Dave Pelzer books have you read them - if not why not???????????????
By mummymo
@mummymo (23706)
March 19, 2007 11:14am CST
You know I have read a lot of books in my life but I don't think that any of them have touched me to the extent of Dave Pelzers firt three books ; ' A Child Called It', 'The Lost Boy' and 'A Man Named Dave'. I truly believe that these books should be mandatory reading for teenage kids at school as although following the horrific abuse he had to endure as a child, the many good and bad foster homes after his rescue from what must be one of the most horrific cases of child abuse I have ever heard of . and the difficulties faced by Dave Pelzer as a young man it also shows how these things can be overcome by perseverance, love and patience. The true story of David Pelzers journey right through his life is so moving, heart rending yet heart warming it is A MUST read! Have you read these books? If not I would highly reccommend them! If you have were you as moved as I was? Do you not respect and admire anyone who could come through the traumatic events of this life as a whole person?
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15 responses
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
20 Mar 07
I've got all of his books, and they are totally heart-wrenching, they are very profound, shocking and horrific and to actually read about what that poor boy went through at the hands of his mother, it made me so angry, anyone else would be hell-bent on revenge, the fact that he forgave his mum and walked away is a very deep emotional experience that no one can dream of. It was so sad and that he came out such a great person most people would have been sent to an ayslum for half of what he was put through, all that beating, torture and starvation and treated like a rat. It makes you think just how well you are and that you haven't experienced anything as to what he went through, every hour, every minute, every second was counted with fear and a living hell. Definitely inspiration, his books have helped me a great deal, and if anyone needed self help then I would strongly recommend his books every time.
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@mummymo (23706)
20 Mar 07
Wolfie, honey I should have known that you would have read those books, shouldn't I? You put it into words far better than I could and I agree with every word you said! More important , it is so good to hear from you my friend, been getting worried about you - was just going to send you a pm. Have you been in for your op yet or is it later this week? Hope you are ok and it is so nice to hear from you xxxx
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
19 Mar 07
Yes I've read all of these heartbreaking stories and have seen an interview of him on tv.Funny thing is that all of my kids have read them and each was brought to tears many times.Who said that boys and girls are that different.He mas risen above and that reminds me of another discussion...Mo the race is back on Honey
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@mummymo (23706)
19 Mar 07
ray - where do you get your energy from??? My eldest has started reading the first one but found it a bit painful so is waiting a few months and gonna start reading it again. Wow I would have loved to have seen the tv interview - I think he is a truly inspirational man!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
19 Mar 07
No I havbe not read them yet but I have seen them about
I might soon get them once I have finished my Collection on James Patterson and that lol
I am treating myself from E-Bay with my earnings lol and I really enjoy his Books and others.
Hugs to you
@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
20 Mar 07
I have never heard of Dave Petzer and that would be why I have never read his books, I shall have to have a look in the library or book store for his books as I do admire anyone that has come through a lot in their lives and me and my friend will also be writing similar books within this year when I have the time I shall start writing mine.
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@dana234 (2114)
• Spain
7 Aug 07
And there was me thinking that I knew quite a bit about literature. I should be a bit more humble. I´m afraid, I haven´t read Dave Pelzer´s books, because I´ve never heard of him. I don´t buy many books lately (lack of fonds), generally I get them from the library. They have a "foreign language section" but I´ve been concentrating more on books written in French than in English.
I will check if I can find Pelzer (it´s a huge library, so I´m quite sure they will have at least one of his books). What I´ve read here really got me interested.
Thanks for posting this here, dear. Great info!
Hope you´re ok.
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@mummymo (23706)
7 Aug 07
Great to hear from you Sweets - hope you are doing ok! You must be very good with languages dana - I would love to be able to read in different languages! These are factual books about this mans life as a child through to becoming a father and they are truly inspirational! You need to have several packs of tissues before you start to read though! xxx
@MindArchr (13)
• United States
8 Aug 07
Yes I read all three books. I don't think the last two should have been written to be honest, it all could have been compiled into one book. I was amazed at how he survived his ordeals, and commend him for coming forward to share his experiences with the world. It shines light on all those who may be in similar situations who believe there is no light at the end of the tunnel.
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@mummymo (23706)
8 Aug 07
Welcome to mylot mindarcher - I hope you love it here! I have actually read those 3 plus others! I am of the opinion that the other 2 books of these 3 are actually very important even if not quite so dramatic! It shows what the pitfalls are in this kind of situation and just how he managed to turn his life around! I believe these really are very inspirational books and as you say show others that their is hope and that they can lead a good life - I just wish we could stamp out child abuse altogether! xxx
@mummymo (23706)
19 Mar 07
Good to speak to somebody who has read his book! The next too are not quite as graphic but change as he grows! If you ever get the chance I'd read them - he has done another after that, and his brother Richard has written a couple, but I still think Daves first three are the most touching books I have ever read! Sorry for going on and on , just excited cos people usually say Who? He turns out real good and you are right , that is a miracle!
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
11 May 07
I have heard really good things about these books. I have put off reading them for fear of the emotions (and nausia) they my stir up in me. I do enjoy reading triumphant books about people who have overcome but my emotions are just whacky the past several years. I am sure I will read them some day.
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@Woodpigeon (3710)
• Ireland
11 May 07
I've got all three sitting on my book sheleves. He also wrote a really great self help book that I picked up at the library after reading the trilogy of his upbringing and it was very good, too.
It really was heart rending, wasn't it? I coldn't belivee the amount of abuse that poor child suffered.
@tdbrower1969 (1242)
• United States
5 Aug 07
I just read the first one last night, and have purchased the second one this evening and plan to read it tonight. These books were in the suggested readings for our foster/adopt process, so I ran out and bought the first one, I should have bought them both at the same time and saved myself a trip! I am still looking for the third one, WalMart did not have it on my trip tonight. I was just appalled reading the first one. It is amazing that he was able to live through that kind of abuse at such a young age! I know there are a lot of sick parents out there, and I also know that on this journey through the foster to adopt program that we will be learning alot more about sick parents. I want to be as prepared as I can be, and these books by Dave Pelzer are a step in the right direction I think. I am so amazed by him, and I have only read the first one. I am going now, to read the second one. I agree that these a really good books to read so that everyone realizes the extent these children who are abused have to cover up their home life and protect their families. It is a sense of honor for them to keep their secrets and this is a sad fact.
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@mummymo (23706)
5 Aug 07
Sweety I am so glad that you are reading these books - anyone who works with children should! If you were closer i would give you my copy of the third book - hope you manage to get hold of it - it really shows you the strength of the eeman! My sister has 3 biological children, has fostered for 27 years and has adopted 3 long term foster children! % of her kids are adults and living away from home which leaves her with a 13 year old and 4 younger foster children - and she still has my 2 to stay some weekends and for a week at a time during holidays! Seriously fostering/adopting can be hard work but also very rewarding and although many children have been through horrific experiences very few have been through so much as this amazing man! I wish you luck sweety - plpease let me know how you get on in the process ! xxx
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
30 Apr 07
I just posted a discussion about these books - I have learnt so much from them - they really touch the heart!!
I did see your discussion just after posting my own discussion about the same subject but maybe it is good to spread the word and the more people talk about it, the more the books will be read.
I sometimes go to his website an check if there is anything new there: www.davepelzer.com
@mummymo (23706)
11 May 07
Buenavida I could swear that I posted a response to you before - another one floating around cyberspace I suppose! lol On a community of this size it is inevitable that we will have similar postings and yes it is great to spread the word on this fantastic man and his inspirational attitude and books! Thanks for the website - I am going to check it out cos I have never seen it! xxx