Are you NOT HAPPY with your life?

How bad is your life? - Picture of a sad dog. This portrays the unhappiness and dissatisfaction of most people in life. I think the picture suits the underlying theme well enough.
March 18, 2007 12:30pm CST
*Ah Choo* Is that supposed to be how sneezing sounds like? ANYWAY, I sneezed. For days, some construction workers have been giving my block of flats a fresh coat of paint. Not only that, they have been making some unknown changes to the public areas. As a result, I have to dodge scaffoldings placed at incomprehensible angles each time I leave my house. But most importantly, the work is causing a lot of dust and it is polluting the air in my house. If I need to point my fingers somewhere, it would be the government. After all, I didn't ask for any of these inconveniences. But from their point of view, they are providing me a service, and free. They are being a good government by making my estate cleaner and prettier, yet here I am, still griping about it nevertheless. :P This leads me to think... it seems so true that no matter what we get, we never seem to be satisfied. Take another example - the new Nokia 6288 I bought. I mentioned that though it was upgradeable to 1GB of memory, the free 128MB miniSD card that came bundled would more than suffice. I said that I would likely use it primarily to call and sms anyway. Yesterday, I transferred a long piece of zen music over that took up 60MB. Just now, I transferred another meditation track that was about 12MB. This leaves me about 50MB only for any photos I might take. Hey, I actually started cursing under my breath that the telco could have done better by giving me a more than 128MB card! I checked myself and wondered why I was feeling dissatisfied. The free card I got was already a bonus, and I was even happy with it initially. But now, after barely a few days, I am feeling shortchanged. No matter what I get, it never seems enough. Do you sometimes feel the same too? Are you NOT HAPPY with your life? Do you keep on wanting something more? Do you persistently chase after some elusive dreams that never seem to be fulfilled? Do share your thoughts. ;-)
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67 responses
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Ouch your words just hit me like a knife in my heart. This is true, and I can see so many times when I feel this way. I do always try to keep a positive attitude and see the good in any situations but the fact is I do tend to always want just a little more. I want more work but am tired when I get it. I'm blessed my children and grandchildren are all healthy but am stressed because they bring on so many problems for themselves and me. I love my home but would like all the rooms just a little bigger - except the kitchen, I'd like that a lot bigger. I want to write a book, have for 30+ years but here I am messing around on myLot. I thank you from the bottom of my "stabbed heart" for slapping me in the face and bringing me back to reality.
• Singapore
18 Mar 07
Exactly. Hope your stab wound heals soon. :P
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
4 Apr 07
I feel the same way, Faith. I should be editing my novel instead of messing around on myLot. But this is so much more fun, isn't it? LOL!
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@all4ucnc (861)
• United States
18 Mar 07
It's not that I'm not happy with my life per say...But I understand completely what you are saying...You get something and think wow!! this is perfect, I don't need all the fancy extra's...But then after a few days, hours, or sometimes minutes, you think Well the extra's would have been nice, and then your just not happy anymore. And you find yourself thinking about how nice they would be and that leaves less than satisfied with what you have... I think it's normal,I think we do that with ourselves as well, not happy with our jobs, so we better ourselves by going to school and getting a better job, not happy being alone, so we get married and have a family, making us feel more complete. It's like a never ending cycle...And I understand exactly where you are coming from.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
18 Mar 07
I cannot really say that I am happy with my life, there are so many things I did not do that I wanted to. Now my health is not great and I cannot do those things anymore. I had dreams that were not fulfilled and I am bitter about it. But I have started new dreams and I am off in a different direction and I hoping with all my heart that this time I will make it.
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• Singapore
18 Mar 07
I wish you the best of luck, my friend.
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@msk123 (80)
• India
19 Mar 07
It happens with everybody.No one could get everything which one wants.One should keep changing ones dream according to the life and life should be taken as it goes.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Hey wizard,No I am not happy with my life.I am thankful for what I have ,but its not all of what i want.I wish I knew what to do to obtain my dreams and make myself happier...I am basically a happy person and have settled, but I have hopes of bigger things,sorry but i have to admit that to you...I know what I want ,but I have not reached it yet...I am afraid that I never will and this hangs over me like a black cloud...I was at one time very happy,at least I thought i was,but i found out much later that Im wasn't...Sounds strange Huh?I was in a marriage that suppressed me,and kelp me from growing, I was deeply in love so I thought,but after a few years my life crumbled and my heart was ripped apart..(sob) Hurt?yes discouraged? No, never......I went on to making the same mistakes again and yet again...Oh I know what my problem is I never grew up really and thats why, I thought my life was worthless without someone in it( a mate) I do not know HOW to pick a mate in my life...I make very bad choices wizard,Now what do you think about that? So yeu agin I am caught in this trap called life.....So No I do not believe a person is always totally happy,there is always something bugging us..Just like your phone,and your workers spreading dust all over the place....But I am not discouraged one bit,I love life,I live it to the hilt....I am a survivor....So these are my thoughts,i do hope I did not bore you.I rarely tell my feelings but for some reason,I find it easy to talk to you....Good luck...
