Where did "a man's right to party" dissapear?
By Tammuz
@Tammuz (347)
March 17, 2007 6:18pm CST
You know...the "right" to go out with the guys , without having a woman to yell at him because he got home late.The right to actually have a word to say without hearing the clichee "you are a misogynist pig!".And the list goes on.
I saw recently a post about men being useless.Think twice before saying that.They are not useless.Most of men are now having less rights than some women.At least in Europe.So let's get real here and let's give MEN a little credit.
Sincerely,ladies...why are you so against men????Women have a lot more defects than men.You don't like how that sounds?well..it is proven by scientist.
So..to all women who just loooooveee to massacre a man's psychic I just want to say GIVE IT A BREAK for the love of God!!!!!!Do you think women are supperior to men? Why?
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18 responses
@lillake (1630)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Ha! ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Proven? By a scientist? Show me the proof.
And by the way, maybe I'm just a silly American by no where in the constitution is there a "man's right to party". I'm going to assume it's not in the bible either. So where is this supposed "right"?
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@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
18 Mar 07
they "all" ask for the "proof"...they do exist...come to Europe!
Ever heard of moral values ? I'm so sure that when your constitution was wrote they must of forgot to mention that.Hmm was that wrote when they hunted for "witches" ?
What does the constitution have to do with that?
Is it really a "must" to write it somewhere down ??? Can't we really just make our own opinion? someone have to dictate it for us?Ooo sweet Jesus , but that isn't written anywhere...what will i ever do?
Common sense people...add a little brain to it and of course some moral issues there !
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@Tammuz (347)
• Romania
18 Mar 07
Q.E.D dear Profetu...You wrote a nice reply here.And you're not a woman.Go figure!!!!! How do you use your brain??I mean...doesn't it hurt you? Are you sure all of us should actually THINK and not eat all the cr@p that US government tell us??UUgghh ...and what about the Bible?? grrr...You mean I have to use my brain and not actually listen to a book of "moral values" written 2000(well..actually 1600) years ago???
I find it interesting how women get on the roof from their irritation if you show them that the Bible says that WOMEN SHOULD OBBEY THEIR MEN ..but when it comes to a "man's right" ...nope..there's nowhere in the Bible..or constitution...or on my grandpa's will..phuuuu....
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
18 Mar 07
no i don't think women are like that to men well not the women who i know anyways! in my relationship it's the other way around, i can't go out with friends, i can't speak to my family and so on! i think this is awful this relationship that ive had to suffer and it won't be carrying on for much longer, he can go and find another woman to rule bit with me it's not going to happen anymore! =)
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@Tammuz (347)
• Romania
18 Mar 07
If you don't like the way a relationship goes,you can always break up.There is no need for "torture".
I know that not all the women are like that,but the "majority" is.I hate to see and hear women whining about their husbands.They had a choise before they got married.If they didn't like it...they could've say a big NO.Since the 80's women don't get married in a couple of moths.They wait at least one year.In one year..you can see if you can live with that man's defects.
And no..for a man to find another woman it's more difficult than for a woman to find another man.
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@xXmeganxX (4420)
18 Mar 07
hello again if you want to know why ive stayed with him for a while do read my discussions as it would take me a long time to explain to you! and nope im not complaining i feel very sorry for myself as do alot of other people what i have to go through! it's not as easy as people say ' get out and leave him' i wish i could! and nope im not going to be with him after monday which is great! thanks!
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@Tammuz (347)
• Romania
18 Mar 07
I will look up your discussions.
I understand what you are saying here.I was stupid enough to stick 5 years with someone who resembles to your boyfriend.It was hard to break up with him.Not because of my "feelings" but because he didn't get the "we are no longer together"part.
I really hope that you'll get through this one.I keep my finger-crossed for you.Please go party on after you end that up.
Good luck and I wish you all the happiness in the world. :)
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@alexdiazgranados (678)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Actually, I saw the same post that upset you; it was written by a young Australian woman who feels that her husband is unfairly placing 90 percent of the burden of caring for their baby on her while he does whatever he wants. I think her "why are men useless" question was a bit harsh and too general, since not all of us guys are overly selfish and lazy. It's just that some of us are good fathers/husbands/boyfriends/sons/brothers by nature, while others of us actually have to work harder to be all those things, since much of our behavior is learned from others who may or may not have set good examples.
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@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
18 Mar 07
We didn't feel right to point and give names....but thank you for getting the "point" here and seeing that something was wrong in th other post..
Also....a big thanks to all the people who DON'T start with "mheaaa....but where's da evidence?" and being able to use that brain in a very good manner.Thank you
@Tammuz (347)
• Romania
18 Mar 07
That is exaclty my point!!! There are men who deserve a lot more than they are given.And not "all men are useless".Sometimes the women have too much unresolved issues and frustrasions.And men have to endure that.
