who is the real terrorist?

big terrorist - whos the bigger terrorist?
March 18, 2007 7:01am CST
how do u define a terrorist? i say someone who tries to snatch someones happiness for no good reason. someone who tries all inhuman ways to get his thing heard. someone who is mad for power. wants to dictate the whole world. one who plays devil in a gods uniform. to this defination 2 people come to my mind instantly:- 1) George bush 2) Osama bin Laden its very difficult for me to say who is the bigger terrorist. can u tell me who gets the most deserving terrorist award?
1 response
• Australia
18 Mar 07
I have no idea. I would say anyone who goes about strapping bombs to their bodies and those who set bombs off in public places. The people who go about wanting to kill as many people as they can they are terrorists in my opinion. I dont care what their cause is the minute the kill innocent people they are terrorists and should be branded that way.
• India
18 Mar 07
ya ur right. as MAHATMA GANDHI said "Iam prepared to die, but there is no cause for which Iam prepared to kill" He also said " An eye for eye will make this world go blind"