NAIMA: my favorite model!

March 18, 2007 8:34pm CST
Naima really has it! I just love her style and her distinguishing factor and the "it" factor.. Her last runway show vs. Caitlin was awesome! She just totally rocked! Who's your favorite model in the previous cycles?
3 responses
10 May 07
My favorite was Eva from Cycle 3. Eva just has it all to me. From the very first episode of that cycle when she walked in the room, I said she's going to win. She had a bit of a chip on her shoulder at first and she was B---- but she came around and she gave YaYa a run for her money. I started out liking YaYa but she started getting on my nerves. Her got big and she felt the need to keep reminding everyone that she graduated from an Ivy League school. Be confident, not cocky.
• United States
8 Apr 07
I would say that Jaslene is my favorite model. I picked her b/c she never gave up. She came back again even after not making it the first time. She is flawless in pictures. She has a presence and seems like a fun girl.
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
naima was "fierce"! i also love eva. she was a b*tch at first butshe grew up on the show and became so nice at the end. but my favorite winner of ANTM is adrianne from season 1. i so love her! she's tall, has great body and face. she's also a rocker, andn i love that about her because i love music too! she also belongs to high-fashion models. she's just great for me (",)