Well...thanks for understanding my point here :)
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@Tetchie (2932)
• Australia
18 Mar 07
Seems relationships can be like walking on hot coals for some and the question of what's fair crops up regularly in them.
Which makes me wonder why people get paired up in the first place. So I go back to the animal kingdom and just what happens in this scenario. Female bird fluffs her feathers, male takes note and mates with fluffy female, then cute fluffy creature is produced. Cute fluffy creature drives wedge between now fluffless female bird and male bird is sent to dog house because he doesn't cut the mustard anymore, and dejected he wonders what the hell he did wrong. He goes out with the other male birds who have their tails between their legs, no longer thinking that fluffing their own feathers is a good idea, cause they, you know, no longer have a fluffy female to admire him. But is pleased at least he is not a male black widow spider else he be eaten after producing said cute fluffy creature.
Fluffy female needed to tell buxom male what the ground rules were supposed to be before she produced cute creature.
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@Profetu (1253)
• Romania
18 Mar 07
Ahh thank you , thank you !
You are so right about this one.I think this is the post where i can add my opinion regarding this "delicate" subject.I say delicate because men are sometimes affraid to say anything about their rights because they'l know that there's going to be a woman yelling at him for that...and he usually don't want to get her upset.
Of course both men and women have a lot of "bad" behaviour things that i could add ,but there's no need for that , it's NOT a general thing.
If you are smart enough then you just don't start this kind of discussion : if you don't like something don't go and generalize it....and MOVE ON untill you find something or someone who you can match with.
Oh and post scriptum : don't start with :yeaaahhh bit ehere is that sudty ? and i mean yeahh but they're all the sameee , ya know?
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@Tammuz (347)
• Romania
18 Mar 07
Thank you honey..now you can get back and build up my statue for "militating for men's rights" LOL.
I love your sudden "chewing-gum shiny-stuff-lover " dyslexia.Please don't do it again :)))))))))))))
I agree that both men and women have bad behaviors.But..come on!! Do women have to dramatise every little time?? I don't hear men complaining that much about women.
If I was a man..and my wife would start yelling at me for nothing in the attempt of making my life miserable and my self-esteem go lower than hell..I'd burry her in my backyard.
Hello there...I am a women hater and I try to understand men.Take it or leave it. :))))
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@obang1483 (250)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
I don't think the superiority is the subject here,. let's face it, without the private part hanging between your legs, men are just like women, likewise, women are like men.
I think you just got to work the harmony between the 2.
Men loves to enjoy..yet, women wants too, in fact, most of the women I know needs a day-off without their man too.. I say, maybe for breathing purposes...hihi, nah! just kidding. Well maybe the women becomes so nagger because sometimes(
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@Tammuz (347)
• Romania
19 Mar 07
LOOOLL hahahaa that's a ehmm point of view hahha
It's true that sometimes men think with their genitals.But not all of them are the same.
The "breathing purpose" sounds lovely.And it is needed from time to time.
Thanks a lot for sharing your oppinion .And thanks for the laugh you brought in this discussion :))
@Juliephine (286)
• United States
19 Mar 07
No, I don't believe women are superior to men. God created man first and then took a rib from him and created woman as a help mate to man. So, see, man and woman should work as a team, like a well oiled machine. I think you still have rights as a man to go out and party, but have some courtesy, let the woman know when you think you'll be home and if you're not going to make that committed time, call and let her know. It's not "reporting" to a woman or having the "right" to come home whenever you want. It is common courtesy that is almost non-existent between a man a woman. I also don't think men are useless. I happen to appreciate my husband of almost 14 years VERY VERY MUCH. But, we communicate well, at least most of the time and this allows us to appreciate each other. I hope whatever woman you are with, you will take the time to communicate with her and that she will take the time to listen.
@Juliephine (286)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Should have written that last line differently. I hope that whatever women men are with and vise versa that the time is taken to communicate to each other and listen to each other.
@Tammuz (347)
• Romania
19 Mar 07
That's a very nice point of view.If only more women would let their frustrations go, there would be more happy couples.
I have a beautiful relashionship.We respect each other and we talk a lot. But communicating is a very hard thing to do for some couples.
Thanks :)
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
18 Mar 07
I love men - and especiallt my man =) I do let him go out with friends and if he is late I yell at him *ha ha ha* BUT he does the same thing to me so we are equals in this relationship =)
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@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
18 Mar 07
wow that a lot...i mean descriptions..well i dont hate men for a start..i love my hsuband i even let him go out with friends at least ...when married its is very understandble that guys should be committed to their woman and respect her..and at least limit the frequent activities you have when still single..esp. those that can distract any relationships..that will lead to separation...we are all created equal and must respect each other..
