Giving you child a good old fashioned Spanking
By momwatittude
@momwatittude (542)
United States
March 18, 2007 10:19am CST
There is a big difference between spanking you child for disciplin and abusing your child for the heck of it. As they say spare the rod spoil the child. In some cases now adays it is the child who is abusing the parents because they know if the parent touches them they can have the parent arrested or the parent is so scared of getting in trouble they let the child get away with murder. There was a case the other day where a child was abusing the mother and in doing so hurt himself. He thought it was funny when they arrested his mother for child abuse when she didnt do anything but now they tables are turned and the truth has come out and thats only because the youger child finally told the truth about what happened. THINGS NEED TO CHANGE WITH SOME OF THESE LAWS.
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15 responses
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I agree with you. I see far too often the kids have all the control. They know they can yell "abuse" and then there is trouble. Parents are scared to be parents because the schools tell these kids that if the parents do anything they can be charged. My niece was actually told at 4 that if "Your parents do anything to make you feel bad you call 911". Oh yeah so when she did something wrong and we told her no she couldn't do that she was going to call the cops because mommy made her feel bad. She had no clue what would happen. She thought they would just come out and make mommy give in. We explained to her everything the school didn't, how they would investigate and so on. She decided she didn't want to call. How many kids though don't care about it? Who will call just to get the parents in trouble? Let alone the "Nosey neighbors" who hear a kid yell for any reason call the cops because a child who yells must be abused. It's insane.
We need to take a couple of steps back and realize abuse and discpline of any sort (spanking, time outs etc) are two different things. Before someone jumps on me the one time the cops were called on us was because my niece was in a time out in her room. We told her to stay in there till she calmed down. We didn't lock it, but she started screaming that she wanted out. The nieghbors called and the cops came and they had to look around. So a time out still got the cops called. That shouldn't be happening. Then they wonder why these kids get away with some much.
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@lillake (1630)
• United States
18 Mar 07
I feel that hitting is hitting is hitting. Call it what you wish to strike another with your hand or instrument to cause pain it is hitting. And hitting is wrong.
I do agree with spare the rod spoil the child. However shepards were not walking around smacking their sheep with their rods. The sheep were too valuable to treat like that. Instead the rods were used to gently guide and direct the sheep. And aren't children more valuable than sheep?
@momwatittude (542)
• United States
18 Mar 07
you are intittled to your oppinion and I respect your right to your oppinion but that gives you no right to jusdge others oppinion. It does not make me a bad person for believing that some children need a spnking once in a while when they misbehave in such a manner that warrants it. now i am not saying leave marks or welps either.
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@lillake (1630)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Where in my comment did I judge others? I stated my opinion, my reasoning why, and some links. I never said others were wrong, I said the act of spanking is wrong.
Are you feeling defence about it? Seeing judgement that isn't there? Perhaps you should take time to turn inward and see what makes you feel so defensive about your choice to spank a child.
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@momwatittude (542)
• United States
18 Mar 07
ok first of all your thoughts are welcome but do not procede to tell me what you think I feel or not feel I was not getting defensive about your comment. Maybe I could have said it better for sometimes my words do not always comeout the way I mean them I was merely stating that you said I was wrong in my opinion to spank a child and I do not feel as though I am.
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
18 Mar 07
The problem lies in simple fact, that we the people create the law. Second, every single law has huge window to be omit or abuse. Yes, it is a limit and difference between spank and abuse. So far I have heard bad stories social services and police being involved in simple cases, when in fact no child was abused.
@momwatittude (542)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Yes this is true and it is for this reason I think they really need to reasses these laws and look deeper into these situations.
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@limosonia1 (1559)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I don't believe in child abuse at all and I also don't believe in displining your child when you are angry. But these lawmakers have to understand that taking the power out of our hands abd putting it into childrens is not working. You have moms that are getting hit in the supermarket and don't do anything. I find it funny that these same lawmakers are out there making these laws and then wondering why our youth is so violent and why nobody has any respect for others. This is what they are doing by keeping good parents hands tied. Do they really think that by adding more laws it's going to stop an abuser that is already breaking the law by abusing the child. No it just makes it harder on parents to raise there children,

@momwatittude (542)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Exactly see you get my point. Something reallt drastically has to change with these laws. It has flooded into our schools as well the teachers are so afraid of doing anything to some of these kids that they are being bullied just to rush them to 12 grade and get them out.
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@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
18 Mar 07
I do not see a difference between spanking and hitting. Hitting is hitting anyway you look at it and spanking never accomplishes anything. There are far easier ways, and much safer ways to discipline children. Spanking doesn't accomplish anything except for your child haboring hate and fear for you. Do you really want your children to be afraid of you? Do you really want your children, 10-20 years from now, to look back on what you've done to then and still remember all that hate and fear? They'll never get over it and they'll never forgive you. In my experience spanking as a punishment is never really spanking as a punishment. Parents lose control, especially when the kid tries their patience too much and things happen. It's never just spanking.
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@momwatittude (542)
• United States
18 Mar 07
ok you cant speak for all parents and children for all parents do not lose control while spanking their children I for one never saw either one of my parents lose their temper or control when we got spankings. Nor do I have hate or fear for my parents. I do understand what you are saying though. This could happen if they there is anger and hostility involved into the situation.
