Adam and Eve!?
By kayakalp
@kayakalp (272)
March 18, 2007 1:03pm CST
Bible says Adam and Eve were the only person sent to Earth by GOD, my question is how did we manage to reach to the current population!? Rather, from where did the woman appear on this earth, to whom the sons of Adam and Eve got Married. Please enlighten me on this?
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14 responses
@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
6 Jul 07
Kayakalp, Just one thing. It was not the bible that said the earth was flat, In the book of Job it clearly stated that the earth was a sphere. It was the dictate of the Roman Church that said the earth was flat. And many things the Roman church said and did were in direct opposition to what the bible said. As for the creation and Adam and Eve, well there are a few books missing from the bible that would fill this in, But they too were kept out by the Roman Church, All would be suprised about the truth of the genisus story. The book of Enoch is very interesting but will never be read by the masses becouse it was taken from their bibles, It would realy make people think about who God realy was, what angels realy are, and finaly what the story of ginisus is realy about. Who, What and Why we were in fact created.
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@missak (3311)
• Spain
7 Jul 07
I hope you both don't mind I jump a little here. I wanted to applaud your answer, seoguy. I don't particulary like the genesis nor have much to say about it, but I find fascinating learning about the true ancient meanings and stories and metaphors, whish were later hidden and confused.
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@SEOGUY (906)
• United States
7 Jul 07
Well the truth of this would be of such magnitude that it would inflame the world, Christian, Jew, Muslem, Hindu, et al. The story of Genissus is mostly metiphor, And the whole story is not even told in todays cannon. The story's roots can be traced back to the Sumeritans and later the Babylonians and then the Egyptians. How ever these stories are writen in the form of a secret or mystrey. Sybolism has more than one layer as do Semetic words. There is the obvious, and the sublime. I can't reveil this in this forum as I well be deluged with an infinity of hate mail. Look in the books banned from the bible, the early jewish books like Enoch, Read the Sumeritan version and the Babylon version of the creationand try to read between the myth, myths are picture simbols realy that hold multipe truths. Gods, with a little g, are realy true carichters, the mithical gods realy did live, but you need to find their true identities. That being said I do beleive their is a true God. but there were others, small g. find their identities and stories, and use an analiticle mind and you will find the truth you seek. You can call me a nut if you like, but the evidence is there for you to read. Also reread the story of Noah, preflood, there is a reason this is not spoke of alot in churches and synagogs.
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@majikat268 (72)
• Philippines
10 Jul 07
Perhaps, in the olden times, and I guess stioll at present we all are very responsive and obidient to the commands of the Almighty. When He said, again in the Bile, that we go out and multiply...we did just what He told us. And, here now, population exploded. LOL.
Seriously, according to another authority, Eve came out from the left lower rib of Adam, that's also in the Bible if i remeber it quite right. From them, they bore offsprings and gave birth to a twin pair of a boy and a girl in every conceived children. The sons of Adam and Eve were married to their daughters.
I can read now your mind for your next question but I will not answer that right now...I will just wait you will ask it because there goes the legal and moral issue. Am I right?
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@kayakalp (272)
• India
12 Jul 07
question of legae and moral issues...i knw...thing here is bible gives a reason to commit a sin at one particular time and gives another reason not to commit the same sin at ohter given the below postes you would come to know what I am tellin u....
When I read postes like below rwo ones is makes me so full of sin I hate myself for bein born with so much sin in myself....
I can just pray people sumday can understand the true meaning of GOD and the true meaning of life....
@majikat268 (72)
• Philippines
12 Jul 07
Well, I guess I understand the dilemma you are undergoing in your mind. Perhaps all the feeling of guilt you are experiencing are only a state in your mind. Another thing notice is your authority relied most in the Bible that you read. I'm not insinuating that the Bible is not a reliable source or authority but may be you should consider other scriptures that may provide you more logical and reasonable explanation on the Adam and Eve tale comprehensive enough to relate a sound detail on the account. There many historical and/or scritural account on that out there I'm sure beacuse more or less 82% of the Earth's population believes in the story of adam and Eve.

