why do you choose it as your username?

@aaa0126 (205)
March 18, 2007 2:42am CST
why do we have to create a username? it is really cute! is there a story behind your username? kine is simple ay you can see it,, our initial and the number is my birthday!
5 responses
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
Hi, aaa0126. My username is pretty an obvious combination of names--its mine and my hubby. And belated happy birthday!
@aaa0126 (205)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
thank you ma'm lissie...
@minty3 (592)
• Nigeria
21 Mar 07
i choose my username out of impulse. had a minty sweet in my mouth while filling the form and minty just came up in my mind so i put it down and the 3 is a part of my age. how about that?
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
My name is Arsenia Joaquin and so I use my real name as my username. I don't like to hide and I stand by what I am saying wherever I am.
@wenkinnoc (482)
18 Mar 07
my username is actually the name of a character from a computer game, Final Fantasy 10, wenkinnoc is one of my favourite characters
@neenasatine (2841)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
my username neenasatine derived from the name of my grandma... SATURNINA... i've change it to neenasatine... instead of using Satur i change it to satine since it is nicr to hear.... ;)