Are couples giving up on their marriage to quickly?
By 66jerseygirl
@66jerseygirl (3877)
United States
March 19, 2007 10:11pm CST
It seems to me that people are giving up on their marriages too quickly.I am single and have never been married(engaged twice though) but I have been curious if there are others out there that agree with me.
Couples seem to want a divorce the minute the arguments start and don't even bothering trying to save it by going to a marriage counselor.I have known a lot of people who have divorced over the years and not one of them ever tried to save their marriage .I don't understand that. People nowadays seem to think it's no big deal to break a wedding vow whether it's to"forsake all others" or "til death do us part".I happen to think that marriages are important enough to save but others apparently don't even think it's worth the try. What do you think?
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18 responses
@WeenitsMom (492)
• United States
20 Mar 07
Perhaps I am putting word in your mouth and if so, i apaolize, but do you mean that people don't care about anyone but themselves or that everyone is looking for instant gratification? If you mean the former -- would be forced to disagree with you. if you mean the latter 00 I would have to agree with you.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
20 Mar 07
I don't agree with you that no one cares. there are people that care,it's just that people focus too much on the negative instead of the positive
@Nagareru (306)
• Peru
20 Mar 07
i think it does, it seems that just for the first fights they want to end the relationship. But not always, the problem comes when the decision is too early, everyone knows those true stories about couples with just weeks of knowing each other gettin married. I think for a couple to marry very much time needs to pass, because marriage is not a game, you cant be marrying and divorcing all the time. I think the society has concerned on the early education and has let the late education aside, this is a problem because intern problems affect the peoples development and within the country and all the world society.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
20 Mar 07
YOu are so right. Marriage is supposed to be a life time committment and i don't know why people feel the need to rush things. I would love to be married but I'm certainly not gonna rush myself into it.People should take their time to really know each other and give themselves time to think about if they really want to make such a committment!
@jhartana (1084)
• Australia
21 Mar 07
Well to be honest during the first year of marriage I argued a lot to my wife and I even have a thought to divorce. I know I hate to divorce but I always came quickly to realization that that was not the way to get over it. I still love my wife a lot and she meant a world to me, so that is why I can't divorce her. She still love me so much and she don't want to be separated from me. Both of us were trying really hard to adapt to our weaknesses and bad habits, we made improvements and we managed to reduce the frequencies of word-fightings. We're now in the second year of marriage and we seem to understand each other.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I am so glad that you are working out your problems .Marriage is so important and it is really nice to know that there are people out there who still take the marriage vows to heart.
@nicalycab (30)
21 Mar 07
Yes, I think that some people do take marriage far too lightly. They figure, "Well, if it doesn't work, I'll get a divorce". Being divorced isn't something to be proud of!
I've been with the same guy for over six years now. He "proposed" this year and gave me an engagement ring - but even though I accepted I still don't know if I could marry him. Personally, I would never get a divorce. When I get married, it's for good. We have been fighting for nearly six years about basic things that most couple would break up over (from things like how we like to keep house, finances, all the way down to basic personality traits like he's an extrovert / outgoing and I'm an introvert / shy). But, we love each other, so we stay together.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I know. The way people take their marriage vosw so lightly really angers me. Marriage is an important institution and should be treated better.
I can see why you aren't sure about marrying your fiance.If you marry ,the arguments may even be worse and it wouldn't be so easy to walk away then.I hope you make sure it's really what you want and if you do decide to marry,I wish you the best of luck
@motherof35108 (192)
• United States
21 Mar 07
yes some people do give up on thier marriage to soon. i have a question for everyone on this matter. i have been married only once in my life time and i hope to get married agian, but thier a lot of things that i need to work on in my life before i alow anyone ever agian to take my heart and then tear it to pieces
i was with my ex for 10 years. when i met him thier was a diffrent side of him that i never knew. i was pregnant with our first child. that is when the side that i never knew about came out on him. i tried for years to work on our marriage. he wanted nothing to do with that. he would say that thier is nothing wrong and why let someone tell us how to run our life. so i gave in to him and well things got even worse than i ever expected them to be. i finally came to my sences when my 3 year old at the time told me mommy i do not want daddy liveing with us anymore because he does nothing but hurt you. so what would you do on this matter.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I think you did the right thing by leaving your husband. You wanted to get help with your marriage but he didn't think your wishes were important enough to consider so I say you are better off without him.You did your best and that's all that matters.
