Am I wrong not to celebrate mothers day?
By bananamanuk
@bananamanuk (835)
March 18, 2007 8:29am CST
OK, from the outset I would like to say that I am a generous person, and very caring and compassionate. However, I tend not to give my mum presents for mothers day, or gifts for my dad on fathers day. I can't help feeling that these days were just invented with the aim of selling cards and boosting company profits. I would rather, and do, get thoughtful gifts for birthdays and Christmas rather than for these types of occasions. Does that make me wrong? does anyone else not do these days?
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37 responses
@bluewings (3857)
18 Mar 07
I don't think you are wrong at all.You celebrate your parents rather than just a day that has been introduced more with commercialism in mind and less out of care for parents.I think a strong bonding is far more important than exchanging gifts.I feel your heart is at the right place and that's what matters the most.
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@bananamanuk (835)
18 Mar 07
I kind of get the feeling here that most people are of the opinion that it's not wrong, and that as long as there's love and appreciation for parents then thats most important. Otherwise it's down to personal choice. I have bought cards and things in the past, but this year I thought I wouldn't I think because all the adverts on tv sort of stood out to me that it was great for the companies more than for mum.
@bananamanuk (835)
18 Mar 07
haha, well the way things are going in the UK,it can only be a matter of time before they are policing our minds!!
@bluewings (3857)
18 Mar 07
lol Exactly so! Sometimes they oversell it and end up conveying a message that they don't intend to.The good thing is that our mind is free to reason.Hope the government don't start policing our minds someday :-P.

@anonymili (3138)
18 Mar 07
There is nothing wrong with not wanting to pander to society's insistence that we spend a fortune on gifts and cards on a day allocated for your mother or father. I personally do tend to treat my mum and dad on respective Mother's and Father's Days but we tend to do something as a family rather than gestures of buying gifts of stuff that they don't need, (apart from flowers for mum as she does love them and I like to buy her flowers). My brother and I tend to go around and make lunch or we'll get a takeaway from a restaurant (as both my parents hate going out to restaurants). We'll sit down as a family and eat together and have a laugh and chat and that's what makes the time special for them. Men in general tend to be less inclined to want to go to a shop and buy a card but if it's all just commercialism, it applies applies to birthdays and Christmas too, don't you think?
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@bananamanuk (835)
18 Mar 07
maybe that's my problem, being a guy LOL. But seriously, I do understand what you mean, I suppose a lot of guys are a bit more cynical about things like this. I totally agree that Christmas is just a commericalised opportunity as well.
@bonbon50 (659)
• United States
18 Mar 07
I'd give anything to have my mother alive to celebrate one more Mother's Day. I also celebrated her birthday, Christmas, and gave her surprise gifts throughout the year. I'd gladly spend $3.00 on a Hallmark card, but if you don't want to support the industries that 'appoint' these days for their own capital gain, why not at least make her a card yourself.
You don't mention your age, but chances are you may have children someday. Or, if dating or married, remember that Valentine's Day and Sweetest Day are also days you shouldn't celebrate.
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@blazinsmoke21 (1)
• United States
19 Mar 07
NO it does make you wrong, only if you give gift anytime of the year. If you do not give gift at all you are just cheap
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@ramyaraj11 (9)
• United States
19 Mar 07
in my view you are not since we can't assign a day for the mother who has given birth to us by crossing the hardest time 'nine months' of her life ...... there can be valentine's day and so on but for me every day is mother's day .... and for one who love their parents ...
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@piam007 (1)
• India
19 Mar 07
hey friend..shake last someone like minded. You are right. Thse are just marketing gimmicks. The only days special are birthdays and other anniversaries. I feel mother's days and the likes are for people who do not care for their mum the year round...and satisfy their guilt pangs on that particular day by buying gifts and cards for them. Every day should be mothers day and not one single day. You must make it a point to spend quality time with your mummy every me...that is what that makes her the happiest and not some inanae card saying..I luv u mommy.
@Swapnasri (3)
• United States
12 Apr 07
Yeah i feel the same!!!Do we really need a day to gift our parents or our kids gifting us?I think that everyday is a mother's day .
@txwoman36 (173)
• United States
18 Mar 07
yes that is true plus you dont have to buy something extravagant to make the day special for the mother or father.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
13 Apr 07
No, not wrong at all, as long as you love your parents and they know that then im sure thats fine! I don't usually send gifts for my parents on those type of days either however I do make an effort to call to wish them mothers day or fathers. I save their presents for their birthdays and Christmas time.
@easy888 (10405)
• Australia
7 Apr 07
If you really love your mother, you do not need to buy a gift to her at that particular day to show your love to her,she will know if you love her, she will still love you even you do not give her a gift, on the other hand, it will not help if you do not treat your mother good in the other days but giving her gift at that day only.
@vixel83 (212)
7 Apr 07
I agree with the commercial card-selling aspect of these holidays. I very rarely send cards for them, and when I do I tend to buy handmade ones from friends who make and sell them. I usually mark the day, if not with a gift then at least a phone call and my best wishes though.
@Pluntt (232)
• United Arab Emirates
6 Apr 07
well many people see mothers day as another holiday just made so companies can profit of you. But i guess mothers do like to recieve things on thsi day because it has some symbolism. Not to mention other mothers may talk to them saying "oh my son gave me...." and you wouldnt want her to feel left out. This holiday is more a matter of family though. If your family has never celebrated it then there is no need to start. Where as if they do you might aswell contue it, cause it only hurts your pockets a little but not much else.
@gcmthiago (239)
• Brazil
2 May 07
I agree fully to you! these days had been invented with the only intention: to gain money.
@crazy_me (588)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
It is ok if you do not want to celebrate mothers' and fathers' days. As you mentioned, you celebrate other special days with them and you even give them gifts, so I am sure your parents know that you care for them.
I do not give presents to my mom and dad either during mothers'/fathers' day. I just greet them and give them a hug and a kiss. Gifts are not important to them. And as the cliché goes, it is the thought that counts. :)
@rpebad (89)
• Uganda
19 Mar 07
Everyone has a right to either celebrate an occassion or not.i for one do not celebrate such days and don't think i will ever but with no reason though as to mother knows that i do love her and give her what she wants so it doesn't have to be that day for me to remember her for any gift.
@Je_suis_Hailey (33)
• Australia
19 Mar 07
I think your spot on. Mothers/fathers day, christmas, easter are all about spending money. I generally don't buy gifts for my parents, instead I do little things for them like make them breakfast and serve it to them in bed or do all the cleaning around the house, I have learnt that they appreciate this much more than a gift they will probably never use and don't really need.
@awaisdik2003 (20)
• Pakistan
19 Mar 07
plz join the forum
For hot hot pics
@rmtrevs (9)
• India
19 Mar 07
its not a must to celebrate each and everyday around the calander. if u dont give a gift or card to ur mother on mothers day or dad on fathers day, it dosent mean that u dont love them, but depends from person to person. people have different ways of expressing their love and gratitude .
i personaly object the idea of celebrating such days. they r just a waste of money, and its just a 'show'..
@raptorbyt (105)
• India
19 Mar 07
no!you don't need material possesions to show someone u luv dem......