Have you known Real Fear?
By feralwoman
@feralwoman (2199)
March 19, 2007 12:10pm CST
Or have you ever been in a situation where you have felt very vulnerable and alone, almost feeling like you are the only person on the planet?
I have a few times. Many years ago on my way to college a young lad came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go into the public toilets with him. I said no and he then produced a knife. I was so scared that he was going to stab me that I used some really rustic language very loudly and walked away, hoping that he wouldn't stab me in the back. I had the shakes all afternoon.
Another time was when I had a collision with a truck. I was on my way to a job interview of all things. I decided to overtake a slow moving lorry on a dual lane highway, but missed the sign that said my lane was coming to an abrupt end! Due to road works the lane had been closed and there was a very large pit I was about to drive into. I slammed on the brakes and skidded sidewards hitting the lorry at fairly high speed. The wing mirror flew off and luckily I didn't receive any injuries, but my lovely little mini did! I failed the job interview!
The last time was very recently when I smashed my wrist to bits. I ended up in a pile of rocks at the bottom of the garden after getting tangled up with one of my sheep. I shouted for help as I could hear neighbours' voices, but no one came. I've never felt so alone in all my life. It took me 10 mins to slowly get up to the house and call the ambulance, and when they came I had a complete and utter panic attack from sheer relief that somebody had come to help me. I felt so vulnerable sitting amongst the rocks. Sounds weird but I found that one really disturbing.
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15 responses
@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
19 Mar 07
I have been afraid many times. But the type of fear you are describing I am having a hard time coming up with examples. The only time I can remember being in morbid fear is when as a young teenager I went into the hen house to collect the eggs and when I turned around to walk out there was a black snake hanging in the door way and I was totally petrified to the point of not being able to move or think...I finally started screaming and the chickens started flying about, my mother came down and removed the snake. I have an unnatural fear of them still.
The thing about me is that I sometimes tend to forget what really makes me frightened. I know there have been times my boys or husband would be out of sorts and you get that nagging irrational fear that something is not right. I have even thought along these lines untill I felt paniced....then about the time I am ready to start calling the police they would wander in as if nothing in the world should be wrong.
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@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
20 Mar 07
I don't like snakes or spiders - they scare the crap out of me! lol. A few years ago now, our neighbours were doing some major landscaping to their garden. I was having a sticky beak at what they were doing, knocking down trees with bulldozers etc. I guess the noise must have disturbed some wildlife because I could see something moving in the woods at the bottom of our garden. When it appered I couldn't believe what I saw - it was a giant goanna/lizardy type thing - larger than a man, no kidding. I wish i'd got the camera, but I was frozen in fascination/terror! Thanks for responding Angelwhispers lol.
@haqueen (236)
• United States
20 Mar 07
i gues that was fear bt not reall real fear .......the real fear u can get in this world is BEING A WHITE MAN IN THE LOST IN THE DESERTS OF IRAQ...I KNOW SOME ONE WHO HAS BEEN THERE ....after uve seen most of this killing in iraq of the way the americen soldiers are being man slaughterd in there and u happen to be lost in one of the town in iraq ..that is the greatest fear a white man can ave......
the one who has been there was a reporter and now he does not know how to tell that stopry coz it still shakes him
@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
21 Mar 07
I agree that is absolutely real fear. I just don't know what to say about that one except the poor guy is lucky to be alive and that experience must certainly have scarred him for life. I think that is going to give me nightmares tonight it's so scary. Thanks so much for sharing that and thanks for responding. lol
@Gwapako_28 (2140)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
Yeah, i experienced it when i labor my kids. I feel like nobody can help except myself and God alone!I was really afraid because i know i need to be strong and positive in everything. Expecially the pain. I cant explain the feelings i have inside.And at the same time im not ready to die!Lol!But thanks God im okay!
@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
20 Mar 07
OOOh, now that's something i've never been through. You have a good attitude there, thank you so much for responding. lol
@liranlgo (5752)
• Israel
20 Mar 07
i must say you had some terrible stories hear
i don't know how i would react in such situations
and the third story i do understand you longliness when you are hurt and there is no there that is aware to that and could help
my story is totally different
it was about 6 months ago and the war has started in my country..but there was one part of the country that was effected by it..the part where my parents are my dearest friends and my brother..and i decided they need my help i just didn't realize what is war..i was through a few wars but always been at the shelter..but this time i took a texy from where i was to them..needless to say that it took me about 2 hours to convince a texu driver to take me there..and i thaught..wow people are a bit weird doing a big story out of it..it isn't first time so what is everyone so scared from..as we got nearer suddenly i hear the alert from the sirena.. we were pretty to close to my parents house but still on the highway..(yep that wasn't so smart..but the road was empty and fun to drive through..dah) so we ditched the car and layed down on the asfelt beneath the car as we heard the first boom..needless to say how i felt..i almost did in my..and my blood pressure went sky high..because when bobmbs start coming..there is no rules where they'll fell..well it ended o.k. i am here to tell this..but it is needless to say that i didn't leave the shelter for 2 month's after that experiance..and did not tell my parent's what has happend..
