@charms88 (7538)
March 17, 2007 8:14am CST
For the past few days, I did nothing but to DELETE FRIENDS from my list. I am getting TIRED from responding to their discussions. Some even posted 5 to 8 discussions within the hour. No matter what kind of threads they are posting, I kept giving them my SUPPORT. But these FRIENDS didn't bother to check on some of my discussions. For those people that I deleted and SOME FRIENDS who have yet respond to my discussions, would you CARE to tell me your reason why you requested to be on my list of friends? Am I just a COLLECTION to be added to your list? Are my discussions that BORING and IRRELEVANT that some of you didn't bother to respond. If that is the case, why go to the trouble to be a part of my "FRIENDS." I HATE deleting friends. But there is no sense in keeping them too. Am I the only one who was forced to do this necessary actions. I deleted 10 friends within 3 days time and am still checking on the others. Anybody who have this same kind of experience. Am I RIGHT or WRONG to be this UPSET?
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42 responses
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
17 Mar 07
Well, I got notified of your new discussion so must be I wasn't one of the 10 - whew I am truely glad of that. I will admit I've not responded to a lot of discussions the last few days. Between tracking a cheater, a 5 article writing assignment, and my 4 year old grandson spending 3 days with me it's been kinda crazy around here. Hey I certainly don't think your wrong though, I did the same thing the other day friends who send nothing that I can respond to (and I honestly do make every effort even if I don't know what I'm talking about) or friends who never respond to my discussions I don't see the point in keeping them as friends. If you delete me I'll understand but I seriously would miss you as a friend.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
You know you're not one of the FRIENDS that I'm planning to delete, faith. I am not expecting everyone to respond to all my discussions. I am talking about those FRIENDS who kept PM me to respond to their threads. And the others who are on my list for a month now. I will know if they are active or not. I am happy to be your friend too. God bless you.
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@yanjiaren (9031)
17 Mar 07
I think we all have felt like this on and off..I also have a very long list of friends that never respond but in the end I decided not to delete..But I do know exactly how you feel and you did what you felt is right. Friendship IS reciprocal and I hope I can also be a better friend. Hugz..
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
Thanks Yan, I'm feeling a little better now. I don't required friends to respond to all my discussions. I'm not responding to all your threads either. I choose the one I know I can respond to.
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@KrisNY (7590)
• United States
17 Mar 07
I'm sorry to hear that you are upset. Don't let a website get you upset. Some people just ask you to be their friends so that you do answer their discussions. Odd-- I answer far many more discussions that I actually start. But most of the time most of my friends answer the ones I do. I always start everyday looking at my friends discussions first. I might not be able to answer everyone they start- but I usually can answer a few. However I pick my friends by interest.. If they answer my discussions or if I answer thiers and I like what else they have done I befriend them. Good luck getting some great friends here.
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
Thanks for the word of encouragement krisny. I will try to be more careful in choosing friends who wish to be added on my list. :)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
You shoud be thankful that you have many friends. The first time you have joined with mylot I guess you don't have many friends in your list yet. To make yourself happy, you invited all your friends so they could respond to your postings. Are you obliged to post a response once your friends have new postings? Just a word or two does not require you much. I don't know why you are UPSET!
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
Kindly reread my discussion properly. You are not making any sense at all.
• Singapore
17 Mar 07
Firstly bunny, aw... you are nasty to be deleting friends! Secondly dearie, bunnies would be nice additions to any collection. :P There is no right or wrong here. I know I was upset over that deleting incident that happened to me, so I can understand how you feel. But hey bunny, at least I have been faithfully replying to your discussions right? ;-)
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
Awww sweetie, bunnies can be nasty too. I think I should stick with my fellow bunnies rather than with someone with a devil's tale. :)
• Singapore
18 Mar 07
I *know* I *am* a jolly good fellow. ;-)
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
17 Feb 12
You am?
@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
7 Jun 07
Oh you are right. I think a lot of people here feel the same way. I try to respond to a discussion of anyone who has responded to one of mine. It isn't always possible, but I try. There are the othre sort of people I have on my friends list that do as you say an post many, many discussions and if they even comment on your answer, they don't bother checking your discussions. I give them a probation period and after tha I axe them. If I don't then I miss discussions of people I want to respond to, like you!