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
19 Mar 07
A little sarcastic are we?
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• Singapore
18 Mar 07
Oh yea? Easy to talk to me because I am a young man still feeding on my milk bottle? :P Good to hear you are a survivor, go on excelling... choose some new goals and excel like winterose above. ;-)
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• Singapore
19 Mar 07
Nah, just trying to be slick. Do I make the cut?
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@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
Oh wizzzy, are you not happy with your life? I suggest you get yourself a bunny of your own. This will make your immortal life more meaningful. Am I happy with my life? partly yes because people love me for being adorable and partly no because some of them are envy of me being this all soft and fluffy. Of course I always keep on wanting more...I want more CARROTS. I persistently chase those who dared to steal my well loved carrots. I even have a secret place to hide my carrots. For as long as I'm eating 10 sticks of carrot a day, I'm satisfied with my life. "nasty grin"
@charms88 (7538)
• Philippines
5 Apr 07
No, I'm not easily satisfied. Munching some few sticks of carrots will do for now instead of searching for contentment. I'm tired of hopping for satisfaction. :)
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• Singapore
19 Mar 07
Bunnies cost money to maintain, you know? Carrots don't just spring up from the ground - you still need to buy them somewhere. :P And surely you are not so easily satisfied. :P
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@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
18 Mar 07
wizard this is wonderful how you write..i start thinking maybe this is your profession and if not it should be:) well i read again your post and discovered you tried transferring zen music and a meditation you must know some ways or practice ways to be calm and balanced and see the whole beauty of the world..maybe this is only one of those weeks..i think it happens to all of us.. and do directly to your i not happy with my life? well i think alote of people would think i should not be happy..i am 34 not married yet..just moved back to my parents house and am looking for a regular for now there is no incoming of money here..but and this is the big BUT i am happy with my life..i love life and i do not complain much i do believe that there are stages in life in which we are at cross roads and we deal with an unusal things that can make life unhappy or happy..and it all depends on how you see things. the way i see it..i wake every day and have the oppurtonitty to not worry about paying rent ( after 17 years of worrying about it each day) i shower (and surprisingly theer is always hot water so i am happy bout that) make a big cup of coffee and sit outside watching the beautiful sight of nature..after wards i go and look for work..knowing that this is only a short stage..i do things that i like..and at evening times i hang around with friends, my parents and enjoy alote of things that at different circumstances i would not so what i really want to say after i told you my life stoory is that it all depends on how you see things and practice things i am very happy with my life..and sure that i will stay happy with it..see no use of complaining it does not do any good to me so i don't..:)
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
4 Apr 07
thank you wiz:))
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• Singapore
18 Mar 07
Yes yes yes, I did start some strange discussions earlier on meditating and lucid dreaming, didn't I?:P And you are right, it quite about how you see things, the type of glasses you use to look at the world with.
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@rainbow (6761)
18 Mar 07
I do admit to feeling dissatified with my mobile when I got my boyfrind a new one for christmas and his has a wire so I can down load his pictures straight to the computer but other than that, things don't tend to bother me much reallyI tend to be fairly happy about mst things
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@msk123 (80)
• India
19 Mar 07
You can't consider these small thing which irritate you as the happiness of life.
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Keeping the windows closed would keep most dust from coming in. The phone does not need music. It is a phone! I use things for what they are meant. I accept things that only add to my life and not take away. Am the same with a job. Improvements can prove to be interesting. Could urge me to visit elsewhere til it is done. I am content and only long for the house that I would wish to be rebuilt since then I would be a contributing member to society again. Am grateful for any new day. Each one could be my last.
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• Philippines
19 Mar 07
Well I have a good life right now. Things are running smoothly for me and my family. Anyway, that does not mean that I am already contended with what I am or what I have right now. Everybody has a dream to pursue and I have a goal yet to be fulfilled too. I guess being human has no contentment except to few people who already achieved their dreams.
