In the name of Allah!
@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
March 19, 2007 12:15am CST
Shot dead! Three Buddhist women riding in the back of a pick up with seven other people, some of them children, on their way to a farm work project, were shot and killed by some brave Muslim riding on the back of a motorbike. Three others were injured. What a great act of courage in the name of Allah.
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7 responses
@judyt00 (3497)
• Canada
19 Mar 07
I hate to say it, but that thing is going on all over the world. whole parts of Africa are in turmoil because muslim clerics tell the "brave" young men that murdering women and children is a heroic act. Ane yet nobody hears muslim people crying out against this atrocity, but let one muslim man get caught and killed before he murders those children and every muslim in the world is outraged
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@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
19 Mar 07
Buddhism is second only to Jainism in deifying non-violence(Ahimsa). Thailand has been a welcoming country for hundreds of years where all faiths have been welcome and there has been peaceful co-existence.
In the last few years I have been watching with alarm and concern that the Muslim south has been listening to the rabid Wahabi mullahs and the beautiful, friendly, kind, hospitable country being turned into a mess.
I have great respect for your King Bhumibol Adulyadej in particular as well as Queen Aishwarya.... but these Moslems listening to a Muzzein from the desert have reared their ugly head.
It has become clear to me that though most of Thailand respects and venerates the King - who is able to resolve these issues when it comes to these muslims he is powerless.
With only 5% population, they can cause so much trouble.
My deepest condolences to the real Thais.
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@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
6 Oct 07
OK, its not going to help anyone if we go into the "My God is Bigger than Your God" contest here. If there's anything we need to look at - it is the socio-economic picture and ask ourselves why the Thai Muslims are causing so much problems in Thailand, a country that is for the most part very peaceful and peaceloving. I think we hit the socio-economic root of the problem we should be able to solve the problems - and for the record the top people in Thailand don't have too much of a problem with Muslims - General Sonthi who lead the coup against Thakshin is a Muslim - so why are his poorer bretharen fighting the rest of the system.
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
19 Mar 07
Thats very bad really. Islam does not allow killing anybody for no reason. The report you have mentioned starts with 'suspected', hence, it is still not knows if any Muslims really did these killings. But if they did, I dont think there is any reason for any Muslim to support such things.
@urbandekay (18278)
19 Mar 07
Correction, the Quran interpreted in one way does not advocate killing but Muslim leaders are teaching followers to hate and kill. Here in England one cleric has told his flock that they may arem themselves with knives and rob non-Muslims because the Quran tells them to take what they need from non-Muslims.
And peaceful Muslims, instead of condemning this, hide behind their mealy mouths and make apologies for their violent kin, soiling their own charactor by association
all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
19 Mar 07
Well, what about the Buddhists Naseem? Buddhists are noted for their peacefulness, will you condemn these Muslim murderers?
all the best urban
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@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
19 Mar 07
i would also like to read the article if you have the link please.
and ppl (muslims) wonder why a majority of ppl make snap decisions about them.
someone above stated that "you dont hear muslims saying anything against this" why is that?? IF the muslim community around the world does NOT condone this behaivior WHY DONT they denounce it??
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@Lailamaria (109)
• Sweden
19 Mar 07
I could answer in many ways,I come, among other things, to think of the age of Islam. It has reached the same age now, that christendom had when it started to conquer people, for exemple in South America, slaughtering the natives who didn't say they believe in Christ or refused to get baptised. The sun of the Christian Faith had almost set,fire red sky, but no warmth, no light. No love,only cruelty.
All since about the beginning of the 1800 hundreds christendom has declined, after those horrible times of inqvisition and conquerring, religion has been ridiculed, science has changed the entire global scene , and now in these modern times we see the same things happening in Islam that happened in christendom, and,or...that may mean that Islam will change too.Turn more modern.Leaving the Jihad phenomena. Holy War. There are modern thinkers who are moslems. We must not forget that.Otherwise it ill be shunned like the plague and bad jokes will continue surround Islam.I hope that will not develope for ever.The shisms between Islam and Christendom will deepen. What is the use of that. Look for signs o modernisation among the moselms instead. And NOW: TAKE A DEEP BREATHE:
I do believe in Muhammad (houghfw moslems would believe that). I don't care at all about His followers and what they do, what the selfappointed priests and their ignorant followers do in the name of Alla'h. I defend Muhammadand HAVE RECEIVED His friendship and mildness!!!! I have had a fine dream about Him, Well this is unheard of, but it has happened. I was very surprised, But it occurred because I am a Bahai.Then I read the Coran. It was a bit difficult though, the language. Perhaps the translation was bad. Many moslems have killed many Bahais too,thousands and they get imprisoned, are declared as outlaws,free to be killed in Iran, where Bahai comes from, but I am free to believe that Muhammad Himself was a Manifestation of God. He Himself never meant His followers to behave the way they do today.Only when you are attacked you can counter attack or meet that. Islam is old now, but the love and mercy fom Muhammad still exists. There is this way to find reconciliation between Faiths, trough my Faith. See my profile.
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@ernestyoung (59)
• India
21 Mar 07
India as all of you know is a contry with 13% MUSLIMS,2.8% cHRISTIANS and 2% all other religions and rest (more than 80%) hindus. Every day one or the other place in India would witness a communal riot and 99% of the time its between Hindus and Muslims. Hindus do live peacefully with Budhists and Christina to a large extent. When ever one talks about ongoing terroriesem world wide all the fingers point Muslims. If Jihad is killing innocents (The irony is even Muslims are killed in the explosions or attacks similar to 9/11) then I have suffcient reason to raise my eyebrows at Islam.
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
21 Mar 07
Oh yes. and what about the Babri Mosque. Where 200,000 fanatic Hindus geathered and in the presence of Law enforcing agencies dempolished an ancient mosque which had the court 'stay order'. This followed wide spread violance against Muslims throughout India. Leading to the killing ofthousands of Muslims women and children mainly. All this was done by the PEACE loving and law abiding hindus with full support of their government.
@coffeechat (1961)
• New Zealand
28 Mar 07
I have something very polite to say to Muslims in India (unfortunately Mahatma Gandhi could not say it then).
Pis* off to Pakistan - those monkeys deserve to have you there. Afterall you had the partition and were given every opportunity.
You Mossies in India are pestilence, because you have neither gratitude to the country that did not boot you out nor the minimum level of patriotism required of a citizen.
Mossies represent the fifth column in India - an it is a testimony to the restraint of the Peace and Non-violence of the Hindus and Buddists in India that you fellows are still alive.
@fibonacciZZZ (488)
• Indonesia
20 Mar 07
Uhmm... every religion have bad people. It didn't show that the religion teach anything wrong. I've read a news about a moslem killed by Hindu in India but I dont say that Hindu is bad religion.