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
7 Jun 07
LOL, pigeon. This thread is already 3 months old. I have already said my piece clearly and loudly. I'm already numbed with this "friends" who are not partaking in any of my threads. To this date, I can only count a number of supportive friends on my list. I didn't delete anyone now. Just turn their notifier off.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
17 Mar 07
Charms calm down love What you need to do is when they request go through their Profile if you like what you see as in Interrests and Duiscussions accept but if you don't then deny that is what I do Also I do not accept People who have a high amount of Friends I have one that keeps requesting they have done 8 Responses and have 560 Friends that is a definate no for me. So just check it as from now on I also will not take on People that have just joined 0 posts and no discussions and nothing in their Interrests But yes you have every right to be upset.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
Thanks for the word of encouragement, gabs. I did check if a friend has the same interests as mine. I also denied some who obviously are spammers. But I'm feeling a little better now.
@BunGirl (2638)
• United States
17 Mar 07
I'm sure I've been deleted off a few people's lists for just this reason. The way I support my friends is to have each and every one set to notify. That way I am sure to read everything they post. If a discussion interests me, I'll respond. If not, I move on to the next one. Sometimes I won't respond to a particular friend for several days, but then I'll get a few questions from him/her that I like and I'll respond to them all. But the point is that I DO read every discussion my friends post. If someone isn't on my friends list the likelihood of me ever seeing any of their discussions is very small indeed. In fact, I respond to something posted by someone not on my list MAYBE once a week. Probably less than that really. Most of the time I only come here to myLot through the emails I get from my friends list. With over 200 friends, I have plenty there to keep me busy!
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
Thanks for sharing bungirl. I hope to see more of your threads in the coming days.
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@greengal (4286)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Oh you did the right thing charms, trust me there has never been a time when everybody in my friends' list has responded to all my discussions, I know some may not pertain to their interests, but it is annoying when they don't bother to respond at all! I am always cleaning up my friends list because if they don't care then why should I. I may sound mean but I'm sure they don't mind if they are not on my list..god know why they sent a request in the first place! I am picky about whom I have on my list so I am constantly denying friend requests. Sometimes if friends' discussions bother me too much then I just turn them "off" for a bit..lol If they have been totally inactive then out they go.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
Oh, greengal, thank goodness and I'm not only one who is feeling this way. I can understand if they can't respond to all my discussions. But I'm not naive enough to know who is giving in the same support that I'm giving them.
• Ireland
17 Mar 07
I can see your point charms. I think it is very unfair for people to join your friends list and then not bother to respond to your discussions. Surely they must be able to respond to at least one of your topics. I know some people just flood the place with topics and and I don't think they have the time to respond to their friends discussions. I don't post very many topics but I have noticed that quite a lot of the people who are on my friends list never bothered to respond and these people post topics quite frequently. I agree with you about deleting them. If they can't support you, then why bother with them.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
You're right alexandria. I don't feel any better by deleting this friends but the least they can do is to reciprocate the same way I'm doing to them.
@ethanmama (1745)
• Philippines
17 Mar 07
I do understand what you mean. I honestly can't remember whether I invited you or you invited me to be a friend....but I'm happy that we are. I truly enjoy your discussions. Are you notified by email about topics started by friends? I no longer turn it on since I now have a lot of friends and it's hard to keep track of a growing email inbox. What I do is to just check "discussions my friends started". Maybe this would help you. And like what the others said, I check on a person's profile first before accepting him as a friend. :)
@ethanmama (1745)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
Hmm, I remember getting overwhelmed with the emails notifying me of a new topic started by one my my friends. So what I did was turn them off. But everytime I log on to mylot, I check on "discussions my friends started" first and try to reply to everything that I can before looking for other discussions that are not started by my friends. That way, I don't get too overwhelmed by the volume of email notification. That worked for me :). I still reply to my friend's discussions even if I'm not notified through email :).
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
You're the one who requested to be on my list mama. But I'm grateful to have you as my friend. All my friends notification are "ON." So I can be sure to check on their posts. :)
• United States
21 Mar 07
WOW! I hope I am not one of those deleted friends. I have not been on much this week due to having to deal with Lupus, but I do enjoy your discussions. I try to get to the posts made by those on my friend's list first. I know I fail many times, but I do try. Anyways, as far as you are concerned charms, I seek you out because I do enjoy your posts so much.
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
Thanks loves. Please don't worry much. You are not included. The friends I'm talking about, they will know why I deleted them when they read this thread.
