I also think im good because I can love without being prejudice, and there are people in my life that I would protect with my life (*cough nieces cough*) lol.
@KarenO52 (2950)
• United States
20 Mar 07
I think I'm good, because I'm not evil. I try to be good most of the time. I will go out of my way to help friends, family, and even strangers. I have never deliberately hurt anyone. I try to be considerate of others, and I wish everyone well. Sometimes when I'm driving, though, I get mad and swear at people when they cut me off in traffic, or when they're driving like idiots.
@lovesu (142)
• China
20 Mar 07
i am not dare to say i am a good man,sometimes i would lie and sometimes i would be selfish,but i would do my best to make my family happy,and to help my friend whenevery they need me.
@laltu86 (1249)
• India
22 Mar 07
First of all I woul apologize to all because i cannot say that i am good , what i can say is that i am not evil, but there are somethings in me which are bad. The goodnesss in me is that i try not to lie,not to cheat, and above all try to remain who i am .
• United States
17 Mar 07
I try to be a good person, but in certain situations or with some people,that good person I am trying to be seems to fly right out the window, and the royal witch that I can sometimes be appears in full force. But I feel no matter how much of a good person that we are, there are certain times when we have to put our foot down, so people aren't walking all over us and taking advantage of us.
@cefaz_21 (2596)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
I don't think it is proper for me to say if I'm good or not,because If i would enumerate characteristics and things I do that makes me feel I'm good, others would think I am conceited and that won't make me good anymore..:) let others tell you that you are good if you are..It is much nicer if people tell you how kind and nice you are rather than proclaiming it yourself. I believe everyone has goodness inside.God created man and being good is in our nature.It's just making the choice to be or not be that matters.
@bluewings (3857)
19 Mar 07
I feel good about myself when I can help someone.It doesn't matter whether it's online or offline .Neither does the age group matter.The only aspect that matters is that you could make a difference, however small, in another person's life and that feeling brings you joy and satisfaction.If that makes a person good ,then I am good when I can help.
@misheleen73 (6037)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I think I am a person that is good at heart. We are all capable of moments that frankly put are not so good. But in my heart, I know I am a good person. Why, you ask? Because I am not selfish, I care more that my family is happy than my own happiness. I have been a good child to my parents in difficult times, when they do not necessarily deserve it. I hold myself to a high standard of morals, yet I do not judge others. I am loyal to my friends and family. I am a good person at heart, and although my explanation may not be what anyone else deems a good person to be. I know it, my friends and family know it, and the Lord knows it. That is good enough for me.
• Lithuania
18 Mar 07
I think I'm not bad. I'm balanced person. so let others decide am I good or no.
• Canada
17 Mar 07
you know what to your discussion about what makes us good and i was reading what you put down. we all cheat, we all lie and we all steal. so we are all not different or good. some of us may not cheat on those we love, but we cheat on games or homework. we may not lie big ones but we lie little ones. we all my not steal big but we all one time or another did steal little. so what makes us good, telling the truth makes us good, be kind make us good, and loving those who mean the world to us makes us good, maybe or maybe not. but all i know we can be a good person and we can not.