Lets Get A debate Going : Abortion is it right or wrong?
By yesiamroxane
@yesiamroxane (535)
United States
October 17, 2006 8:29am CST
What do you guys think? Personally I think that it is not black or white as some may view it, it is wrong to get an abortion if you were a willing participant in the act, just because it isnt the right time for you to be pregnant shouldnt matter, its a life and that is extrememly selfish thinking if you are going to get an abortion because having a baby doesnt fit in to your schedule, if they really dont want a baby they can always give it up for adoption. Now on the other hand this is where it gets grey to me, Rape victims, I beleive if you were not a willing participant in an act that resulted in pregnancy then you should be allowed to have an abortion, I think this because a woman should not have to carry the baby of a rapist inside of her if she does not want to.
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29 responses
@limcyjain (3516)
• India
17 Oct 06
nothing wrong in abortion. everybody has a right to plan his or her family. what is not wanted is abortion of girl child for the sake of a male child. I myself am a mother of two daughters.
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@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
17 Oct 06
I personally think it's wrong in any case. You mentioned raped victims and pregnacny, well I was raped and if it resulted in a child, no I wouldn't abort it. Yea I would know that the child was a product of violence, but I wouldn't want to terminate it's life simply because of one man's crime. There is always adoption. If you don't want a child let someone else adpot it who can't have children of their own.
@yesiamroxane (535)
• United States
17 Oct 06
Well sometimes it is hard to even carry that mans baby for nine months and having to go through a pregnancy and birth may be emotionally too hard for someone who was raped and then got pregnant from it
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@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
18 Oct 06
If my rape resulted in pregnancy I would have still had the child no matter the emotional stress it would have on me because I could never punish an unborn child. The child should have a chance to live, it's an innocent party.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
17 Oct 06
The only time I feel Abortion should ever be an Option, and even then you need a 3rd and 4th opinion, is when a woman is told their Life is in danger if they decide to have the Baby.
When it comes to having a Baby, that is a Child, and when you choose to abort in my opinion, that is Murder. Even in the case of Rape, you should face up to your Rapist, and make them do the time, and PAY FINANCIALLY for their actions.
It would be better to give the Child up for Adoption if you are not ready to handle the responsibilities of Motherhood than ever kill your unborn child. There are many women out there in this world, like me, who were never able to carry a child Full term, and if they could afford it, would Love to rescue all these children women never take time to care about.

@rmuxagirl (7548)
• United States
19 Oct 06
I totally agree Krause. about the rapist. Women need to face him put his rear in jail, pay finacially and not punish the child. Like you said there are women would love to have a child but could.
I think in the case of whether or not the mother would is a different story but I'm sure you could find other options. I don't know what I would do in that situation. It would require alot of prayer.
I'm sorry you weren't able to carry til full term. {HUGS}
@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
18 Oct 06
I'm so sorry that you weren't able to have a child. I have gone through miscarriages and found them devastating. I was lucky enough to finally carry to term, so I can only imagine your sadness.
I am pro-choice, however, and I have a few comments on your post:
One of the problems with deciding if pregnancy could put a woman's life could be in danger, is that you usually can't know it will be in danger until the end of the pregnancy. http://www.ayubmed.edu.pk/JAMC/PAST/15-2/shamshad%20maternal%20mortality.htm
Making a rapist pay is probably unrealistic. First he has to be caught. Then he has to be succesfully prosecuted. Then you have to hope he has money, and even if he does, you enter the world of most women who were abandoned by the fathers of their children. You don't ever see any money, and you raise your children in poverty.
I would put myself through hell for a living person, but to my mind, a first-trimester fetus, while biologically alive, is quite far from the equivalent of a later term or born baby. It has no awareness & isn't developed enough to feel pain.
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@martie4prez (143)
• United States
20 Oct 06
I am a mother of 1 and sometimes I feel bad for the world he has to grow up in and we live a very well life but my son is one of the lucky ones. I think there are ppl who know they couldnt provide for a child and if they carried it to full term would want to keep it and it would be to hard to give up for adoption. so I do agree with abortion but it isnt to be confused with birth controll!!!!!!
@erielle (1280)
• United States
17 Oct 06
It is wrong. The aborted child has not had one chance, atall. Yes you may have been raped but it was YOUR choice to be in the alley or it was your choice to go to the party. No, it wasn't your fault. But,all that I am saying is that we have given many choices. Why is it that we can't give a child the oppurtunity?