• United States
18 Mar 07
Nice one. I did not have this experience but after joining mylot i have realized that the discussions here are loosing quality. Many are just interested in posting new discussions every day every hour only for the sake of doing so for money. Thats the reason many do not respond but keep posting new discussions. Some of htem are absolutely meaning less and yucky too. Adding more and more members and the rage for money is killing the quality of discussions here I guess. I am not a very old member but right from the time I joined till today I have been observing how it is loosing its charm.
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
Welcome to mylot, nationalcity. I hope you can find the time to look for topics of your interest. Enjoy!
@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
17 Mar 07
I share the same sentiments with you. However, I am more compassionate. I do not delete these friends unless there is a personal agenda. Though I am also disapointed with them, I give them the benefit of doubt that they did were ignorant of the email notification feature. They might also have too many friends that they have forgotten who are their friends. Anyway, I am thankful to them for providing me "ready" discussions instead of me searching for discussions to respond. You have the right to be upset. It's all right :)
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
Thanks whyaskq. I don't like to have a large group of friends here. That way, I will be able to respond to my friend's posts.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
18 Mar 07
I think you are wrong to be upset.Why this drama? This is a discussion forum and not an obligation. When people request to be your friends you have the option to accept or deny. After you have accepted you can respond or not respond to their discussions and they to yours. You find their subjects boring? well skip it. Are your friends obligated to respond to your discussions? No. You say:"Am I forced to do this necessary action?" Well nobody forces you to do anything. How many of the 79 000 memberse of Mylot will care if you remove or add someone to you friends list, or if other members leave Mylot, come back to Mylot or complain about responding? 30? 50? 100? 200?
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
Thanks for your input, linda. I might consider what you are saying here.
@GardenGerty (162497)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Do not let anyone steal your composure and peace of mind. Delete those that you must, I have in the past. More often I delete those who are not active at all. I try to answer at least one discussion for each friend each time I get to be online. Sometimes it is hard if they are prolific, but write things that do not invite comment. Do not be upset, but do what you have to do. I also had a friend that each time she responded to me was rude and sarcastic, I deleted her, as well. I am here to enjoy the company. Maybe you need some different friends. I have several that are very faithful and supportive. Hope you find some as well.
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
Thanks gardengerty. I dropped one friend from my list because she is kind of aggressive and confrontational too. I don't have much time to deal with arguments.
@andrika (386)
• Indonesia
18 Mar 07
im sorry to hear that. at first i joint mylot, i already study about my friends. some enter my discussion, some don't. may be they busy or on hold. some always offering a new site to join. but i don't suprise or disturb by that. if i don't like it, i can always delete. dealing with mylot friends just the same like dealing real world. if we are a marketer, when people don't like what we sale, we cannot force them to buy, right?upset to them just wasting energy. sometime i think that my discussion are not to good enough so they prefer other discussion.relax..and be careful, don't get heart attact just because you entering this forum discussion :)
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
LOL...andrika, I'm very relax now. I just needed to vent out to this friends about my reason for deleting them. Good for my heart eh. ;0
@ironstruck (2298)
• Canada
18 Mar 07
I believe that responding to your friends discussions it the best way to earn income through mylot.. From what I have discovered after trying different tests myself, having people respond to your discussions, but is not as big a payer. I would leave as many friends on as you can. Responding to their discussions is a major key to success. It does no harm to have them listed anyway, no matter what they do.
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
I know what you mean, ironstruck. Thanks!!!
@samrat16 (2442)
• India
19 Mar 07
Absoultely ,even I'm thinking of deleting people who doesn't care to respond to a single discussion I have made and responded to some 8 to 10 discussions of them.
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
21 Mar 07
Exactly samrat. If they can't reciprocate the same thing as we do, I don't see any reason why we should retain them as our friends.
18 Mar 07
I understand why you are upset, but please try not to let it get to you so much. Try not to judge everyone too harshly. There may be valid reasons that they are not replying to your discussions. I only respond to those on my friends list if I can contribute or they are worthwhile posts. I won't post just because they are on my list and I expect the same back. Just enjoy your time on mylot and try not to gettoo upset about those that really are not worth your bother.
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
Thanks for the input, mummy. The 10 friends I deleted has been with me for sometime now. They are all active and pretty much forgotten how to reciprocate the same way I'm doing to them.