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@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
18 Mar 07
I'm pretty happy with my current life, but that's because I constantly compare it to my former life, and think how much better it is. I suppose there are things that annoy me occasionally, mostly prejudice and ignorance in other people. But for the most part I tend to be pretty grateful for what I have. It's a point of view I sometimes I have to work at, but I find it worthwhile to do so. There are a few things I would like to be different in my life (mostly financially) but I take small steps toward those things as I can, and try not to worry about them otherwise. Wow, I sound like a real optimist here. Anyone who knew me ten years ago wouldn't believe it's me saying this. =p
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
18 Mar 07
Lol..I think it depends on the life you've lived. To be absolutely honest, I won't gripe as long as my three best friends are happy, if I'm warm, have a clean place to sleep, can take a hot bath (like I haven't been able to do for years, with only one exception..cold baths..ugh), and have a decent amount of food to eat. Sometimes I feel like it's not enough, but more often than not I'll be content as things are -- even without the not being able to take hot baths part lol. I suppose we all get used things after awhile. That doesn't mean I'm not reaching for dreams which may never come just gives me an excuse to keep going, keep reaching.. It makes 'getting used to it' worth it. But that odd duckling me lol.
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• Singapore
19 Mar 07
Wow, you said you won't gripe as long as your three best friends are happy.. you are putting others before yourself. What a gem in today's world. ;-)
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@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I would give my life a 4 on the happiness scle I guess. Average of 4 anyway. I am unfamiliar with that tech info you hvae given me. Is it a phone, or a ipod or a camera, I'm confused. I just have one $350 pc. And if somebody sends you a card thats good, right? Anyway, maybe think about what you do have and what you can do with that. Not so much of what you can't do. That always helps me. Practice appreciating what you do have. Could be a freind who loves you . A glass of water. Dinner. Warmth. Sanity, whatever small things they might be. Also, its very very good to think about what enough would be. Enough space, enough love, enough atention, enough money, just plain enough to be satisfied. Think about what that might be, then you are way more likely to get that. Yes I want more in life and I intend to get it too. We will see who I end up with. I'm hoping its somebody smart and beautiful and kind.
• Singapore
19 Mar 07
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@Jellytang (698)
• China
19 Mar 07
In most of my life time, I am very happy. Just because I see and think things from the good aspects. Meanwhile, I will be unhappy sometimes.And at this time, I want to learn how to ignore it.
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• China
19 Mar 07
Frankly speaking,life is tough for every human being,even for those now-privileged guys.So learn to appreciate the positive side of life-token,and be happier.wish you a better life!
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• Australia
19 Mar 07
Wiz you do post some very good, well thought out and expressed discussions. It seems my answer to many of your discussions boils down to the same thing: get older. Maybe I should post a discussion on the benefits of old age? The things you mentioned here are things I experienced when I was younger. (Well, not the same things evidently, as they didn't have mobile phones, or even hands free phones!) But the attitude expressed, that of satisfaction, followed by dissatisfaction or complaints, was a common one. There was always a hunt for something more, something better, and I guess that is the nature of mankind. This is probably even heightened now because of the rapid growth in technology. As soon as something new is put on the market, there is something bigger, better and brighter. It seems to me that the older I get, the more satisfied with life I am. I am completely happy with my life the way it is and wouldn't want to change anything. I am completely happy with the things I have bought. I have enough and don't want for more. Things that happen around me don't irritate me - though I would like to stop shoppers from using foul language when I am shopping. I don't know whether or not others agree, but maybe as we get older we become more adaptable.
• Australia
19 Mar 07
Right or wrong? Who knows? The fact is that I'm extremely happy with my life. I have no complaints, and I'm looking forward to even bigger, brighter and better things.
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• Singapore
20 Mar 07
Good for you! :P
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• Singapore
19 Mar 07
Well, go ahead! :P Guess it's probably true that if you get older, you become more adaptable. But it just sounds wrong somehow...
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@mzbubblie (3839)
• United States
18 Mar 07
At one point, I can say I was not happy with my life, my work life at that. I was working in a position where I ran out of all options, but because I knew so much, when it came to wanting to advance and move on, something always seem to step in my way, some manager needed me around so did every step where I wouldn't be promotable, Crooked corporate world huh? I finally just said well if it's meant one day it will happen...Recently, you know I was promoted, I gave it another shot and man I'm happy I did, with the right people in my corner wanting to see me succeed, just made it all the best... Now with my life, I'm happy, I can say I'm thinking more positive about my dreams, my outlook in my life now, my future for myself and my son. My feeling about life is no matter how badly you want something or have dreams, stick to them, follow them, live positive eventually it will happen, just never give up...