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@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
21 Mar 07
Geez liranlgo, that experience of yours gave me goosebumps all over. I cannot imagine being in a situation like that. What you must've thought lying under the taxi ... I really feel for you and all that is going on in your country - how I do wish it would all stop. Thank you so much for sharing that - stay safe and take care. lol
@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
20 Mar 07
Hello Aissha, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" as the saying goes! Thank you so much for responding lol.
@Noel47 (28)
• India
20 Mar 07
Fear these days has become integral part of my life.it must funny to you but iys true that i get scared for even small things like my love might leave me and go for no reasons.because i love her very much sometimes these dreams tend to worry me too much that tears start rolling from my eyes
and these days my dreams have gone out of bounds its too horrorfull too much of witchcrafts in it.but i never got scared of those.because in all those dreams i always used to try and escape from there.
very few dreams i get to remember as i wake up most of them i forget after i get up.my life grows from there asusual as if nothing has happened that night
@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
21 Mar 07
Hi there Noel, dreams are funny things aren't they? I wouldn't take them too seriously if I were you. I get recurring nightmares, but they have become a bit less frequent lately - don't worry about your love leaving you and perhaps your bad dreams will stop. Take care. lol
@gypsylady28 (945)
• United States
20 Mar 07
I think the most fear I have ever had so far in my life was during a storm when we were renting a trailer. I had already sent my daughter to school, my husband was at work, and me and my son (3 yrs. at the time) were home alone. We had a bad storm that woke me up with the trailer shaking badly and things flying past the windows. I grabbed my son and we sat in the bathtub for about 30 min. and the trailer stopped shaking. I had been through a tornado before when I was in my vehicle, but I was single then and never thought much about it. But with my son it scared me because I didn't know what to do to protect him in a trailer. Another thing I can think of is when I worked at the county jail and they brought a teenage boy through where I was working that had killed his parents in a very sadistic manner. When he looked at me it felt like pure evil. I didn't sleep good for a few weeks after that.
@diannebcrs (1549)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
don't you just hate it when you feel vulnerable in your own neighborhood? i was so used to going home late before because i've always felt safe there. then one night there was this band of drunk teenagers who seemed to be lost in their own world so i walked on. then suddenly they stopped and stared and to my horror the group leader started heading my way. he started to run towards me and he was slowly gaining pace and the space between us started to dwindle. i was so freaked out that they started to run towards. imagine you're all alone at 11 pm and there were these guys running towards you. anyway you can just imagine my relief when my grandma came out. she was riding a cab and came close to running them over. that was really scary!
@marief2rnurse (2704)
• United States
20 Mar 07
Yes I have unfortunately. And every time I felt alone. I don't want to get into details but I'm glad I got over those times and know that I came out a better person and not a looney. I think everyone has to go through things like that, it's part of life. How you survive it and rise above it is what matters most.
@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
20 Mar 07
I completely agree with you there. It's all part of life and a learning process. It makes you stronger as a person. Thank you so much for responding. Take care. Lol
@manmaxman (850)
• India
20 Mar 07
yes i also feel the real fear when i have face to face with snake i thought that i was gone i cant be alive that snake is very big and dangerous and ready to hit me that was realy a great fear when i though about that scine today also i ful with fear
@kurtbiewald (2625)
• United States
20 Mar 07
like 10 years ago I was awake for 10 days or so
went really crazy and landed in a psych hospital, some of the stuff I saw there and what was happening in my mind at the time scared me, I didn't expect to live, and I didn't expect to ever get better, the doc told me I wouldn't ever get better
after that pretty much nothing scares me much
I was pretty strong before that, rock hard now.
Whatevr I have to deal with.
@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
20 Mar 07
Hi there, that's amazing staying awake for 10 days. It reminds me of when I was in the psych hospital many years ago. As you say, some of the stuff you see going in there is really freaky. I'd see people going totally berserk, people before and after they'd had ECT - after they were like zombies. Well you did get better - i'm glad, that must've been a very scary and confusing time for you. Experiences like that do make you stronger. Thank you so much for your response. Take care. lol
@c2adams2 (351)
• United States
20 Mar 07
There have been two times in my life...and they both had to do with my daughter.
