Why on Earth Do I Have to Always be the Better Person?????

United States
March 19, 2007 8:26pm CST
I have two beautiful daughters and one REDICULOUS ex husband. My ex husband is 10 years older than me yet somehow I am always the one wishing he would grow up! He hasn't paid me child support since December. His reason? Well he had another child, his mother got divorced and he got fired. Now, his mother lives in another country, he does not support his other child and he was the idiot who got himself fired from his job of 7 years. I have filed through the state child support office and was awarded a decent amount of child support, the issue is collecting it. My problem is this, my ex is always telling me how it is so hard for HIM to get by (even before he got fired from his job where he made almost 3 times the money that I do a year). The crazy thing to me is that here I am struggling to get by and not have my children go without or notice that anything is different, and he sits oblivious to what is going on. This I'm sure is because as he has said before "I know you will make sure they are taken care of". What kind of jerk says that when it comes to his kids? And still as much as I hate him and he makes my life miserable, he still gets to take the kids once a week with little to no complaints from me about money. Most of the other mothers I know think I'm crazy for still allowing him to see them. I just know that they love him dearly, and it doesn't matter how hard he is making my life now they are still going to love him, and I will never purposely tarnish his image in their eyes. Hopefully one day when they are old enough to understand all of this they will know what kind of a man he really is and think "wow, I never knew" But still be smart enough to never allow someone like him into their lives. Whew! That felt great to get that off my chest.
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1 response
• Canada
27 Mar 07
You are doing the right thing by allowing your kids to go to there dad they will see what a jerk he is as they get olderand realise the sacraficces you have made for them. i do not know the laws there but here it is your first family first then if you start a second then they are treated second. I did what i felt was needed for my kids and made sure they got what they needed and then some. while my Ex never has money or can afford her share of the expensise for the kids but her and the new hubby go on 2 vacations a year to exotic places for 2-3 wks and leave kids behind. they go otu on the town every weekend and order take out half the time. But there is never money left for sport registration or sports gear, team travel adn the like. But every six months or so she has the ability to drag me to court to revisit the childsupport agreement been 6 times so far the last time she finally showed up and claimed finacual hardship again so now gotta do full disclosure again. I just wish peopel would do the right things to the little people they brought into the world.