I need some advice...PLEASE?

United States
March 19, 2007 1:19am CST
I have a six week old puppy that I have been bathing with flea shampoo to get rid of the fleas...but it seems about 4 or 5 days after I bathe him he gets those dark spots on him again that are the eggs...what can I do? I am using Sargeants shampoo on him now.But it seems I am having to bathe him almost two times a week. HELP!
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5 responses
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
Ever tried FrontLine Spot on? I've been using it for quite sometime now and it is really effective, though it's a bit expensive but your money's worth it!
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• United States
19 Mar 07
Hey if it works I'll use it...both this puppy & I are getting water logged...lol...thanks...I'll try it!
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
No problem, just be sure to apply it 2 or three days after bathing. After the application, bathe your pup two days after. Vet tells to have this procedure so that it'll work better
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@Willowlady (10658)
• United States
19 Mar 07
You could be poisoning that little puppy. You also have to deflea your home too. Better to bathe him in lemon dish soap since that will help to repel them as well as drown the adults. So find a way to rid the fleas in your house with vacumming and maybe even a flea bomb with proper precautions. I am hoping you haven't harmed the little puppy yet. Good luck.
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• Ireland
19 Mar 07
I think bathing a puppy twice a week is too often as it might make the skin very dry and irritable. There are powders available from your pharmacist and you could also try using a flea collar.
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19 Mar 07
You should go to the vet. A 6 week old puppy is probably too young for most of the stuff out on the market these days. Have you ever tried essential oils? If you want something over the counter, make sure it is safe for puppies. Your pup seems young to be away from its mother.
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• Grand Junction, Colorado
19 Mar 07
I was told by a vet that the flea shampoos can be very dangerous to your pet and to not use them at all. The vet has a one a month treatment that you put on the neck of the animal I think it's called something like advantage? that gets rid of them almost immediately I highly recommend it. Our kitten only needed one treatment as he is indoors and we have never had another flea and that was almost a year ago. It cost us like $15.00 for it but well worth it. Hope that helps! :)