The first time was her first cornea transplant. I had a horrid dream the night before about complications with anestesia. We went to the hospital, and they were redoing their waiting room so they gussied up the lobby and filled it with tables and chairs. The transplant took four and a half hours, at which time a surgical tech came to the waiting room to get me. My husband remained behind with my son as I followed this man back to a small-sound proof room. I asked him--"Is my daughter ok?" He replied that I would have to wait for the surgeon, at which point he shut me in this room. I was scared enough that I didn't know what was going on, but even worse, they put me in a SOUND PROOF ROOM, and I automatically thought...why sound proof? They left me alone in this room for thirty minutes, of which I spent twenty-five crying, only to find out that my baby was fine!!
The second time was just a couple of weeks ago. I had caught a viral infection. My son caught the same infection, sick for three days but just normal kid sick. Then my daughter came down with it. She was running a fever Tuesday morning, and I called the doctor, but her symptoms were the same as my sons, so we decided to wait it out. Then on Thursday night her eye (the one with the transplant) turned bright red, including the lid. We made an appointment with her specialist (100 miles away) for the next morning. She didn't drink when she woke up, but sometimes it takes her a while to wake up, so I didn't really freak out about it. I didn't realize until we got all the way to the specialist that there was a serious problem. We did the appointment and came all the way home, at which point I took her to the pediatrician, who sent us to the hospital. She didn't eat or drink for five days. The only time she woke up was when we poked at her, and she was asleap within moments. It took four days of hospitalization and tests before they could figure out what was wrong with her. She had a herpes sore on her eye from the transplants and steriods, and the doctors were begining to believe that the herpes had moved into her brain! I have never been so terrified, but she is better now, thank heavens, and I hope to never be this afraid again!
@feralwoman (2199)
• Australia
20 Mar 07
Man, your poor daughter has been through the wringer. I do hope she's better now. Being shut in a sound proof room in itself sounds really frightening let alone waiting for half and hour for someone to come and tell you what's happening. Man, that's so inconsiderate. Thanks for sharing that. Hope all stays well with your daughter. Thank you so much for responding. Take care, lol
@artist_by_blood (20)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
I was attacked by an eveil spirt called incubus. It happened one Sunday afternoon when i was slowly waking up. My eyes gradually opening and as i was trying to get out of bed, i couldn't move a muscle. It was as if i was tied to my bed. Then i could hear a soft-spoken voice rambling rapidly to me. I turned my head with much effort to follow where the coice was coming from. I could see an image of a spirit sitting on top of my stomach. Freaked out, i was trying to scream but my voice failed me, nothing came out of my throat. I struggled to get free but the incubus was too strong. It's the same feeling a female victim feels when she's about to be raped. For the next minutes, i kept on and on struggling and fighting him. While he kept on rambling words i couldn't understand. Until he disappeared and i was free. I ran out of my room terrified with what had just happened. And that's just one of the stories i had experienced with the spirits and ghosts.
@Robyn28 (384)
• Canada
20 Mar 07
Hi Feralwoman
Your not alone I've been through alot in my life as well. I've had a knife taken to me and I've had alot other stuff happen to me. I've never been into a car accident ,but I remember how scarred I was at the time and I was shaking all over and the worst part is I thought it was a friend they did other stuff to me that night I got a restraining order ,but when I wrote about what happened I was still shaken up I ended up with a back eye walked into school and people were like who's the guy who did that to you? I was like it was a friend a girl they were shocked I guess she wasn't a real friend. I know that now I was young I was 19 or around there it's almost ten years ago it really affected me back then. Trama seems to do that I can some what know what you went through I'm going to be 28 and I've seen alot take care
@spiritwolf52 (2300)
20 Mar 07
Being a woman in the States makes one easy prey. I was walking to the bus stop early one morning on my way to work. A man came out of the parking lot asking me for the time. Alarms bells went off as this guy had a watch one. I tried to walk past him but he wouldn't let me. Before I knew it I was on the ground. I noticed curtains moving in a nearby house. No one was going to help me. I was on my own with a nut case. I know we were always told not to fight, but fight I did. I don't believe in going down without a fight, to defend myself. I could discribe this pig down to his socks, but the police never caught him. Well, truth be known, they didn't bother looking. The first thing they said to me was "Did you say no to your boyfriend? Did you not want to give him any?" Needless to say I have no respect for the law. I had to move as I saw the same guy walking down the street the next week.
I've had other close calls. Safety reasons had me moving to Alaska. I would rather face a bear than a pervert.
I was living in Georgia in a trailer when I heard this weird roaring sound. I headed for the nearest ditch as a tornado was coming up our road. It is a strange feeling seeing your shed blown to pieces not too far away from you. I didn't bother the trailer, but everything else that was in its path lay in ruin.