Is an early positive on a pregnancy test usually a good sign?

Positive test at 12dpo - Two days before the "test on this date" date!
@ragmama (536)
United States
March 19, 2007 10:20pm CST
With my daughter, I didn't get a positive pregnancy test until I was a day late. This time, the test turned positive four days early. Is a dark line on the test so early on a good sign? (Or is it just wishful thinking on my part?)
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8 responses
24 Mar 07
Tests are alot more sensitive to lower amounts of hormones. But I can't help wonder that you are more pregnant than you think you are. For example with all of my pregnancies I had a period. It was only due to other symptoms I discovered I was pregnant! Good luck and congratulations on your happy news!
@ragmama (536)
• United States
25 Mar 07
Thanks, I think you "got" my meaning best. ;) I'm fairly confident of my dates - we've been trying for this babe for a full year, charting temperatures and using Clomid. I guess there's always a chance, though...stranger things have happened, right?
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25 Mar 07
I shall keep my fingers crossed for you! Good luck and congratulations!
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
20 Mar 07
Supposedly, you cannot have a wrong positive pregnancy test. Definitely retest in a few days to be sure. When I was pregnant with my son, my first test looked similar to yours - I took it about a week and a half before my period was due.
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@ragmama (536)
• United States
20 Mar 07
Oh, I'm not worried about the test being inaccurate - I've taken more than one. Just wondering if the early positive generally means that hormone levels are high, things are going well, etc.
• United States
25 Mar 07
False positives are VERY rare. So I'd say youre pregnant. Congrats!!! A false negative is more common. I had one with my daughter. Good luck to youuu!
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@jolanda33 (720)
• Netherlands
20 Mar 07
well i think you have a lot of hormons already! i did a pregnancy test after 10 days and still the line was very thin! if you had done the test four days later you had the same answer, so don't worry and congratulations!
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• United States
20 Mar 07
well i think its doubtfull that the test is wrong since it has to pick up the pregnancy hormone to even test positive, which would mean either you are deffinately pregnant or the test was faulty to begin with. id just try retesting again to see and if that one comes up positive as well, call your dr and get an apointment and congratulations!!
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
21 Mar 07
Tests have become more sensitive now than they were even just a couple years ago. Some brands can detect even lower levels of HCG than others, meaning you can test even before your missed period. It's very rare to have a false positive.I'd say you can be very confident that you are pregnant.
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@birthlady (5609)
• United States
1 Apr 07
Pregnancy tests CAN be inaccurate. Why would it be bad to show early? It just means that pregnancy hormones are in your body.
@stacy624 (2776)
• Canada
25 Mar 07
When I would do my test days early before my period I would get a strong line and I have 7 beautiful healthy babies....Good Luck and Best wishes Stacy