when you are deppressed what do you do?

@ruelou (263)
March 19, 2007 10:59am CST
every one of us experiences such deppresion in life right?... what do you do if you feel this way? i just go to shopping.
3 responses
@GurLee (70)
• Malaysia
30 Apr 07
When i'm deppressed i usually 1. listen to music. It does help to calm me down. 2. read books, inspiring books and those giving you motivation. 3. Turn to God, my parents or bestfriends. Share whit them what's bothering you, maybe they can give some advice. But by just having them around, listening is more than enough. At least you know, somebody cares for you. Love is what we need to heal a broken soul. peace =)
@bindishah (2062)
• India
30 Apr 07
Yes shopping definitely helps. I also listen to some soothing music. That calms my nerves and I feel better.
• Indonesia
19 Mar 07
yes , every people have experiences such as deppresion. sometimes it happend when we feel fail on our life or we cant solve our trouble. and when i feel deppresion i just listen slow music or go to other place that comfort like mountain, more close with nature, calm our mind and thinking better . it help me to solve my deppression. and always positive thinking. if your ways is shopping to solve your deppresion, just enjoy it, but then u must have solution for ur deppression. as long you re not yet finish your trouble that make u deppression , you will not feel comfort ... thanks