@erielle (1280)
• United States
19 Oct 06
How is it disturbing? I am not saying it is her fault for being raped. I have been raped it is horrible and it is NOT my fault. All that I am saying is that we have made decisions all of our lives, and it has brought us to certain points. It is destiny for the child to happen. We have had our choices, the baby hasn't. What is disturbing is killing a child. I'm not saying kill the person who was raped, geez all I am saying is do not kill the baby. It wasn't her mistake. BUT it is her body and responsibility. I really am suprised that people think this is a disgusting view. I am really tyring hard to figure out what is so disgusting about it. We have lived and the child hasn't. The child deserves a chance. Maybe your mind has to be open a tid bit more to understand the justice in this. :)

@coloryourainbows (37)
• United States
19 Oct 06
Honestly, I think that people who have abortions are confused and worthless, unless there is a problem threatening the life of the baby or the mother. You CAN give your child a good life, just by carrying him or her 9 months, there are good people who would give your child a good life. I am disgusted by people who abort because they cannot offer a good life, YOU CAN.
@Lackingstyle (7509)
19 Oct 06
Honestly, there aren’t enough people who will ever consider adoption, there are thousands upon thousands of people who go from babies to adult hood spending their entire life in orphanages and when they escape that they’re on their own, and we all know after a certain age their changes of being re-homed are halved.
Who is worthless? The person who gave up the child into a system of care where no care came? Or the person who opted to abort the child?
It’s neither.
@hari_theloyolite (315)
• India
21 Oct 06
well, its a serious qn, but i'd like to vote in favour of abortion simply bcoz that mite help those woman who hav been fored to carry the baby!
@Stiletto (4579)
21 Oct 06
In an ideal world every pregnancy would be planned and every child would be wanted but unfortunately life just isn't like that. People make mistakes and most women don't make the decision to have an abortion lightly. Women have been having abortions long before it ever became legalised. Better that it's properly conducted and regulated rather than go back to the old days of backstreet abortionists.
Also saying it's ok if the woman has been a victim of rape doesn't make sense to me. If you feel abortion is morally wrong because you are taking a life then surely that applies no matter what the mothers circumstances are?
@kruell_intentionz (1159)
• United States
19 Oct 06
i think in most cases it should be illegal. there are the exceptions though for woman raped. But other then that I think that if your adult enough to spread your legs then u should deal with the concequences. There is always addoption
@ladyheart25 (1815)
• Philippines
21 Oct 06
Its teh biggest sin to ever commit i believe..Even the child is still in teh womb, she got all the right to live in this world. But in some countries, abortion is permitted for some important reasons...
@KmOr23 (29)
• United States
22 Oct 06
if you ever read the bible, it says outright that children are a blessing, and they are. i got pregnant unexpectedly at 17 and seriously considered getting an abortion, had the appointment and everything. i went to church, and there was a discussion about abortion. it would be taking someone's life, like murdering someone, except babies are helpless and cannot speak for themselves. luckily we know that if you do kill a baby, they go to heaven because they're naive and don't understand. i chose not to get the abortion and instead chose adoption, but once i felt my baby girl kickin, i knew couldnt let her go. now i have a beautiful daughter and i have no regret. yeah this is supposed to be the prime of my life, but things happen. if you get raped and become pregnant, that is a different story, but in that case i would think adoption is the best answer. no the woman did not want a baby, but the baby was created for a reason, and he or she doesn't deserve to die
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
15 Sep 07
I think it's far more selfish to force your opinions on to someone else. Or to continue a pregnancy you do not want to have. The commitment to a healthy pregnancy is a huge responsibility, one no one should enter into lightly. If a woman knows she's not ready for that commitment, she's making the right choice to end the pregnancy.
@dragonflyfli (5528)
• United States
19 Oct 06
it is wrong for some and right for others.
if someone cannot care for a baby then they have a right to abort. there are too many babies and childresn in foster homes or in adoption centers.
@achilles7 (1276)
• India
18 Oct 06
Abortion is always wrong.In critical situation to save the life of the mother it may be allowed.It does not mean you cankill a person to save another.
@Lackingstyle (7509)
19 Oct 06
We’re far too fond of telling other people what they should do and shouldn’t, and then falling back on the argument of “Freedom of speech”.
We praise living in a free society and yet we’re happy to deny a fundamental right to a person with a situation that you’re most likely not even an equation in and won't have to deal with the concequences either way. (Go on, argue the unborn also has a choice ;) )
It'll never be wrong, but it'll never be right, though it should always be a choice.
@Brooke3 (610)
19 Oct 06
I am pro choice, I think it should always be the choice of the mother and that it is not the business of everyone else. I think there should be laws regulating abortion, ensuring that it is safe and does not happen to late into the pregnancy, but that it should always be the mothers decision. I think that there should be councelling given to the mother.