@shinobi (389)
• Philippines
10 Jul 07
The present state of man is not the same with Adam and Eve.
The fact that they are the 1st human beings that time, means their state is perfect compared to us now. (Gen 1:31 )
God ordered them to multiply (Gen 1:22) there is a consent from God to do so. They did not commit incest because there is no law back then regarding incest. One of the commandments they have is to multiply, so they are not guilty of incest.
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
9 Jul 07
Testing, I'm having trouble posting...
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
9 Jul 07
Have you considered the possible allegory the subliminal message of procreation? A love story the way to conceive and the way to destroy the seeds of life.
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
9 Jul 07
I'm looking at the Genesis account from Adam and Eve to Noah. This allegory is a story for procreation. Adam and Eve partake of the fruit from the tree of life, Eve encouraged and blamed this on the Serpent. They (Adam and Eve) concocted a story of eating from the tree of knowledge, now knowing good from bad and creating an insatiable desire to continue in the destruction of humanity, the liberal waste of good seed.
The alternate message;
Is a subliminal message a face to face message of a true love pure and magical one that desires each other to come together with mountains rising filling the valley the lake of love filled to over flowing the two as one create a family?
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@tuposkid (286)
• United States
29 May 07
Adam and Eve were not "sent" to earth. They were created. God started by creating all of the universe and all of creation in 5 previous days. The 6th day, God created Adam out of dirt. He breathed into Adam His living breath and man became a living soul. Eventually, Adam became lonely and God put him into a deep sleep. God then took out one of Adams ribs and made him a wife. Hence, Eve.
Ever get the connection? Woman was taken out of the WOMB of MAN.
And about the population. Basically, they had lots of fun. There children also had fun. Yes there was in-breeding going on, but back in those times, it wasn't considered wrong.
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@tarachand (3895)
• India
22 May 07
Who did Cain marry, I mean where did his wife come from? Supposedly a girl from another tribe, where did the other tribe come from, if Adam and Eve were the first humans? The Bible has no answers to this, neither does the Koran or the Jewish books.
This is one question that I'd asked a supposed Catholic friend of mine many years ago and I lost that friend because he was angry that I questioned his faith and he felt that I was mocking his religion. But then there are inconsistencies in all religions of the world, this one among the glaring ones in Christianity.

@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
29 May 07
Like another poster pointed out the bible says that God created human beings after he was done with the other work etc. "and male and female he created them". So before he created Adam and Eve there were already people on earth. So Cain would have had a choice of wife without incest.
Adam and Eve were the first people created "in his image". They were the first Jewish people but not the first people, see, the story says Cain went away and took a wife from another tribe.
In any event the story of creation in Genesis is an allegory. At the time it was written people did not know how to make sense of the earth and how we came about. There are many other creation stories in mythology and in particular in many middle Eastern older texts from which the creation story of the bible could have been adapted. Many Christians do not take it literally.

@ESKARENA1 (18261)
26 Mar 07
yessssss who did the sons of Adam breed with, their own mother? is that why one killed the other? Did he catch his brother at it with his own mother? is the human race simply the result of incest?
Or, and here is the really threatening bit, is it all made up? Hush my mouth, whisper it, but maybe religion is one big lie
mmmmmmm radical i know, but just maybe both adam and eve were just simbolic of man kind? its possible, you got to admit that
blessed be

@ESKARENA1 (18261)
26 Mar 07
i honestly think it is simply because someone they are scared of has told them what to think, blessed be
@kayakalp (272)
• India
26 Mar 07
Hey Eskarena
Thanks for your response....
I fail to understand that why people still belive in all such things!!!!and that too at this age of science.....I wonder who strong the influence of such priest and pastor is to all the people who belive in them blindly....without any question
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
10 Jul 07
Adam and Eve had daughters as well as sons, but at the time Moses wrote Genesis, unless the girl had some great importance, she was not mentioned. Because there was no one else on the Earth, the boys had to marry their own sisters. They had no defects as of yet, because their parents were physically and mentally perfect and sin had not taken its full root yet. Later on the rule of not committing incest, not marrying your sister or a close relative came into effect during the time of Moses when the population had expanded so that they were enough so you did not have to marry your close relative and the danger of defects had made it dangerous to do so. It probably started as a mental defect--having children who would be psychopaths or something like that.
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
10 Jul 07
And Cain killed Abel out of jealosy for the offering to GOD and this GOD walked with them... That is how Moses recorded Genesis... A couple of details could have been omitted or missed... After all Moses was not GOD...
@Kaeli72 (1229)
• United States
26 Mar 07
When the Catholic Church decided which books to keep in the bible and what to throw away, they took out some books that has vital information in it and answers many of our questions.
According to the Books of Adam, when Caine was born, he had a twin sister. When Abel was born, he had a twin sister. Adam and Eve were planing on leting Abel's twin to marry Caine and Caine's twin to marry Abel. But when Caine slew Abel, he took Abel's twin with him and there is his wife. Caine's twin is without a husband so that's why Adam and Eve had Seth...and Seth married his first sister.

