Coffee to cure baldness

@senses (840)
March 18, 2007 1:30am CST
Male's hormone testosterone is responsible for baldness in men, meaning that the more testosterone a man as, the more prone he is to losing his hair. Head of the research team Professor Peter Elsner states that hormonal boldness could in fact be prevented by means of caffeine. As a result of their extensive research studies, German scientists arrived at a fascinating conclusion! Apparently, claim the scientists, it is possible to prevent baldness at an early age by means of treating hair with products containing caffeine (for instance by rubbing a special solution into the scalp). However, the scientific team advises coffee lovers against consuming their favorite beverage in excess to fight baldness. According to an expert-cosmetologist Adolf Klenka, “one would need to consume 60-80 cups of coffee per day for the caffeine to reach hair follicles.” Professor Elsner in turn notes that “even though a person would be willing to do just that for beauty’s sake, our research did not cover the way caffeine intake influences one’s scalp. We did prove however that caffeine should be used as an external substance that should be applied directly onto the scalp.” According to him, those men who are genetically predisposed to baldness, should consider such “caffeine therapy” while they are still relatively young. German medics consider that rubbing coffee ground into the scalp is the most effective way to prevent baldness. Photos and text ( Why not start drinking coffee to cure your baldness! Do you believe on this findings by the doctor?
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4 responses
@vehaileairu (2286)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
well, thats depending of the body's response to caffein treatment.. hormones may be affected a lot.. other bodies wont respond to the same way in test.. like my dad, he's a caffein lover, he had his brewed coffee fresh from our farm, he does have it often, but it didnt have a mracle of his hair loss^_^ he sometimes jokes that all hs hair went to me, or to the sisters and brothers thus leaves him the father who's almost bald.. but i dont know of much for other people.. others may be sensitive to caffein, ths drinking it will cause them much inconvnience.. like less sleep, prone to sensitvity in sounds... making them stressed and gain less sleep.. but others must say, its good for them, which gives adverse effects even the opposite of sleepless reaction..thats why its been always promoted as a good anti oxidant than tea and other beverage with the content.. but i do prefer the green tea.. coffee sometimes specially the busy days where i need to rely on coffee's magic for awakeness...^_^ its really hard to determine if it can totally cure baldness.. because there are thousands of list in the possible causes of baldness, like genetic, like hair reacton, scalp sensitvity, falling hair due to environment, due to climate change, due hair dirt, due to head caps, due to hair combs, shampoos, and the most that i believe.. the cause of food intake, careless eating from unhealthy foods with the most of msg mono sodium glutamate.. with all of this factors to consider.. there is still no harm in trying..^_^ so hope this findings or study may help people with this trouble.. take care^_^
@VotreAmie (3028)
• United States
19 Mar 07
It is interesting... I think that there have been MANY different cures for baldness. My husband doesn't seem to mind that he is thinning on top. He is tall so nobody will notice that much... ha ha but I think that until science has come out with the gene that causes it and can replace that or have some treatment from genetics... then everything else is just money makers... I am sure people can tell you as many treatments for baldness as there is to treat the common cold or hickups.
@senses (840)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
Yes you are right but you must choose the best treatment for you. Choose those that are tested and reliable, right?
@winjzz (157)
• Malaysia
18 Mar 07
Hmm, pretty ..interesting.. Say that i believe in the good professor's findings but at what age should the treatment start? "Early age" is a bit too general as a description. If it means early as in the teens, is'nt the treatment a bit, too late, for adults with the affliction? Because i reckon that it's the adults who are more concerned about the problem due to its visual manifestation (receding hairlines and bald spots).
18 Mar 07
Great post. It's really interesting. Coffee now have lot of good benefits. Previous years ago it was critizise, now, it has been recommended to cure some illness. Coffee contains anti oxidants, which are actualyy helpful to slow aging. So I belive this research is tru. Baldness is also a process of aging, if coffee prevent aging, then it does with baldness.