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
19 Mar 07
well, maybe you look at it highflyingxangel in a different angle. or maybe you or someone you know experienced such kind of an abuse before.
but as i see it, i am thankful that my mum gave me responsible spanks when i was little. ofcourse, she just did not spank me. let's me lie down on my stomach, talks to me first about what i committed wrong and spanks me atleast three times with a stick.
looking back... now that i am turning 29, i never had grudges against my mom. i turned to be a loving, nice person as my friends say. i never even felt any anger against my mom nor any fear at all. i respect her and more than just mere respect, i love her most of all. in fact, even at my age, i am still living with her.
it depends i guess on how people experienced it before. as for me, i experienced a good spanking which i deserved.
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@silvermoonmyst (943)
• United States
19 Mar 07
When my son acts out and dosent respond to other punishments, you can bet he will get a spanking. One swat and it gets the point across its all there os to it. I think its bull that we are told we cant dicipline our children they way we deem fit now! As a parent we should be able to dicipline our kids how we see they need it and some children respond to spankings in ways they dont respond to other punishments!
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@maryannemax (12156)
• Sweden
19 Mar 07
i admit. when i was a kid, i was so hard headed and tried to ignore my mom. and so, whenever i did something wrong, she makes me lie down on my stomach and spanks me with a stick. but before doing so, she talks to me and tells me why she is doing it and what were the thigs i did wrong to deserve it. and so, she spanks on my butt like 3 times. and ouch! it was really painful.
to others, they might say that it isn't right. but looking back, for me personally, i thank my mom for doing so. i learned my lessons the hard way which is better than not learning anything at all. i could have been a wilder, bitter and bad person now without undergoing such a discipline.
there are lots of people around who appreciate me now for who i am and love my personality so much. if it wasn't because of my mom's reasonable spanking before, i would not have turned into a nice person who i am now are.
@rosaflorence (1924)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I agree, so of these laws need to be revised. I still spank my younger children with my hand and I fear to do this with the older children because of the laws and what might happen. I think that they should look more closely at which parents are abusing and which ones are
disciplining their children.
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@SpitFire_Hoolgian (72)
• Romania
19 Mar 07
lol,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yup things need to change with some of these laws
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@TheKristoffersens (200)
• Denmark
19 Mar 07
I think in this case the spanking is not really the issue. I believe that with a good education where a child is being tought respect of others and respect of himself (this includes then NO spanking or hitting what so ever) and tought how to be responsible for what he does and how it affects others, those things can not happen.
Obviously this kid has the wrong idea of what is right or wrong since he thinks it is funny to have mum arrested and did not mesure at all the consequences of his act.
But of course, this all depends on us parents.
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@aubrey2006 (11)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
As a mother hitting or spanking a child sometimes is inevitable. This happened in our family when the kids surpasses the limitations that both me and my husband had been implemented as a rule. In other words, when the ultimatum warning given by us still did not work, I am sure hitting them will occur but we make sure that the extent of pain that will felt by the kids is up according to their age. What I mean is, we should not hit schoolage kids as if your hitting am adult one. In that case that is too much that you might be arrested for that is beyond good reason of having your children being disciplinred.
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@dlkuku (1935)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Some children don't respond to time outs and grounding, that's just the way it is.
I don't think spanking done in a manner appropriately is a bad thing, I spanked my children on occasion, and they turned out ok and didn't yell, abuse.
I think that is where we are getting so many out of control children, because parents are afraid to discipline their children. Violence in the schools is escalating, we see it every day on the news, maybe if we had more control without these laws making it harder on parents our kids would be better behaved.
Abuse is not a good thing, ever, but there is a huge difference between abuse and spanking appropriately without anger.
I remember my mom spanking me and saying, this is going to hurt me more than it will you, I didn't understand that at the time, but when you are a parent, you understand that saying. It broke my heart whenever I had to spank them.
@motherof35108 (192)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I was in the almost same boat as that mother except with my ex husband. he tried to say that i was kicking my son in the stomach. i looked at the worker and asked him if i kicked my son do you think he would be alive right now. I found out that the law states that you can spank your child three times and wait forr 15min before you spank agian.
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@momwatittude (542)
• United States
19 Mar 07
now thats a rediculous law. spank them and be done with it why drag it out.
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@c2adams2 (351)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I absolutely agree. Now, where I live, it is legal if you don't leave a mark. That is not just a bruise, that is a red mark, a welt, any mark at all.
I always said I would never spank my child, but there are occasions when I have, but only for the most severe offences. For most things I give time outs and let the child do the same thing wrong over and over again, so that they have the opporotunity to learn. However, there are times, like when my daughter tried to touch a pot that was on the stove, that they have to be stopped NOW! They cannot be allowed to try that over and over again or they will get seriously injured. I didn't want to take the chance that she would try again when I took my eyes off her for a second.
Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with spanking, so long as it is not the sole form of punishment and so long as it is not used very often. I don't even hurt my kids! In fact, once, when I told my four year old to sit in time out he said "Mom, could you just spank me?" So obviously it is not the horrible situation that these kids seem to think it is.
Lastly, on the spare the rod, spoil the child, look at the way children are turning out now! If I did half of the things these children do my mother would have turned me over her knee in the middle of Meijers, and these parents just put up with it. In the end, if we do not teach them correct behavior, who will?
@SheliaLee (2736)
• United States
20 Mar 07
Bless your heart!! I am glad that more and more people are feeling this way. I pray that maybe some things will start to turn around in our country if more people will start standing up for the right thing.