@kayakalp (272)
• India
28 Mar 07
Hey Kaeli
Bible does stated that Earth is flat and sun revolves around the earth....n lots of toher stuff....When scientists like Galielo and chrtian huygens and Johannes keppler proved it otherwise...they all were tortured.....Then god knows changed every things wotever was proved wrong by the scientists!!!
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
29 May 07
Have you read any of the bible? Where does it say that the bible is flat. Mine talks about the circle of the earth.. Galileo and chrtian Huygens and Johannes keppler had trouble with the catholic church not the bible. Isaiah 40:22 says It is he that sits upon the circle of the earth. Now is that saying that the earth is flat?

@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
20 Apr 07
You will find this verse in Genesis 1:27
27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
Then it contradicts itself. Yes the bible has errors on the 1st page.
Genesis 2:18-23
18 The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
19 Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field.
But for Adam [h] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs [i] and closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib [j] he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
23 The man said,
"This is now bone of my bones
and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called 'woman, [k] '
for she was taken out of man."
I had to point that out because you said "Bible says Adam and Eve were the only person sent to Earth by GOD" I pointed out that is not true.
The bible says the 1st humans were a bunch of inbreds. Since there were only relatives then there had to be inbreeding.
@kayakalp (272)
• India
24 Apr 07
You definitely told me something, which I science can never explain...which I can never understand, woman made out of man's rib....
May I know plz, have you ever tried to studied how human cell works.
No Offence, but if God was able to make humans out of ribs....why he created only adam and eve. Why not few more of them!!!!Probably, he would have send bunch of people on this earth together.....i know it sounds foolish...but can you explain this foolish questions of mine with some logic....
Sorry but I fail to understand which era you belong to!!!?
@kayakalp (272)
• India
12 Jul 07
Look at the complicated story to prove the origin of humans....i feel like GOD was not sure what he wanted...he was not a great analytical thinker...Think like this, If I am to create some thing as big as universe or say earth...i wud do a thorough analysis....n when I am sure this is wot i want i wud go ahead with it....god first did this and then he realised he did not do this....i mean this makes me belive that god was not a good anayltical thinker and messed up everything and to clean the mess he messed up things more...

@quigonjan (29)
• Philippines
27 Mar 07
good question there. well, the story of Adam and Eve in Genesis does not necessarily have to be taken literally. If you would read it in its original language, Hebrew, one would observe that it is a beautifully crafted literature with a very good structure. Adam is the Hebrew word for Man, that sounds like Adamah, the Hebrew for ground or soil. so its play of words, and Hebrew literatures has a lot of wordplays. thus, if you wont take genesis literally, you dont have to worry who married whom. however, genesis teaches a greater lesson, about God, and about humanity, about how much God loves you. God loves you so much that He offered salvation through the "seed of the woman"... and whoever believes in Him, will have life in abundance. hope this helps... (",)
@kayakalp (272)
• India
28 Mar 07
Hey Quignojan
Thanks for the response.
However, few catholic churches and the peoples who follow these churches doesnt follow it litrally. I know that these all things are beautifully crafted literature but catholics trust them blindly and follow it religiously....they are not ready to accept the truth and think that Bible is written by the 'Hands of Gods'.....they are not ready to accept the flaws...If you read my second discussion topic, you would get the idea of what i am tryin to say.....
Thanks for the response.
@goodwealth_01 (94)
• United States
24 Apr 07
For the millionth tie, Adam and Eve is not a story of the first humans. It is a story of the first Jewish people.
@thangeritz (41)
• Philippines
13 Jul 07
Adam and Eve had many sons and daughters.More than were named in the line that was givin in genesis..The linage was givin to show Jesus line to Adam.Adams sons and daughters married each other and had children among themselves..God not only created just Adam and Eve ,BUT they were created in GLORIFIED BODIES.the ones we will get when we are ressurected,.......When adam and Eve ate of off the tree and they know there were naked because they lost thier glorified body and that is why there were hiding from God.
God ONLY created a man in a perfect state.Man caused himself to fall into mortality,He knew that if he created man with free will,"which he did" that man would screw it all up,so he planned to make a body of BELIEVERS that would all come from Adam near the end of time,when the redeemer would restore all the things...So ADAM & EVER WERE THE ONLY CREATED,THE REST ARE MORTAL OFFSPRING INCLUDING JESUS..A MORTAL OFFSPRING UNTILL RESSURECTION.