Are your pets spoiled?

United States
March 18, 2007 8:18pm CST
How spoiled are your four-legged family members? My cats basically have the run of the house. They can do what they want, but one is an indoor/outdoor cat, so he gets the best of both worlds. LOL. My dogs on the ones that are really spoiled. I've got Blue, the blind Australian Cattle Dog/Dingo mix, who has been spoiled for 8 years and even more so now that she is blind. Reggie, my black lab, sleeps in my bed everynight. He used to have his own mattress on the floor. LOL. But I love them like they were my children, so it's OK.
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37 responses
• United States
19 Mar 07
my furkids (5 cats) are extremely spoiled.i have a california king bed-i get one side,they get the other. they have a huge toybox,pet furniture,get carried almost everywhere,sometimes 2 at a time so one doesn't whine about the other.they have their own jar of catnip,and the one of them even flew coast to coast with me (the stewardesses snuck him tuna the whole ride too) they get christmas mousie stockings,and go see the petco santa every year.well..they went home early last year. squabbling on santa's lap is not acceptable LOL (the poor guy.i hope he got paid well)
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• United States
19 Mar 07
I'm glad to hear that I am not the only person who buys his pets Christmas presents. LOL.
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@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
19 Mar 07
My pretty girl - My cat sleeping like a baby on my bed.
My cat is seriously spoiled. She meows and we all jump. She gets fed when she wants. She pushes me off my pillow almost every night. She likes to sleep at the foot of the bed too. She likes a piece of newspaper there and she has her dolly, a brown cat toy that when you pull the tail shimmies. She pushes her way onto our laps when we are on the computer. She is the Queen.
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• United States
19 Mar 07
My 17 year old fur baby dog is VERY spoiled and has been his whole life, so why would it change now? lol He gets anything he wants if he begs enough. But like you said they are our children, so its really okay hehe
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• United States
19 Mar 07
What kind of a dog is he?
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• United States
19 Mar 07
He's a mutt. I'd share a picture, but I don't have one to easily share on the laptop right now. I think there might be some in my pictures on my profile :)
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• United States
19 Mar 07
He is a cutie!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
19 Mar 07
My Buddy - Buster
In my house there is myself, my wife, and my dad whom I care for in his ailing days. I have a buddy Buster. (pic attached) He is a mixed Beagle. He is my best buddy and spolied rotten. He sits by dad as he eats as he knows dad gives him a sample of everything. Dinners for Buster usually consist of our meal mixed with some dry dog food heated up. His neck is so fat now from this. He has to sit with us each and everytime we come home. Even if we were just doing yard work for a half hour. He has to visit with us each time we walk in the door. He's spolied rotten but he is my best buddy. Thanks for this discussion. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!
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• United States
19 Mar 07
I wanted to start a discussion I could really get into, and this is one of those topics.
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@jenalyn (675)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I have two dogs that are very spoiled. One is an american bulldog, the other is a mix breed that looks like a light weight rottwieler. They both listen to me really well and are very good most of the time. I have a huge wrap around couch that they have taken over. They think they are human, and I am their mommy. I treat them better than my husband sometimes. They are nicer to me and love me more than he does lol. I even baked them homemade dog treats the other day. When I go to run errands, I will take them with me if I don't have to get out and leave them in he car for longer than 5 minutes. They love going for a ride and even behave and sit in their designated spots. I have a Dodge Durango that I take them around town in. One of them even has his very own loveseat in the masterbedroom to sleep on when we have company. He is scared of strangers and hides in my room when people come over. I don't know why he is like that. He has always been that way. Both of my dogs even have a myspace page with more friends than I have. They have all dog friends. I never knew that so many people made myspace pages for their dogs. It is so cute. I have a great time sending messages for them and posting their pictures. I love my dogs and they are a great addition to my family.
@jenalyn (675)
• United States
31 Mar 07
Yes, it is Sorry it took so long to respond, I have been busy spoiling my dogs, LOL.
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• United States
31 Mar 07
I'll check it out. Thanks.
• United States
19 Mar 07
I did not even think about giving my dogs their own MySpace pages. That is my plan for tomorrow now. If I get around to setting them up with pages, would it be alright if I looked ya up? They could use some friends. LOL.
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@txwoman36 (173)
• United States
19 Mar 07
i spoil my pets with love. i dont go overboard and spend thousands of dollars on them going to doggy daycare etc. we have 3 cats and 1 dogs. 2 of the cats have always been outside and the other cat was inside then we got him outside. that cat hasnt been around for awhile. he was always around the house but cant find him so not sure if something happened to him or he wondered off. i hope one day he will just show back up. the youngest cat my mom found him outside our fence. he was probably not even a month and looked very skinny. i started to feed him and in time he got healthy. when my mom brough him to me it broke my heart seeing how skinny he was. there are 2 cats that have been hanging around here and one of them or both of them are fighting with the youngest and i think they caused the second to oldest leave. the dog was abadoned he showed up at my mom old work and in a couple of days he was brought home. i am protective over my pets.
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• United States
19 Mar 07
thanks for saying that i do try to take care of my pets the best way i can. i dont have any kids so in away these are my children. alot of the pets we have been abadoned.
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• United States
26 Mar 07
There is a story behind each one of our animals, too. We try to do what we can for animals. Big animal lovers. LOL.
• United States
19 Mar 07
Your a caring mother. That's a great way to spoil your pets.
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@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
19 Mar 07
Our little tabby is definitely spoiled. She has her own little bed..but usually lies on our bed or our son's bed. She gets brushed which she loves. She gets a hand bath and her nails clipped. She gets treats everyday...and she gets hugged and kissed and played with...she is an indoor cat too...
