Frustrated with husband

United States
March 18, 2007 11:59am CST
I am so irritated right now. I am a stay at home mom. We have 4 kids (6, 5, 4 and almost 1). He works 40 hours a week. The problem is all day long while he is at work the kids are climbing all over me, screaming and yelling, watching TV and driving me crazy. When he gets home he lays down on the couch, turns on something he wants to watch (which is usually some stupid movie that I can't stand or Seinfeld) and then proceeds to fall asleep on the couch. If I try to change the channel he wakes up and gets mad because he was "watching that." But my biggest problem is that he snores. He snores very loudly. So from the time I get up until he finally goes to bed all I listen to is noise. The kids are running around crazy until he gets home at 2:20-3pm then he sends them to play in their rooms so he can sleep on the couch. They make a lot of noise so he yells at them and then he snores. Which is equivalent to nails on a chalkboard to me. I want to scream. If I wake him and tell him to go in the bedroom (where it is quiet and the kids won't bother him) he gets mad and says no because he is watching TV. Every single day it is the same thing. By the time he goes to bed at 9pm and I get the kids to sleep (around the same time) I am so stressed that I can't relax. The only time I get to have quiet is after everyone is asleep. So from around 9/10pm until I fall asleep. So I usually stay up until 1 or 2am so that I can relax. I get about 5 hours of sleep a night and I have to sleep on the couch because of his snoring. My back is killing me all the time and I have constant headaches 24/7. But here it is on his day off and he is watching another stupid movie that is giving me a headache while snoring away on the couch. I am so tired of this crap. he never does anything but work and lay on the couch. Maybe change a diaper here and there. He NEVER plays with the kids. When he is home they are in their room because they "bother" him. I do everything else--all the cooking, cleaning, laundry, childcare, etc. The last time he volunteered to do something with the kids that involved leaving the house was probably 3 years ago and it lasted about 20 minutes and then he came home because they were too much to handle. I do everything with the kids. If they want to go outside I have to stop everything I am doing to take them because he never will. I am just fed up with my life. When I became a mother I thought it would be a partnership but instead I feel like a single mother most of the time. He was great when we got married and did everything for our older kids but in the last few years he has done less and less until we have gotten to how things run now. I do everything but go to a job. He goes to his job and nothing else.
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5 responses
• United States
18 Mar 07
I think you need to tell your husband that he is not pulling his weight. Big deal you go to work. I'm not impressed at all. Staying home taking care of kids, cleaning the house, cooking the meals, and on and on. You Live at your job. Ask you husband how he would feel if he lived at his job. 7 days a week on call 24 hours a day. Let's get to the nitty gritty: scrubbing other people's crap off the toilet touching other people dirty laundry to seperate the underware from the jeans or pulling to socks out of the ball they were left in coming up with new exciting meals that people will actually eat and appreciate Running children around to their activities the list goes on and on. You need to take back your life a bit here. The children live there they do not belong sent to their rooms becasue they "bother" your husband. One day a week (weekend) he should give you a break. I make my husband cook dinner once a month just because I deserve a break. I deserve to be fed a meal that I didn't have to slave in the kitchen over. You deserve it too. You just have to put your foot down and make it happen. I hope my response gives you a little help. check out my page and see if there's any of my posts you'd like to talk about. Thanks and good luck let me know how you are doing
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@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I know this has been a problem for you for as long as I have known you. J does little else here besides for work so I understand. He also snores like crazy which drives me nuts. When the baby starts to fuss I will sleep on the couch so he can get his rest. He will watch the girls while I run to do what I need to do. I would take the baby & leave him with the older 3. That also makes me glad that we have 3 tvs. One only has basic cable so the girls use that in a pinch. I never have to feel like I am missing something I want to watch b/c someone has the tv. Come on back home, bring the baby with you & run to my house. I do have 3 kids of my own though lol.
• United States
19 Mar 07
Hmm, not sure how relaxing that will be, lol. Especially with the girls wanting to know where mine are. I'm actually starting to look forward to getting back there. I'm going to miss Pittsburgh, but it will be nice to be around my friends again. Oh, and have a yard that isn't under 2" of water. I took the kids to play out in the snow the other day. We had about 2" and Nora ended up with mud all over her snowsuit from rolling in the snow. Ick. She had it on her mittens and was sucking on them. Double ick! It is going to be crazy when we all get together--Think next Christmas--8, 7, almost 7, 6, 5, 1 1/2 and 1!!!!!!!!! It is going to be so insane! I'll e-mail you later. :)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I saw the picture of the baby with the mud on her. The girls know you are coming back & are really excited. I left my moms early because the 7 kids there (including mine) drove me nutso lol.
@Theresam (1177)
• United States
8 May 07
Honestly I would never put up wiht a man like that. Tomorrow I would say honey, I got to go out for a little while your in charge. He needs to step up to the plate and take some responsibiity with the kids. Get rid of cable if you need to.
• United States
18 Mar 07
This sounds like an episode of The Simpsons. Seriously, what is it that you want? I would highly recommend some professional counseling. If he doesn't go, then you should attend by yourself. It always helps to have a neutral second party to talk to.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
23 May 11
Hi. 4monsters4me. I have been in your shoes. Let me tell you what I did. I had to get on my husband about leaving me with the kids all day. Even though he worked all day, he did other things instead of help our son with his homework. I did it all of the time, and I am still doing it now too. I think that you should tell your husband that you want him to take more part in him being there for his own kids too. Today, I had to go to the bathroom, so I told my husband to look out for our son's bus. And while I was in the bathroom, he did what I have asked him to. When I came out of the bathroom, he was standing to the front door watching out for our son's school bus. You just will have to put your foot down and tell your husband that you want him to take more time into helping you around the house and with the kids too. Trust me, you can tell him. My husband washes the dishes when he see that I have not washed them. And he even vacuums and takes out the trash too. Oh, honey, I did not always have it this easy, but when I started telling him that I wanted him to do more in the house or with the children, I got more. It may not be the "more" that I really want, but at least he is making some improvement and better than none. I hope that your husband realizes that you need to rest and have a break, and not when you are asleep!