Does anyone find it frustrating when the desperate housewives isn't new?

@Shababy (140)
United States
March 19, 2007 2:39am CST
I hate it when I watch an episode of desperate housewives and it ends with a great cliff hanger and I can't wait to see what happens next week and then next week it is an old episode. It seems to be happening less this season compared to last but it is so frustrating. My husband has actually gotten into the show and we watch it together and both check the dish network menu to see if it is new and get so frustrated if it isn't. Does this bother any of you?
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@jmcafam (2890)
• United States
19 Mar 07
This show is really good. For the past two weeks they have had reruns and I would like to see a new one. The thing about Housewives is they take a break but don't tell you when they are going to air new episodes. It would not be so bad if I knew when the new shows were going to start back up again. My hubby, like yours, likes this show too. Last night when we saw that it was a rerun again he got annoyed.
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