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@Jshean20 (14348)
• Canada
19 Mar 07
Yes, my pets are spoiled to the point of it ALMOST being ridiculous! Our cats are pretty good about sleeping at the end of the bed at nights, but our dog moves about how every he feels like it. Often his leg will dig into our rib cages or his butt will flop down in our faces..haha. Anyways, there are times when my boyfriend and I cannot sleep comfortably with the dog there, so my boyfriend will get out of bed and sleep somewhere else rather than kicking the dog off the bed...haha- is this spoiled???
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• United States
19 Mar 07
Yes, that would be spoiled if your dog kicks your boyfriend out of bed... But is it bad that I totally understand that?
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• United States
19 Mar 07
I have two cats and they are both very spoiled, they have their own blankets (that are baby blankets), they sleep on them throughout the house (I have many), my bigger boy likes some people food so I cook him steak, chicken, bacon, and sometimes he will eat cream cheese (but I don't cook it, lol), they have a basket full of cat toys and they are loved all day long by me. Yes, I believe my cats are extremely spoiled.
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
19 Mar 07 Christmas time - This is my old man, he will be 11 in June. He is guarding the Christmas presents
My guys are not spoiled..they are just getting what they deserve. A nice warm bed, ok, a queen size thempurpedic memory foam bed..that they are nice enough to share with me. Dog cookies on demand, walks, carrots, popcorn...they are not spoiled.
• United States
19 Mar 07
They have it better than I do. Looking for a two-legged, old dog? LOL.
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• United States
19 Mar 07
All of my pers are completely spolied. i have 4 cats and 2 dogs, plus right now we are fostering 2 adult dogs and their new babies. As you can tell, we are animal lovers in my household.
• United States
19 Mar 07
We need more animal lovers in the world. They say you can tell a lot about a person by the way the treat their pets.
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• Philippines
19 Mar 07
It's my dad who does the spoiling.. He just loves our pet dogs.. There was a time when we had about 14 dogs at home because he refused to give away some of them when one of our dogs gave birth.. But of course my mum was able to convince him to get rid of the others after some time.. Right now, we have 4 dogs.. oh, i mean, 9.. One of the 4 just gave birth to 5 puppies yesterday.. My dad dots on them as if they are his kids.. He buys them food, vitamins, and other doggie stuff.. And the dogs, in turn, are crazy about him..
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• United States
19 Mar 07
Dogs usually like the ones who act like the alpha male, or controlling member of the pack. It's cool that they like your dad. I also think that guys wanna spoil the dogs more than women.
• China
19 Mar 07
I bought a little dog two months ago. I don't want to spoile her. I want to teach her something that I want her to do. For example,I teach her how to sit and when. Every time when she does what I say, I give her food as an award. Now, when I say to her,"Sit down and wait."she does it very well. Next time I want to teach her how to use my bath room. HeHe!
• United States
19 Mar 07
i have two pets and they are spoiled like their is no tomorrow. my dog is spoiled big time. she has her own bed and she has her cutel time with her mom. both of my animals have to get their food warmened up before they eat.
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• India
19 Mar 07
no never and i cant think of that but its something different.
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• United States
26 Mar 07
Thanx for the reply.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Hi Tweakpotter yes my 3 cats are spoied rotten. And I wouldnt have it any other way. And I call them my girls.LOL I never had children and I do consider my cats my children. They really do act like kids they are always getting jealous of each other if Im paying too much attention to one.LOL I find a lot of joy from animals.
@dfinster (3528)
• United States
20 Mar 07
My dog and my cat are both spoiled rotten,LOL! In fact my cat is sitting on my la right now as I'm typing this. The dog has his own big bed that he sleeps on on the floor in our bedroom. When my husband goes to work in the mornin the dog then jumps up and sleeps on the bed with me and the cat sleeps there all night with me.
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• United States
19 Mar 07
My dog is SO spoiled! I have a few clothing outfits for her, 3 leashes, she gets treats from us humans, her own dry food and wet food once a day. Plus TOYS. I just cant help it! I get her toys ALL THE TIME! *L* SO much she doesnt even know what to do with! Its truly too funny! :)) Yeah I love to spoil my little ones. I'd do the same for the cat but A)there ARENT enough cat toys she likes B)She doesnt usually like the ones I do get (she is more happy with a piece of fuzz or a tie from the bread then the catnip ones I get her *L*)
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• United States
19 Mar 07
I have the same problem with my cats. They don't really like toys. I bought these catnip scented bubbles, which I thought would drive them nuts, but it just scared them when the bubbles popped. I love them, but they are a little boring. LOL.
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• India
19 Mar 07
You are really a good care-taker.I do have pets but i do not give them that much freedom to enter my room.But i will play with him,i will entertain him but i do not allow him to cross the corridor into my house.I do this to keep my home clean,am i doing anything wrong???
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• United States
19 Mar 07
You keep your dog outside? I, personally, don't think that is good for a dog. They are a family member. Would you keep your kids outside? Domesticated animals need love and attention. They are different from wild animals that way. Most of the crave attention from people. Reggie just loves his people. He wants to be by us and doing what we are no matter what.
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• Sweden
19 Mar 07
I think you should give your pets much freedom, they are basically a family member, but maybe it isn't so good to have a cat in a leather sofa...
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• Philippines
19 Mar 07
i have a pet poodle and i love him that's why we, almost all of us in the family treat him like a family member, like a little brother boy.he gets to sleep in the couch, in our bed and is pampered every ones in a while. he is a very loving and sweet little pet and that is why we love him. he follows us everytime we go out of the house like a little fellow. he even goes with us when we go to a nearby store and just sits there waiting. it's great to have a pet and spoil him too!
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• United States
26 Mar 07
It makes me feel nice to be good to my pets.