Whats the story behind your picture/Avator

@smithy86 (137)
March 19, 2007 3:00pm CST
Why do you choose the photos you have as your main display. Mine is a picture of an irish dancer with butterfly wings. I was searching for irish pictures because i was looking at getting a tattoo and this is what came up. The picture attached also came up lol
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7 responses
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
20 Mar 07
For me I personally prefer to have a pic of me, then people can see the face behind the discussions. Trouble is with computers is that people sit behind them and are totally anonymous, it's nice to see, and more personal to see the face behind the discussions and it makes it more friendly. That is me, a recent pic which I had published with my beloved cat Zeus, just one of four cats in the family. I know I shouldn't have favourites but he is my baby.
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@mummymo (23706)
19 Mar 07
Well as I think of my kids being my world mine is a picture of one of my two (not saying which one) in my tummy! Sums up mummymo!
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@smacksman (6053)
19 Mar 07
Mine is a picture of 122 year old Essex Smack I sail on. Built by Aldous in Brightlingsea, Essex in 1885 for oyster fishing, sprats and herrings and frankly anything that would earn a bob or two. Brightlingsea church has a series of plaques round the wall commemorating the deaths of all the fishermen lost over the years, men and boys, sometimes a whole family of men. A hard life in those days.
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19 Mar 07
My dragon is special to me because it symbolises quiet strength and power. Dragons have always facinated me, I have a dragon tattoo on my upper arm and a collection of dragons in my house.
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@gsmile88 (151)
• Canada
19 Mar 07
Mine is a model. I forgot which one, though. I think it was Jessica Stam. I made it in photoshop.... I love Jessica Stam's pictures. =] (try googling her. She's amazing.)
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• United States
20 Mar 07
Just the most recent of me
• Romania
20 Mar 07
Mine is a picture of myself that best describes my inner nature, a playful and romantic guy, enjoying the simplest things in life, trying to keep a positive attitude, regardless what life has to offer.