As for getting married again,there's nothing wrong with that.Just take your time with the guy and make sure he is really the one. If you really want to be sure,I wuold live together for awhile to see how it works out
@aprilsong (1884)
• China
21 Mar 07
hi,friend.what you said is true.there are more and more people get divorced.well, i think that is because what true love know,we have a sentence in one of our chinese says" what i think the most romantic thing is :even i were too old to walk, you still regard me as your apple in the eyes."is it touching?it is true couples quarrel after marriage.there be difference between us,but if we resort to divorce when we quarrel.then how many marriage can last.we should know how to understand our mates.especially after we have know,having a complete family is vital to kids.lacking of love can destory a kid and then do harm to the agree?
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
21 Mar 07
I agree with you. Not all, but a lot of couples decide to divorce and don't care how it affects the children as long as they are getting their way.Divorce is very traumatic to a child and I know from news ,etc that a lot of kids who had divorced parents always felt like it was their fautl
@mrsjumppuppy03 (3301)
• United States
21 Mar 07
yes, divorce is too easy to obtain these days. When the tough times, come, the general conscenses is lets head for the high road. It is hard, people don't want to work on it, marriage is becoming expendable. Sorry!.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Divorce is way too easy to get. I think if people want to divorce,they should have to wait a certain period plus get marriage counseling to see if the marriage can be saved-unless the woman is being abused then she be allowed to divorce quicker
@kastor003 (364)
• India
20 Mar 07
yes,i agree with you about the rate at which marriages are being broken these days today that level of commitment and understanding is not there among the couples the European and
American countries were always famous for high rate of divorces but now in asian countries like India where marriages hold a special place in life and is a holy commitment, divorce rate is high and you can easily find people with one or two broken relationships.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
20 Mar 07
Unfortunatley I have heard about high divorce rates spreading to other countries.Sometimes I want to knock some sense into people.There are people like me that would love to have a relationship but get find anyone then you have these people who take theirs for granted and want to throw it away to go the next one
@diannebcrs (1549)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
marriage is not that easy and it takes a lot to keep it together but it's actually possible if the two people involved put their hearts into solving marital issues. i've never been married either so i guess i wouldn't be able to know why people get divorced and how tough it really is to keep it together. but my parents have stuck together in good times and bad. and the bad times were really BAD but they sailed through life together. and marriage counselors are there to help. it's just sad to see marriages fall apart. and yeah, whatever happened to the vows made.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
20 Mar 07
Good response! If people would try to get help with their marital difficulties,a lot of marriages would probably get saved but they don't try or wait til it's too late
@langhua (501)
• China
20 Mar 07
I think marriage is holy. Everyone should treat it severiy.when we are single , we often think a fat lot of the marriage. When we have a boyfriend or a grilfriend ,tardily we think this question. Before marriage we consider minuteiy, we must be love each other .After marriage we shoud show consideration for each other.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
20 Mar 07
Amen! It should be holy but to a lot of people it's just a game.people who are in good marriages and work to keep it together are really special
@wisedragon (2325)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
Yes, I have noticed that nowadays marriages seem to be so fragile. There are so many divorces, annulments, separations, cheating, not only in showbiz couples but also in ordinary non-showbiz people. It's sad. The innocent victims are the children left with a broken family.
Problems will always arise and the husband and wife should try to work it out first. Ending the marriage should be the last resort.
