My dog goes outside and comes back in smelling like trash.

United States
March 19, 2007 2:14am CST
Does anyone have a stinky dog? I have a big black lab. and she goes outside for 5 minutes and comes back in smelling like she rolled in the trash can. Anyone have this same problem?
1 response
• Philippines
19 Mar 07
Basically, labradors are very active dogs, I don't have the same problem but my lab is very acive and running in and out of the house all the time. I think you can solve this problem by giving her a good daily exercise and something to keep her busy like toys and stuffs. Also scold her and punish him a bit everytime she does a=this mischief so she won't do it, also make sure that she has your attention while you are scolding her.
• United States
19 Mar 07
indeed. i didnt know about the keeping them active. i know they love to play but didnt know that it would help with the smell. i will definitely give that a try. thank you.