have u seen the movie "300"?

@roxy_stp (913)
March 18, 2007 11:10am CST
i just saw it last night, and i loved it. it's one of the greatest movies i ever saw!!!
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6 responses
@suraj5747 (207)
18 Mar 07
no i have not seen it...wat is the story based on.
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@roxy_stp (913)
• Romania
18 Mar 07
it's a "history" movie. about the spartans, and there battles against the persans.the spartans were only 300 soldiers,and the persans were milions. but the spartans were very good soldiers,with strategie and the defeted most of the opponent army. the effects and how the story is told is great. i never saw a movie this good
• India
4 Sep 08
SEVEN TIMES..300 is an absolutely terrific movie. the attitude, the valour the spartans display send a chill down my spine. so much to keep their honour. they challenged and even demured a person who projected himself as god. i think they were bogged down by the wrong priests who just had no respect for these warriors. my personal favorite line in the movie when the king says : SPARTANS NEVER RETREAT!!!!!!!!!!. the greatest sequence when the king as a young lad fights the beast and also , when he kicks the intruder into the well..
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• Philippines
20 Mar 07
yes the movie is great. but have you seen the comics original of this movie, made by frank miller? you can view the comics (or download a copy) at www.intexblogger.com
@vanities (11395)
• Davao, Philippines
20 Mar 07
well yeah ive seen it,,,and its touching how can loves his place and people and risk his life in the process..jsut to save them...hes a great ruler i think..
• India
19 Mar 07
ya that'is a grate movie
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@netski_15 (423)
• Philippines
18 Mar 07
I have already watched the movie and enjoyed it. I love the fight scenes of the Spartans. They were only 300 but they were able to defeat most of their enemies.
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