I'm a 30-year-old guy, still single, not rushing into marriage. I'm building a strong foundation for our relationship first. If and when we do get married, it will last forever.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
20 Mar 07
I'm glad you mentioned the children. I have noticed that too.With married couples,a lot of times they want to divorce and don't even consider what it's gonna do to the kids and I think that's a darned shame.
I think you are really smart not to want to rush into marriage.It's such an important decision and not one to be made lightly or at the spur of the moment.
@JediSkipdogg (169)
• United States
20 Mar 07
The problem is this day and age too many people are getting married for the sake of it. They aren't doing marriage for the Christian faith or for God. Then when problems arrise God isn't there to help with the problem. More people need to understand what the true value of marriage is in life. Until then, this world will jsut be in a downhill spiral since divorce adds nothing but financial burden to people and the economy.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
20 Mar 07
You got that right! People have a tendancy to forget that God is the reason for marriage in the first place!
@mykykko (424)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
yes,i agree to that!i actually experienced that so many times husband and i both know that we have diffirent point of views,different likes and dislikes,beliefs etc.he has so many bad habbits which are the reasons of our fights.lately we've talked and discuss about those things and we agreed that we will try to work things out for the sake of the years we have together and of course for our little angel.
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
20 Mar 07
I am so glad that you are trying to work things out.I will certainly be keeping my fingers crossed that they will .Good luck!
@spiritwolf52 (2300)
20 Mar 07
People tend to jump too fast into marriage. Married life is not always easy. It takes a lot of work. Sometimes personalities clash. You need to work through your problems. Don't give up so soon! It seems that some people are in more of a hurry to get a divorce than they were to tie the knot in the first place. Marriage takes commitment, time and understanding. I got married in 2001 and moved to another country to be with my hubby. I have always told him, our marriage is forever.
Some people get married for all the wrong reasons. A few years down the line and they think they are missing out. No more going out with the boys, or traveling or just doing whatever you want to. If you want that lifestyle, then don't get married.
Personally, I like sharing my life with the man I love. There's nothing like it, my life has purpose and direction....
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
20 Mar 07
Hi,Spiritwolf!I loved your response!Couples should work through their problems instead of being ready to divorce as soon as they start arguing.I really think people should have to go to a marriage counselor before the law would even consider allowing them to end it-unless there was physical or verbal abuse involved
@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
For me, marriage is a sacred thing, and you will not be in it until you are not ready for sacrifice and pain and also happiness. Its all part of the confident that you are ready for all the trials with a partner. I know other people do it when they are madly inlove with each other. All of their thinking is to choose marriage. they never understand that people change even their partners. And even their partners can hurt them. so i think i will not entering any obligations and commitments if i am not sure about it. i have to know my partners and he's weaknesses also. and the important thing for me, i have to love him and he love me with all of his life.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
20 Mar 07
What a wonderful response! Thanks ! I agree with you completely that marriage is a sacred thing and that people should not rush into it just because they are madly in love.They should wait for awhile to see if love is true and stable.
@devildinesh (183)
• India
20 Mar 07
Yes i agree with you.I too wonder why they give up so easily that they dont even think of a counseling.I think most of them have forgot the past and they think it is a trend to divorce even on small quarrels.According to me ego plays the major role in separating them so quickly...
@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
20 Mar 07
I wonder the same thing.There are so many single people like me who would love to be in a relationship strong enough to lead to marriage but these people their away their marriage like it's nothing. I really do admire the few that do try to save the marriage
@juliaandrea_a (349)
• Philippines
20 Mar 07
I don't agree with you coz not all couples are giving their marriage up so quickly, but most of them are especially the celebrities. It seems they think they can easily get over it and a new partner will come along soon. Because as I have observed, many couples are breaking up their marriage and after less than a year they will emerge and a new partner will comes along.
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@66jerseygirl (3877)
• United States
20 Mar 07
You misunderstood what I said.I was talking about in general.When i said no one worked their problems out,I was talking about people I personally know.I know there are people that try to work their problems out,unfortunately,not enough