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
19 Mar 07
You sound a tad frustrated with your life and self at the moment LWW. That's understandable for one as thoughtful as you at your age. You will learn wisdom with the passage of time my friend. Modern technology is moving at a rapid rate and we mere mortals cannot keep up the pace always. We are being offered more and more and even more on a daily basis. Something we buy today is obsolete before we even purchase it. As you have day 128mb is enough. Then in a very short time, it is not enough. We are told it's futile to live in the past and that it's best to look forward but who can keep up with this pace. If you look too far to the future, you lose sight of what is happening Even you young people are sounding tired and frustrated. By the time you reach the age of ...say...45 you will be hopefully coming to terms with life and what you want from it, what you expect from it and what you know you will actually get. You will be very thankful for what you have, congratulate yourself on your planning and foresight and be satisfied with the pace you have set yourself and the direction in which you are heading.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
29 May 07
You got it. LordWarWizard. Now known as wizzy.
@5000ml (1923)
• Belgium
27 May 07
I think it's an abbreviation of your name :)
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• Singapore
20 Mar 07
What's LWW? Like someone pointed out, the phone is something very trivial. I mentioned that... it is just something to help me bring out the topic question. Thanks for sharing, my friend. ;-)
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@nicolec (2671)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Noramaly a post like this that makes me scathing mad, I would skip. I mean, what is that point of being mad on mylot. But I couldn't skip it. Are you trying to tell us that a little dust, scafolding and a memory card makes your life bad? I can only hope there is something more that you are not telling us. Because from where I sit, if that's the worst of your problems, then you got it pretty good buddy! Now I get that your little problems might suck or are an iconvenienve, but put it in perspective. Are you walking around that scafolding or are you wheeling around in your wheel chair? Can you hear that music you downloaded on your new expensive cell phone? I'm sorry, call me any name you want or give me a negative rating. But this one really bit me.
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@nicolec (2671)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I certainly understand not bringing in everything, which is why I said I can only hope there is more going on. I'm sorry if I ranted, but I get so mad at people who the littlest things in life are going to end the world.
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• Singapore
19 Mar 07
You are right. These are small things and I mentioned them to bring in my topic question. There are naturally other things bothering me but I think you can perhaps understand if I choose not to share everything about me to a public virtual forum. And don't worry my friend, I gave you a positive rating like the rest. You are just airing your old view and I don't see any reason to mark you down for that.
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• Singapore
19 Mar 07
No worries, I understand. ;-)
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
24 May 07
I'm ok with my life ,mylord. Sure it has been kind of rough for a while, but it's still my life and I can still find things to make it enjoyable. I do have my dreams and would like to have them fulfilled, but I try not to waste too much energy thinking about what can be and prefer to use it for what it is. On the other hand... hmmmm.. I know what you say about your nokia. I got a new hard two years ago and was all happy with the 250 Gb until I realized that .. it's almost full now hehe But in general I really am ok with my life.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
25 May 07
LOL I Know. I have 66Gb free only. I have to put stuff in disks. I have zillions of programs for the school stuff, all my lesson plans from years back LOL, all the disks with games and puzzles for each grade, and all the graphics that I use to do the stuff..... yep it needs to be put in disks heheheheh
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• Singapore
24 May 07
250 GB?!!! Whatever do you need so much space for? I have 40 GB for my current one and there is still loads of space left. :P
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• Singapore
25 May 07
But this is just so crazy! :P I went through school too, ok? And I didn't need any space LOL :PP
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• United States
24 May 07
I think a lot of us are like that. I used to live in New Jersey but I was always complaining about it.Even though I loved my state,i was always complaining about the traffic,it was too hot,it was too cold.The taxes were too high. I moved down to florida and that was a real wake up call.I realized that it was a lot nicer than I gave it credit for.My dad and I are going back when we can and I think this experience down in florida has made me stop and be more grateful for what I had and be more appreciative(one thing i know,i'm never leaving new jersey again except for visits)
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• United States
25 May 07
i bet we would,lol. the human race can't seem to stop complaining.
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• Singapore
24 May 07
It's hard not to complain. Maybe when things become perfect (hypothetically speaking), we will still complain for it being too perfect. :P
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