Dumped by text message....
By imsilver
@imsilver (1665)
March 18, 2007 1:50pm CST
My poor friend... I have no idea what to say to her. I've been by her side as she's gone through a few relationships but I've never seen her as devestated as she is right now.
She's been involved in a long distance relationship for a few months now with some guy that she met online. He's come up here twice and she's gone down to see him twice. She was supposed to go down again next weekend.
A few days ago, her ex tried to kiss her. She has this thing about honesty and so she told this new guy about it. He didn't even let her tell him the whole story. He just hung up on her.
The next day, she gets a text message on her cell phone and it's from him telling her that he couldn't tell her in person because it hurt to much but they were done. Just like that.
I just can't believe someone could be that callous and tactless. I mean, at least have the nerve to say it to her. He's been declaring his love to her for months and then he just decides he's done and that's that. She apparently gets no say in the matter.
I want so much to tell her that the guy is a jerk and he couldn't love her as much as he claimed if he could be this unfeeling but I know that isn't what she needs to hear. She wants so much just to talk to him.. to be able to explain. But the way I see it, this guy isn't worth it. Even if they do get it straightened out, she's going to move down there and be in a relationship with this guy and he obviously... just grr... I'm so upset I just don't even know what to say.
Any advice on what to say to her would be greatly appreciated...
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3 responses
@Only1Andrea (796)
• United States
18 Mar 07
I think you should tell her how you feel. I mean, maybe not calling him a jerk - although he is, but at least letting her see the reality of the fact that there is no way that this guy could be good for her if he runs from the truth. I mean I was in a long distance relationship with my husband and made it an extra point to be painfully honest about everything so that he knew he could trust me. I mean your friend did absolutely nothing wrong.
This happened recently and it may be just something he needs to get over. I mean there are different ways that your friend can handle it if she just has to say something to him.
She could send him a of text messages explaining her feelings. Email him or if it is not too far nor too much money still take the trip, but plan on staying in a hotel and seeing if she can run into him to see if he will at least be man enough to listen.
I mean I would start with a phone call, and see if he responds to that or not.
Nevertheless, I agree that he is not worth all of this, but I know that it is important to your friend to have proper closure to this situation.
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@earth2jacq (1502)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
You are absolutely right this guy is a jerk. You know your friend is better off without him. But if I were in your place I will make sure that I tell this jerk the whole story just so he knows what he's done. Then I will advise my friend to just get over the guy as he does not deserve an honest girl. Obviously if they will be in a committed relationship this guy will just control your friend to what he wants. Good luck to you and to your friend.
@earth2jacq (1502)
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
I mean tell the jerk what truly happened between your friend and the ex trying to kiss her. and that she thought it a good idea to let him know because she is an honest girl....
@rainstorm241 (3)
• Canada
14 Sep 07
Hey girl, i know who you are talking about i didnt realize that you had written about this, i wish i had of i probably wouldn't of been so nice. I love her to bits but 'come on pull your head out of your...' (I'll let you fill in the blanks)
I didnt like this guy from the start and i hadn't even spoken to him. It takes 4-5 seconds to form your initial opinion of someone. I had a bad feeling. But my girl told me how nice this guy was and that he was sweet and kind. Lots in common. So i gave him a chance, he seemed like an alright guy and they did look cute together, she had an extra bounce in her step, and she was Happy then i was really Happy for her.
(This guy made her so happy and sad at the same time it isnt even funny.) She was all depressed and devestated that her beau couldnt make it up for her birthday but her best friend(well one of many), me, secretly arranged for him to come up and surprise her and that wasnt an easy task. But hey it addes excitement and joy for them. I had it all planned out. I got a fridge box from Sears and decorated it with words, words that described my friend, and what she meant to all of us. I called it a Wish and Dream Chamber. I told her to stand inside the box and really think about what she really wanted and that i would say my little Wiccan chant and it would make everything come true. Her reaction was awesome.. Best time in our friendship. So he went home and they called each other all the time like little love birds and then he started getting jelous or her ex and so on, being the insecure little man that he is. They have kids together you idiot itas not like they can never speak together. This guy is horrible, and at that time i was completely devestated for her, and couldnt believe that he didnt even want to hear her side of the story. Anyways for those of you interested, they ended up talking again and kissing and making up. She then proceeded to pack her things and moved down to live with him. She left her kids behind, which for me is against my belief, i want kids more then anything in the world and she is just leaving them behind, what kind of mother does that. She claims that she is moving to better the life of her children. Her ex is not a horrible guy or a father just a really bad dad. Those poor kids, lived in the dirtiest of situations, their dog got fleas last year and still has them to the point the dog is going bald, he baths the kids maybe once a week, their diapers sag to their knees sometimes and they smell like pee all the time so wtf? Anyways back to my original point how is she bettering the lives of her kids but leaving them behind to be neglected. Since she's been down there she's had 3 jobs, things are up and down with the 'new guy', i sometimes just want to smack her in the head and honestly ask her is this right for you? Now because things arent working out between them living together her new guy decided that they need their own space and that she should move out... Like Come on? Anybody else feel my pain watching my girl friend go down in flames?
Her Ex decided that he was going to move down there so that the kids could see their mom and have a clean start for them. So he (ex) had a job lined up and went a few days and then never showed again didnt even get motivated to work and moved back up here i think that lasted a month... And i wonder why she didnt seize the opportunity to take her kids... Her ex packed the kid's clothes and his and left the rest of the townhouse for the landlords to clean up including beds that they were still paying for.. GRRR... Anyways... Any advice now? I have tried to distance myself from her because i can see where's she's heading and she doesnt want anybody's advice. She'll ask for it and then get chocked if its not what she wants to hear.. HELP!!!