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@Tammuz (347)
• Romania
19 Mar 07
I also think that respect is one of the main "keys" in a relashionship.
Despite of the commitment thing,everybody needs "a little private space".Both genders.And it's even better when that private space and little time apart is given without any reproaches after.At least this is my oppinion.
@chenvstony (365)
• China
18 Mar 07
I think it is equal beween a man and a woman,a women is not superior for a man.A lot of times we need to think about something on another side,maybe we need to exchange our position at first.
@mskrstin316 (43)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
well, i think that women should be superior to men in some ways but not to the extent that they lose their sense of being a man and become so inferior that they tend to be bossed around by anybody.if a man has a girlfriend or a wife for example, they should give in to them or to things that please their partner but not to the point that his partner abuses him and always want to win in almost everything. guys do have sense to and sometimes we should listen to them because it is not everyday that we are right. they too have something to contribute and so sometimes we should be fair enough to listen to them.
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@Juliephine (286)
• United States
19 Mar 07
And, just a side note, as I posted in my comment, if you're not going to be back on time, just give a quick call. It's just common courtesy, period.
@c2adams2 (351)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Wow...you are so right! I am an American woman, and I classify myself as a feminist, even though I am probably closer to an equalist. I agree with the persons right to party. There have actually been times when I have told my husband, "Please, call your friends, go to the bar, get drunk, have fun!" I occasionally, about 3-4 times per year, go with my girlfriends and get drunk and stay the night at one of their houses. There are men who are misogynist pigs, but in general I find that men and women share the same flaws. Take my husband, he helps with the kids, helps clean, talks to me, and overall worships me. Far from useless.
My only comment is, hang in there. When you find a woman who loves you she will apreciate you and all of the wonderful things that make you who you are.
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@Tammuz (347)
• Romania
19 Mar 07
I have a wonderful relashionship and I wasn't complaining about me here :)) .This discussion was started after I saw another discussion about the fact that men are useless.I got instantly mad for the generalising factor.
I know that some men are misogynists but I also know that there are so many good man.Like your husband for example.
Thanks :)
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@laltu86 (1249)
• India
18 Mar 07
men & women are the most wonderfull creation of god,
then cannot live without each other neither they can live together.
i dont feel every man is supirior to every women neither the vice-versa, what i feel is that like fire and oil if man-n-women controll their emotions then there could be a beautiful fire , but if uncontroled it could result in a disaster.
So what do you want depends entirely on you...
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
18 Mar 07
I don't think women are superior to men. I think it's an individual thing.
I do think, though, that men should realize that when they are in a relationship, there are responsibilities - they need to respect the relationship and their partner, and that does sometimes mean not going out with the guys without prior arrangement.
My husband goes out (or over to a buddy's house) once a week. He calls to tell me if he's going to be extraordinarily late, and there are no recriminations when he gets home - he's allowed to have fun. But since we are in a relationship, we let each other know if we are going to be later than expected.
And I don't think men have less rights than women. That's just a sensationalistic statement.
@infowiz36 (59)
• United States
18 Mar 07
I woud like to remind all participants that a relationship is give and take. You can't have two independant people all fo a sudden decide to spend all of their time together. Woman may be notroious for having to know exactly what who and where there mate is at all time but I have mmet enough men that are just as possessive. If you feel stiffled--discuss it, don't just let it bother you into an early break-up.
@indigorain666 (47)
• United States
18 Mar 07
what scientist prooves that women have more defects then men? Just curious! I don't think anyone should loose the right to go out with their friends. Maybe you just picked a psyco to go out with...Maybe you arent ready for a relationship. I think being in a relationship can be very restraining and you loose some sort of independence I keep away I've decided I would rather be alone and do what ever I want than to hang with some one that keeps a leash on me. The perfect relationship would be to be able to maintain your life independent of each other and come back and have things to talk about. Because if you spend all your time with the same person eventually there is really nothing left to talk about because you were both there. It's crazy and sometime I wish people would think about that when they are in a relation ship.
@Tammuz (347)
• Romania
19 Mar 07
Apparently scientists discovered that men are using their brain better than women.
And I am not complaining about my relashionship.God no! I am happier than I ever thought I could be. I found a wonderful men (I am a woman).We respect each other and we give each other a little space when needed.And it is more than perfect.
I wish people think more when commiting to each other,also.
@proudmammabear (556)
• Canada
18 Mar 07
Hmmm, well some men are useless, but then again, some women are useless too. It's like this "I am not racist , prejudiced, or sexist, because there are A**holes everywhere"
Bitter people = stupidity, it is not right to say that men are useless, because what a world we would be in without them, and then again can't say that most women are useless because what world would we have without them?
who cares about science, it could be proven one way by this scientist, and the opposite way by a different scientist. Let's leave it by saying that there are men that are A**holes and women that are B**ches and that is that!